Wow long name. Okay, let's start by saying I love Maybelline mascara. The only time I usually use anything else is if it came with a free gift from a department store. Nothing against Clinique or Estee Lauder mascara but I've never seen how they are any better than Maybelline and they are at least twice as expensive. My feeling is if you can get a great product for around $8 why spend $20 plus?
That being said I was inspired by my recent writer's club meeting. A woman there had on royal blue mascara. I liked it because it was unexpected.
So off to CVS I went. Unfortunately as far as I can tell Maybelline does not make colored mascara. So I settled for the Almay mascara mentioned above. I'm not a blue girl so I chose the Purple Amethyst and as an added bonus apparently this brings out my eye color.
The pros: the mascara goes on and comes off easily. No eye make-up remover needed. Also, it didn't clump on me even after I added multiple coats.
The cons: It's not my blackest black Maybelline? Actually this is a complaint. It's so subtly purple you can't even tell and on my naturally black lashes it looks almost brown - and if you know me you know that I detest brown mascara (it might be okay for people with pale lashes but bring on ultra-black for me). In Almay's defense this mascara would probably be okay on someone with fair lashes (or someone who doesn't like to use the darkest mascara known to mankind).
The first day I wore it by itself (two coats on all lashes top and bottom). When I grilled my husband he couldn't even tell it was purple and in his defense I had to test it on my hand to be sure it was. Today I tried layering it over my black mascara. I'm pretty sure I'm going to try to exchange it for a new tube of my Maybelline Intense XXL.
On a side note and an unofficial review. I also bought Almay intense i-color bring out powder shadow. Seriously, they need to work on their names - well known make-up colors always have short quirky names not names that take half a sentence to write. I didn't like the color choice for brown eyes so I bought the one for green eyes - its two green powder shadows and one purple. I need to try it again but the day I wore it, the colors go on pretty intense and then faded to almost nothing by the end of the day. I will say it didn't crease (just like their website promises). Anyway, I'm going to say this is unofficial since I've only tried it once but once I play with it some more I'll give a final verdict.
So my quest for a colored mascara continues. I'll keep you posted on what I find.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thankful 30
I'm thankful I did 30 days of thankful. Redundant? Maybe. Truthful? Yes. I started this idea as a prompt to keep writing everyday and ended it realizing it helped me become more grateful.
I've always been one of those glass is half full kind of people. I don't understand glass is half empty people (life is never as bad as you think it is). I look at life through Pollyanna glasses and I'm okay with that. Writing 30 days of Thankful has made me realize that I have a lot of things to be thankful for - some serious, some silly and some just things that mean something to me. I hope you had the same experience. I hope you learned something about yourself and your life in the process.
So to wrap it up I've got a few things that didn't get crammed into the 30 days but I'm still just as thankful for because why stop at 30...
- That my parents taught me how to save money. In today's economy and world it's silly not to be taking care of yourself. I don't care how much you save a month but make an effort to put something away.
- That my parents taught me the importance of buying what you can afford and not charging things you can't. I didn't appreciate it when I was younger that I had to save half my allowance and learn to budget but I sure appreciate it now.
- That I am not an heiress (okay I wouldn't complain if I was) but I understand the value of hard work and earning your own way. Nothing in life is free. Sure Paris Hilton has a cushy life but I like looking in the mirror at the end of the day and know that I paid for (and not Daddy's credit card) my house, my furniture, my clothes etc...
Enough with the money theme.
- I'm thankful that I can laugh at silly things.
- I'm thankful that I'm grown up enough to know when to act like a grown-up and when to act like a kid.
- I'm thankful that I still think it's okay to dance around your family room like an eight year old. Nothing is more stress reducing than trying to teach C to dance to my favorite Britney tune blasting out of my stereo. Sorry neighbors!
- I'm thankful for a glass of wine on Friday (or Tuesday) just to relax.
- I'm thankful for bubble baths spent reading trashy magazines.
- I'm thankful for all the people that read my blog. Feel special? :)
- I'm thankful for my car - it may not be the fanciest thing on the block but it gets me to where I need to go.
- I'm thankful for my house. 100 and some houses later it may not be perfect but I'm determined to get it there. And my friend S was right - you know when it's the one.
- I'm thankful for the fact that I've lived in different cities - so what if it wasn't Milan or London. Moving out of my hometown gave me the opportunity to meet new people, try new things, and grow as a person. There's no place like home but now home is fluid to me. I can see my hometown from the outside flaws and all. I can see my past home cities and look back with sadness that I no longer live there.
- I'm thankful that I'm learning to take more chances. Sometimes you just have to leap.
That's enough for now. So I hope you enjoyed this as much as I have. I'm thinking it might be a yearly event. And don't despair I have an idea for December but for that you'll have to wait until tomorrow.
I've always been one of those glass is half full kind of people. I don't understand glass is half empty people (life is never as bad as you think it is). I look at life through Pollyanna glasses and I'm okay with that. Writing 30 days of Thankful has made me realize that I have a lot of things to be thankful for - some serious, some silly and some just things that mean something to me. I hope you had the same experience. I hope you learned something about yourself and your life in the process.
So to wrap it up I've got a few things that didn't get crammed into the 30 days but I'm still just as thankful for because why stop at 30...
- That my parents taught me how to save money. In today's economy and world it's silly not to be taking care of yourself. I don't care how much you save a month but make an effort to put something away.
- That my parents taught me the importance of buying what you can afford and not charging things you can't. I didn't appreciate it when I was younger that I had to save half my allowance and learn to budget but I sure appreciate it now.
- That I am not an heiress (okay I wouldn't complain if I was) but I understand the value of hard work and earning your own way. Nothing in life is free. Sure Paris Hilton has a cushy life but I like looking in the mirror at the end of the day and know that I paid for (and not Daddy's credit card) my house, my furniture, my clothes etc...
Enough with the money theme.
- I'm thankful that I can laugh at silly things.
- I'm thankful that I'm grown up enough to know when to act like a grown-up and when to act like a kid.
- I'm thankful that I still think it's okay to dance around your family room like an eight year old. Nothing is more stress reducing than trying to teach C to dance to my favorite Britney tune blasting out of my stereo. Sorry neighbors!
- I'm thankful for a glass of wine on Friday (or Tuesday) just to relax.
- I'm thankful for bubble baths spent reading trashy magazines.
- I'm thankful for all the people that read my blog. Feel special? :)
- I'm thankful for my car - it may not be the fanciest thing on the block but it gets me to where I need to go.
- I'm thankful for my house. 100 and some houses later it may not be perfect but I'm determined to get it there. And my friend S was right - you know when it's the one.
- I'm thankful for the fact that I've lived in different cities - so what if it wasn't Milan or London. Moving out of my hometown gave me the opportunity to meet new people, try new things, and grow as a person. There's no place like home but now home is fluid to me. I can see my hometown from the outside flaws and all. I can see my past home cities and look back with sadness that I no longer live there.
- I'm thankful that I'm learning to take more chances. Sometimes you just have to leap.
That's enough for now. So I hope you enjoyed this as much as I have. I'm thinking it might be a yearly event. And don't despair I have an idea for December but for that you'll have to wait until tomorrow.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Book Review: The Wet Nurse’s Tale
I’m not sure how to review this book, mainly because I don’t love it but I don’t hate it either. Have you ever read a book and then afterwards closed it and said “that was ok.” That’s how I felt.
What I liked: the story is quick, it’s interesting, the character isn’t your typical heroine (I didn’t like that they told you this a million times – I get it Susan is fat not well educated, poor and not very attractive).
What I didn’t like: the story just ends rather abruptly and how everything wraps up is too clean – I expected something messier and not as easy. The brief reasons why women use wet nurses (stuck in between every chapter). The reasons were interesting, the characters were interesting but for me they did nothing to enhance Susan’s story.
So should you read it? Maybe. It wouldn’t be my first choice but it wouldn’t be my last either. Helpful right?
What I liked: the story is quick, it’s interesting, the character isn’t your typical heroine (I didn’t like that they told you this a million times – I get it Susan is fat not well educated, poor and not very attractive).
What I didn’t like: the story just ends rather abruptly and how everything wraps up is too clean – I expected something messier and not as easy. The brief reasons why women use wet nurses (stuck in between every chapter). The reasons were interesting, the characters were interesting but for me they did nothing to enhance Susan’s story.
So should you read it? Maybe. It wouldn’t be my first choice but it wouldn’t be my last either. Helpful right?
Thankful 29
Happy Healthy Baby Boys. Congrats S. Can't wait to meet him.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thankful 28
For leftovers. Is there anything better than hot open face turkey sandwiches or turkey sandwiches loaded with stuffing and cranberry sauce? And how come holiday leftovers are so much better than the traditional leftover spaghetti from last Monday? Eat up!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thankful 27
Shopping online and specifically Amazon. No crowds, no wait, I can google coupons - it's like my own personal Black Friday sale and I can do it all from the comfort of my home. I'm mentioning Amazon specifically because 1. they are super cheap (especially now they are trying to take down Walmart) and 2. they have everything. They even have stuff you don't know you need - ever see the recommendations when you log in. I didn't even know I wanted a bright yellow toilet bowl scrubber or something equally weird but now that you mention it - it could be cool. And if I'm trying to get up to $25 to get free shipping you might tempt me with the $5 price tag. So to all of you that like getting up at 5am in the morning have at it but when I'm shopping at 2 pm after sleeping in, eating a nice breakfast and watching the Today show and still getting awesome deals and you're bleary eyed with a car low on gas and getting elbowed for the last pair of Nine West boots at Macys just remember there is such a thing as
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thankful 26
Happy Thanksgiving! So if you guys have been following along we are finally at the big day. It's all about the food, the parades, the family, traditions... the list goes on and on. It's finally Thanksgiving but don't sit back and get lazy we still have four more days of thankful after today.
Today we should be thankful for Thanksgiving because without it we wouldn't have been doing this whole month of thankful. So embrace everything Thanksgiving-y. Pumpkin pie (sweet potato is better), turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, the excuse to just eat and eat and eat. I've already decided to wear leggings - no tight jeans today. What other holiday is it perfectly acceptable to eat until you can't move? Ok, I'm not going to do that but I am looking forward to a day with my family, the food, the relaxing, and everything else that goes along with Thanksgiving.
Let's talk for one second about traditions before I wrap this up and find out what time the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade comes on.... Do you have a Thanksgiving tradition that you do every year with your family? Maybe it's a special dish or a place you all go? I'll start. We always rotate houses and it's always a pot-luck where everyone is supposed to contribute. My dad usually says a blessing. And someone will usually ask everyone to say one thing they are thankful for. Hmmm good for me that I have 26 to use (I've done my homework). I'm bringing baked pineapple which would be my own tradition because it's basically sugar, butter and pineapple and it's a "side" not "dessert" - it's also perfectly acceptable to eat this in large quantities ignoring all other sides. We always have turkey and sometimes ham biscuits. That's everything I can think of - can't wait to hear yours. And if you're lucky I'll post the baked pineapple recipe for you.
Today we should be thankful for Thanksgiving because without it we wouldn't have been doing this whole month of thankful. So embrace everything Thanksgiving-y. Pumpkin pie (sweet potato is better), turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, the excuse to just eat and eat and eat. I've already decided to wear leggings - no tight jeans today. What other holiday is it perfectly acceptable to eat until you can't move? Ok, I'm not going to do that but I am looking forward to a day with my family, the food, the relaxing, and everything else that goes along with Thanksgiving.
Let's talk for one second about traditions before I wrap this up and find out what time the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade comes on.... Do you have a Thanksgiving tradition that you do every year with your family? Maybe it's a special dish or a place you all go? I'll start. We always rotate houses and it's always a pot-luck where everyone is supposed to contribute. My dad usually says a blessing. And someone will usually ask everyone to say one thing they are thankful for. Hmmm good for me that I have 26 to use (I've done my homework). I'm bringing baked pineapple which would be my own tradition because it's basically sugar, butter and pineapple and it's a "side" not "dessert" - it's also perfectly acceptable to eat this in large quantities ignoring all other sides. We always have turkey and sometimes ham biscuits. That's everything I can think of - can't wait to hear yours. And if you're lucky I'll post the baked pineapple recipe for you.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thankful 25
Ahhh the joy of a short week. Why is it that we're (I'm saying we're because if you don't fall into this category something is wrong with you).... anyway Why is it that we're more excited than a kid at Christmas to have at least one day off from work. I swear I'm bouncing out of my seat as if waiting for that last bell to ring or for the clock to move from 4:59 to 5:00. It's like free vacation. And since my job we get like maybe seven holidays a year, when we get one I'm all the more thankful. How can you be upset when a Wednesday suddenly turned into a Friday?
The funny thing is if I stayed home all the time or maybe had a job that gave a bit more vacation and holiday time I probably wouldn't be as grateful. I'd be like oh I have to take another holiday (well maybe not that depressing but certainly not wahoo four day weekend!). So today I'm thankful for the little things like looking forward to four day weekends, that my oven started working again when I unplugged it and plugged it back in, that there is no snow on the ground and its still kinda warm out.... hmm whatelse... I will say I'll be even more thankful if Comcast puts the last Project Runway On Demand - seriously are they trying to kill me with anticipation... augh!
So happy day before Thanksgiving!
The funny thing is if I stayed home all the time or maybe had a job that gave a bit more vacation and holiday time I probably wouldn't be as grateful. I'd be like oh I have to take another holiday (well maybe not that depressing but certainly not wahoo four day weekend!). So today I'm thankful for the little things like looking forward to four day weekends, that my oven started working again when I unplugged it and plugged it back in, that there is no snow on the ground and its still kinda warm out.... hmm whatelse... I will say I'll be even more thankful if Comcast puts the last Project Runway On Demand - seriously are they trying to kill me with anticipation... augh!
So happy day before Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Recipe - Alfredo Ham
So if you had said five years ago I would like to cook I would have laughed at you. But since I got a house and I don't have anyone to cook for me anymore nor the money to go out all the time I have found that it's not cooking I detest it's the cleaning up afterwards. I've actually found cooking to be (gasp) fun. I try to make one new recipe a week and I've even gotten brave enough to tweak my current favorites (usually when I'm missing ingredients).
So I've decided to post my favorite recipes or tweaks when I come across them. I'll cite the ones that I borrow from other places and let you know which are mine. Some will be easy... ok most. I work people I don't have time to cook meals that take half a day to prepare!
So tonight's recipe is for ... well I'm calling it Alfredo Ham Bake. I originally used a Pillsbury recipe and tweaked it so this is a mix of mine and theirs.
2 ham steaks (the ones that come pre-cooked) - cubbed
1 small jar Alfredo Sauce
1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes (about half of a small jar) - chopped
4 oz Havarti Cheese (I buy sliced and it comes 8 oz) - cut the cheese in cubes or tear it up in small pieces - ends up being about 5 to 6 slices
1 small bag of mixed veggies or whatever kind of vegetable you have in the freezer (I've tried peas and mixed veggies)
3 cups uncooked pasta (I use bow-ties but again anything small like macaroni noodles would work)
Preheat oven to 350.
Cook the pasta according to directions and drain. In a 3 qt saucepan - heat the sauce. Add pasta, ham, tomatoes, cheese and veggies. Heat.
Spray casserole dish with Pam (or grease with butter). Pour pasta mixture into dish. Cover with foil. Bake for 30-45 minutes.
So I've decided to post my favorite recipes or tweaks when I come across them. I'll cite the ones that I borrow from other places and let you know which are mine. Some will be easy... ok most. I work people I don't have time to cook meals that take half a day to prepare!
So tonight's recipe is for ... well I'm calling it Alfredo Ham Bake. I originally used a Pillsbury recipe and tweaked it so this is a mix of mine and theirs.
2 ham steaks (the ones that come pre-cooked) - cubbed
1 small jar Alfredo Sauce
1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes (about half of a small jar) - chopped
4 oz Havarti Cheese (I buy sliced and it comes 8 oz) - cut the cheese in cubes or tear it up in small pieces - ends up being about 5 to 6 slices
1 small bag of mixed veggies or whatever kind of vegetable you have in the freezer (I've tried peas and mixed veggies)
3 cups uncooked pasta (I use bow-ties but again anything small like macaroni noodles would work)
Preheat oven to 350.
Cook the pasta according to directions and drain. In a 3 qt saucepan - heat the sauce. Add pasta, ham, tomatoes, cheese and veggies. Heat.
Spray casserole dish with Pam (or grease with butter). Pour pasta mixture into dish. Cover with foil. Bake for 30-45 minutes.
Thankful 24
I’m thankful for happy songs. Songs that make you think of summer or make you want to dance and sing along.
My happy songs of the moment:
Out Last Night – Kenny Chesney
Smile – Uncle Kracker
Toes - Zac Brown Band
Those are all I can think of at the moment. What are your happy songs?
My happy songs of the moment:
Out Last Night – Kenny Chesney
Smile – Uncle Kracker
Toes - Zac Brown Band
Those are all I can think of at the moment. What are your happy songs?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Twilight Blah....
Ok so I was going to post a book review but on the way home Cocktails with Patrick (Sirius 111) was talking about Twilight - the books and the movie. And if I knew Patrick I would freaking kiss him (I love him anyway because he makes my ride home a little bit better) but he finally said what I've been thinking forever - Twilight is garbage. Now before all the Twilight fans throw stones at me (or blood).... let me back up my statement.
I will first off say I don't know if the movies are bad (Patrick said New Moon was a complete waste of time and I tend to agree with him because I wouldn't be caught dead in that theater) but I can't talk about the movies because I hated the books so much there is no way in hell I'd sit through those movies.
So let's discuss the books. First, they aren't my typical read. 1. I'm not a teenage girl 2. I'm not into vampires and 3. I just don't typically read sci-fiction (are vampires and werewolves sci-fi?). But since I kept hearing about how these are the best books ever and it seemed like as big of deal as Harry Potter (and I've read all of those) I figured I'd give it a try. Harry Potter books and Twilight books don't even deserve to be in the same category. Harry Potter books are well-writen, have great plots and basically are just all around better books. Think of this way - it's one thing to have one really well-written book, it's another to have seven books that not only work together but stand-alone and all have plots to them.
So let me start by saying I read all four of the Twilight books (or whatever the series is called). I thought ok I didn't like the last one but let's see it has to get better because people really like them. My reccommendation is they don't get better and it's a complete waste of time and paper.
Here are my problems with the books:
1. Bella has absolutely no life outside of Edward. And Edward for a 100's of year old vampire has little life or interest outside of Bella. Let's get real for a second - teenage girls don't need to read some dribble about how this poor girl can't live without Edward's love. Give me a break. Does she even have other friends, can she join a sports team or get a job?
2. The whole plot of all four books can basically be boiled down to this... Bella loves Edward. Bella is human. Edward is a vampire. Edward against his better judgment loves Bella. They can be together. They can't be together. Bella might love Jacob (who happens to be a werewolf who is supposed to kill vampires). Following along still? Bella gets into more scraps than anyone I know. The girl has some serious bad luck. But not to worry the good "vegeterian" vampires (Edward and his family) will save her just in the knick of time. So this drags on for four books. Before Edward and Bella get married, have a half-vampire/half-human child, narrowly avoid getting destroyed by the head vampires before they can go live happily ever after as vegeterian vampires together (Edward has to "save" Bella's life by turning her into a vampire). Ok... really? I could turn those four books into one book... or look I did it in one paragraph. This drags on and on like a bad soap opera. It's a will they/won't they of high school proportions.
3. The books just aren't that well-written. No offense. I'm sorry. I know I don't have any best-seller books published but get an editor and 1. cut dialogue and descriptions you don't need (the books could be a 100 pages shorter) and 2. edit - meaning don't repeat yourself six thousand times. I get it Bella smells good to Edward and Edward is basically this dreamy pale white hunk.
I just wish if someone is going to write a book for teenage girls it would have some kind of plot to it that they can learn from. This isn't 1955 here, girls need to know that 1. they can have a job and stand on their own two feet and 2. being in love isn't the end all goal that you should have in life. Being in love is nice but having a life outside of that is pretty good too. Besides I imagine in five years or so Bella and Edward aren't going to have much to talk about to each other since all they do is hang out with each other. Boring!
So I'm sorry if I offended any Twilight fans but I just don't get it. I've also read Stephanie Meyers other book The Host - just as a quick summary so this blog isn't too long. It's basically a rework of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Aliens take over our planet and our bodys using us as host. Humans have to fight for the right to live against the parasites but at the same time learn that the aliens aren't all bad. It was ok. I'm not going to reccomend it because out of five stars I'd probably give it two. I ended up skimming the end because like Twilight it drags.
So my title sums it up for me Twilight was just blah. Save a tree and don't even check those books out from the library.
I will first off say I don't know if the movies are bad (Patrick said New Moon was a complete waste of time and I tend to agree with him because I wouldn't be caught dead in that theater) but I can't talk about the movies because I hated the books so much there is no way in hell I'd sit through those movies.
So let's discuss the books. First, they aren't my typical read. 1. I'm not a teenage girl 2. I'm not into vampires and 3. I just don't typically read sci-fiction (are vampires and werewolves sci-fi?). But since I kept hearing about how these are the best books ever and it seemed like as big of deal as Harry Potter (and I've read all of those) I figured I'd give it a try. Harry Potter books and Twilight books don't even deserve to be in the same category. Harry Potter books are well-writen, have great plots and basically are just all around better books. Think of this way - it's one thing to have one really well-written book, it's another to have seven books that not only work together but stand-alone and all have plots to them.
So let me start by saying I read all four of the Twilight books (or whatever the series is called). I thought ok I didn't like the last one but let's see it has to get better because people really like them. My reccommendation is they don't get better and it's a complete waste of time and paper.
Here are my problems with the books:
1. Bella has absolutely no life outside of Edward. And Edward for a 100's of year old vampire has little life or interest outside of Bella. Let's get real for a second - teenage girls don't need to read some dribble about how this poor girl can't live without Edward's love. Give me a break. Does she even have other friends, can she join a sports team or get a job?
2. The whole plot of all four books can basically be boiled down to this... Bella loves Edward. Bella is human. Edward is a vampire. Edward against his better judgment loves Bella. They can be together. They can't be together. Bella might love Jacob (who happens to be a werewolf who is supposed to kill vampires). Following along still? Bella gets into more scraps than anyone I know. The girl has some serious bad luck. But not to worry the good "vegeterian" vampires (Edward and his family) will save her just in the knick of time. So this drags on for four books. Before Edward and Bella get married, have a half-vampire/half-human child, narrowly avoid getting destroyed by the head vampires before they can go live happily ever after as vegeterian vampires together (Edward has to "save" Bella's life by turning her into a vampire). Ok... really? I could turn those four books into one book... or look I did it in one paragraph. This drags on and on like a bad soap opera. It's a will they/won't they of high school proportions.
3. The books just aren't that well-written. No offense. I'm sorry. I know I don't have any best-seller books published but get an editor and 1. cut dialogue and descriptions you don't need (the books could be a 100 pages shorter) and 2. edit - meaning don't repeat yourself six thousand times. I get it Bella smells good to Edward and Edward is basically this dreamy pale white hunk.
I just wish if someone is going to write a book for teenage girls it would have some kind of plot to it that they can learn from. This isn't 1955 here, girls need to know that 1. they can have a job and stand on their own two feet and 2. being in love isn't the end all goal that you should have in life. Being in love is nice but having a life outside of that is pretty good too. Besides I imagine in five years or so Bella and Edward aren't going to have much to talk about to each other since all they do is hang out with each other. Boring!
So I'm sorry if I offended any Twilight fans but I just don't get it. I've also read Stephanie Meyers other book The Host - just as a quick summary so this blog isn't too long. It's basically a rework of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Aliens take over our planet and our bodys using us as host. Humans have to fight for the right to live against the parasites but at the same time learn that the aliens aren't all bad. It was ok. I'm not going to reccomend it because out of five stars I'd probably give it two. I ended up skimming the end because like Twilight it drags.
So my title sums it up for me Twilight was just blah. Save a tree and don't even check those books out from the library.
Thankful 23
Can you believe November is almost over? I don't know if the saying "time flies when you're having fun is necessarily true" - I think it's time just plain flies by. Anyway, so today I'm thankful for SP lending me her library book so I didn't have to buy this month's book club pick. She's the best and not just for lending me the book. :)
And since I forgot this month's book club book is Wishin' and Hopin' A Christmas Story by Wally Lamb. Check it out and let me know what you think!
And since I forgot this month's book club book is Wishin' and Hopin' A Christmas Story by Wally Lamb. Check it out and let me know what you think!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thankful 22
I'm thankful for libraries so I can check out and read as many books as I can get my hands on. Plus I like the free magazine basket.
Libraries are great - they save you a ton of money on books (and most also have DVDs and CDs).
I especially love my library. I still go to one closer to my old house and the extra drive is worth it. The librarians there all know me. One even cut out my wedding announcement and left it in the book for me. The last time I was there two of the librarians were giving me reviews on the books I checked out.
To me libraries are kind of fun - you never know what book you are going to find, the books all have that same old library smell to them, and I like the quiet. Libraries are the perfect place to just sit still and think.
Libraries are great - they save you a ton of money on books (and most also have DVDs and CDs).
I especially love my library. I still go to one closer to my old house and the extra drive is worth it. The librarians there all know me. One even cut out my wedding announcement and left it in the book for me. The last time I was there two of the librarians were giving me reviews on the books I checked out.
To me libraries are kind of fun - you never know what book you are going to find, the books all have that same old library smell to them, and I like the quiet. Libraries are the perfect place to just sit still and think.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thankful 21
I'm thankful for days when everything seems to be going right. Little things like C not getting up at 4 am, C finally going to the bathroom outside (she's a puppy if you haven't been reading), K cooking me breakfast, it's Saturday... Too many times we rush through life and take for granted the small things. A bad day is your boss yelling at you, a run in your hose and forgetting your lunch on the counter. We forget that maybe it's really a good day: you got to work in one piece, everyone is healthy, the radio played your favorite song during your commute.
I guess today I'm thankful for just stopping and smelling the roses. For taking a minute to just breathe and relax and know that things going right can be as simple as nothing major going wrong.
Happy Saturday!
I guess today I'm thankful for just stopping and smelling the roses. For taking a minute to just breathe and relax and know that things going right can be as simple as nothing major going wrong.
Happy Saturday!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thankful 20
I made it. It's 11:30 so not quite tomorrow... today I'm thankful for nights spent catching up with friends. I guess I kinda of talked about this in the butterscotch pancakes post but it really makes me feel good. Whether you're laughing, telling stories, crying, sitting in silence being with people that get you and you get them is a good feeling. It's therapeutic I think to have people you can turn to.
Being Thankful is Good for You
Good news! Being thankful actually is good for you. I’m not kidding. I was reading last month’s Good Housekeeping this morning and they had an article about counting things you are grateful for instead of sheep to help you sleep. Apparently some scientist did a study that found that people who were more grateful slept longer and better than those who were “less appreciative”. The researchers said that the “grateful people had more positive – and fewer sleep-delaying negative – thoughts between turning in and drifting off”.
So, basically these researchers have given us another reason we should be thankful!
Source: Good Housekeeping, November 2009
So, basically these researchers have given us another reason we should be thankful!
Source: Good Housekeeping, November 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Music Review: Taylor Swift Fearless Platinum Edition
Remember high school? Too long ago… don’t worry Taylor Swift’s album Fearless Platinum Edition will have you back at sixteen after a listen or two. Listening to the CD over and over again you quickly realize that her songs have a distinctive younger vibe about them. Teen angst, love and heartbreak play a central role in her songs. After a few songs you are brought back to the days of anxiously waiting for the will he or won’t he look at me in history class and to cliques where you don’t quite fit in and your crush is in love with the head cheerleader. Maybe I’m getting old but I feel like taking Swift aside and saying: Don’t worry little one it’ll get better, people grow up, cliques aren’t so important and the people that don’t give you the time of day aren’t worth your time. And boys…. Well they never change you just learn how to live with them. But what mothers always say about nice girls finishing first can be true – guys may date the promiscuous moody head cheerleader (that’s who the object of her affection is dating in “You Belong With Me”) but they don’t line up to marry her. You’ll have your time Taylor…
I do not doubt that Swift is a talented singer and song-writer. I’m in awe that someone her age can accomplish all of this and still seem so grounded. So I spent all day listening to this CD on repeat, mainly because I was at work and they’ve blocked a bunch of websites and I’m not sure I can log into Sirius’s web radio anymore. I don’t hate the CD after listening to it a half a dozen times. I find myself mouthing the words (I can’t sing at work I don’t want them to think I’m a weirdo). I actually like songs I didn’t like so much the first time more and more with each listen.
My favorites are: “You’re Not Sorry” (this is the country version, there is a second version on iTunes that she performed for CSI which is a bit more pop – both good), “Fifteen” (typical teenage angst over things that aren’t so important in the long run but seem so very important when you are fifteen), “Forever and Always” (I like the piano version), “White Horse”, and “You Belong With Me”.
I do wonder how Swift gets a boyfriend with all her songs that supposedly are about real people. If I was a guy I’d think twice about dating her for fear I’d end up “that guy” in her song.
Here is my only complaint and this is to the music industry in general. I absolutely hate the re-release of old albums with a few new songs and a DVD. I don’t know about you but I never look at the DVD’s. I don’t have the time or the desire to watch a concert I didn’t have the money or time to go to in person, I can watch music videos on YouTube and I don’t care about behind the scenes photos. I think a re-release is simply a ploy to make fans shell out more money for the same CD they already have and a cop out from making a new CD with all new songs. Plus in the case where I actually bought the version the first time I feel cheated. Hey, I got your CD the first time before it hit the Billboard Top 100, before you were headlining major concerts and now to repay me you’re going to release the CD again with new songs that aren’t on my CD? Really?? Ok I know I could go to iTunes or Amazon and buy the missing songs but that’s a pain and I’ll admit I’m a little old-fashion when it comes to singers I really like… I want the songs on a CD with the little booklet of lyrics and photos. If I wanted half of the songs I would have bought them online the first time around.
I do not doubt that Swift is a talented singer and song-writer. I’m in awe that someone her age can accomplish all of this and still seem so grounded. So I spent all day listening to this CD on repeat, mainly because I was at work and they’ve blocked a bunch of websites and I’m not sure I can log into Sirius’s web radio anymore. I don’t hate the CD after listening to it a half a dozen times. I find myself mouthing the words (I can’t sing at work I don’t want them to think I’m a weirdo). I actually like songs I didn’t like so much the first time more and more with each listen.
My favorites are: “You’re Not Sorry” (this is the country version, there is a second version on iTunes that she performed for CSI which is a bit more pop – both good), “Fifteen” (typical teenage angst over things that aren’t so important in the long run but seem so very important when you are fifteen), “Forever and Always” (I like the piano version), “White Horse”, and “You Belong With Me”.
I do wonder how Swift gets a boyfriend with all her songs that supposedly are about real people. If I was a guy I’d think twice about dating her for fear I’d end up “that guy” in her song.
Here is my only complaint and this is to the music industry in general. I absolutely hate the re-release of old albums with a few new songs and a DVD. I don’t know about you but I never look at the DVD’s. I don’t have the time or the desire to watch a concert I didn’t have the money or time to go to in person, I can watch music videos on YouTube and I don’t care about behind the scenes photos. I think a re-release is simply a ploy to make fans shell out more money for the same CD they already have and a cop out from making a new CD with all new songs. Plus in the case where I actually bought the version the first time I feel cheated. Hey, I got your CD the first time before it hit the Billboard Top 100, before you were headlining major concerts and now to repay me you’re going to release the CD again with new songs that aren’t on my CD? Really?? Ok I know I could go to iTunes or Amazon and buy the missing songs but that’s a pain and I’ll admit I’m a little old-fashion when it comes to singers I really like… I want the songs on a CD with the little booklet of lyrics and photos. If I wanted half of the songs I would have bought them online the first time around.
Thankful 19
So last night at my writer’s meeting we were supposed to bring a poem, short story, etc. about being thankful. Well I’m all thankful’d out from this blog so I didn’t do my homework. Oops! But this one man wrote a short dialogue about imagination. And this got me thinking – great idea. I’m thankful for my imagination, too.
The funny thing is I think we take our imagination for granted. I didn't even think to be thankful for it until someone else reminded me! No one past the age of five brags about having a great imagination. But think of how much happier we’d all be if we just took five minutes to day dream every day. Do you remember how to day dream? I still do it. I find myself letting my mind wander and suddenly I’m on a beach somewhere, or my favorite restaurant, or back home curled up in bed. It’s relaxing. Day dreaming lets me escape from the sometimes mundane.
I bet everyone uses their imagination every day. I know I do. I have to come up with advertising campaigns for my job so I’m constantly trying to think of new ways to say the same thing. What about at home… when you have to decorate your house. You have to use your imagination, thinking about where you want everything, what photo would look just right above your mantel.
I remember being so gloriously happy as a kid just making up games with my sister and our friends. My dad had built us a playhouse in the backyard and we would spend days out there in the summer. The playhouse was a log cabin in the wilderness (think Laura Ingalls) or a mansion or a beach hut.
I’ll even admit that when I was a lot younger I made up an imaginary friend. Her name was Katie and I could describe Katie to the very last detail. Even now if I think hard I can remember my five year old self’s description of her.
The funny thing is its completely normal for kid’s to have make-believe worlds. It’s even encouraged – dress-up anyone? But for adults we don’t celebrate our imagination enough so for today – take a break and day dream and remember what it was like at seven to have your Barbie’s whole life mapped out (or G.I. Joe if you’re a guy).
The funny thing is I think we take our imagination for granted. I didn't even think to be thankful for it until someone else reminded me! No one past the age of five brags about having a great imagination. But think of how much happier we’d all be if we just took five minutes to day dream every day. Do you remember how to day dream? I still do it. I find myself letting my mind wander and suddenly I’m on a beach somewhere, or my favorite restaurant, or back home curled up in bed. It’s relaxing. Day dreaming lets me escape from the sometimes mundane.
I bet everyone uses their imagination every day. I know I do. I have to come up with advertising campaigns for my job so I’m constantly trying to think of new ways to say the same thing. What about at home… when you have to decorate your house. You have to use your imagination, thinking about where you want everything, what photo would look just right above your mantel.
I remember being so gloriously happy as a kid just making up games with my sister and our friends. My dad had built us a playhouse in the backyard and we would spend days out there in the summer. The playhouse was a log cabin in the wilderness (think Laura Ingalls) or a mansion or a beach hut.
I’ll even admit that when I was a lot younger I made up an imaginary friend. Her name was Katie and I could describe Katie to the very last detail. Even now if I think hard I can remember my five year old self’s description of her.
The funny thing is its completely normal for kid’s to have make-believe worlds. It’s even encouraged – dress-up anyone? But for adults we don’t celebrate our imagination enough so for today – take a break and day dream and remember what it was like at seven to have your Barbie’s whole life mapped out (or G.I. Joe if you’re a guy).
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My Favorite Thing: Winter Coats
So I do wonder sometimes if my blog comes across as superficial but then I sit back and think these are my favorite things so if you're favorite things are discussing Mozart or the value of democracy then have at it... on your own blog. My favorite things happen to be pop culture, fashion, writing, reading, etc.
In case you haven't realized by now I have a thing for clothes. Or maybe fashion is the right word? The funny thing is until two years ago my obsession with all things fashion did not extend to winter coats. I was like the mom in the Shopaholic movie - coats had to be practical, which meant they fell into one of three categories: black, brown, or puffy. Fashionable coats weren't practical. Why on earth would I want a neon yellow trench - where would I wear it? I could convince myself a yellow purse was a necessity - a neutral even but a coat...
Until I was flipping through my Glamour or Cosmo and stumbled across an ad for Dillard's. More specifically the prettiest white coat I had ever seen with a tortoise shell clasp at the waist and a huge collar. I was in love or if you read my other post - obsessed. I had to have it.
Luckily for me two things were working in my favor.
A. It was a Jessica Simpson coat so not terribly expensive
B. I'm a hoarder and I had hoarded a stack of gift cards from the previous Christmas and my birthday. I had so many I wouldn't even have to pay for the coat. (I'm also very thrifty). It was practically a gift and gifts could be deliciously impractical.
So I headed off to Dillard's. The coat came in a few colors: my delicious white obsession and charcoal grey being two of them. I took both off to the dressing room.
The grey one practically purred, "Pick me. I'm practical. Who wants a white coat that will only get dirty?"
Still as practical as it was - it wasn't the coat. The white one (if it could talk) would have said, "Pick me. Anyone can have a grey coat. Besides who wants to be practical?"
The funny thing is when it comes to most things fashion I can talk myself into the most impractical things (if they're in my price range anyway). I will snap up a pair of purple snake skin stilettos without even looking at it's black, grey or brown counterparts. Because who needs plain old grey snake skin stilettos?
So I did what I normally do when I can't make a decision. I took both of them out of the dressing room and cornered the poor salesgirl. "What do you think?"
"Well, no one has really gotten the white. They think it will stain. The grey is a better seller. It's so much more practical." She must have seen my face fall or that she was quickly losing my sale because she stopped. "The white is really pretty though."
That was all I needed. The validation that it was ok. I took the white coat home and didn't question myself again. And it really is practical. I can wear it with anything. And if it stains - well that's what dry cleaners are for.
So my favorite thing this week is winter coats. The practical, the impractical and everything in between. And since my white coat purchase I've added a three quarter sleeve 60's style coat and my latest addition - a Christmas present to myself - a plum pea coat.
So my advice is embrace winter with open arms!
And if you're looking for some good deals on coats Old Navy was running a 50% off sale on coats. ;)
In case you haven't realized by now I have a thing for clothes. Or maybe fashion is the right word? The funny thing is until two years ago my obsession with all things fashion did not extend to winter coats. I was like the mom in the Shopaholic movie - coats had to be practical, which meant they fell into one of three categories: black, brown, or puffy. Fashionable coats weren't practical. Why on earth would I want a neon yellow trench - where would I wear it? I could convince myself a yellow purse was a necessity - a neutral even but a coat...
Until I was flipping through my Glamour or Cosmo and stumbled across an ad for Dillard's. More specifically the prettiest white coat I had ever seen with a tortoise shell clasp at the waist and a huge collar. I was in love or if you read my other post - obsessed. I had to have it.
Luckily for me two things were working in my favor.
A. It was a Jessica Simpson coat so not terribly expensive
B. I'm a hoarder and I had hoarded a stack of gift cards from the previous Christmas and my birthday. I had so many I wouldn't even have to pay for the coat. (I'm also very thrifty). It was practically a gift and gifts could be deliciously impractical.
So I headed off to Dillard's. The coat came in a few colors: my delicious white obsession and charcoal grey being two of them. I took both off to the dressing room.
The grey one practically purred, "Pick me. I'm practical. Who wants a white coat that will only get dirty?"
Still as practical as it was - it wasn't the coat. The white one (if it could talk) would have said, "Pick me. Anyone can have a grey coat. Besides who wants to be practical?"
The funny thing is when it comes to most things fashion I can talk myself into the most impractical things (if they're in my price range anyway). I will snap up a pair of purple snake skin stilettos without even looking at it's black, grey or brown counterparts. Because who needs plain old grey snake skin stilettos?
So I did what I normally do when I can't make a decision. I took both of them out of the dressing room and cornered the poor salesgirl. "What do you think?"
"Well, no one has really gotten the white. They think it will stain. The grey is a better seller. It's so much more practical." She must have seen my face fall or that she was quickly losing my sale because she stopped. "The white is really pretty though."
That was all I needed. The validation that it was ok. I took the white coat home and didn't question myself again. And it really is practical. I can wear it with anything. And if it stains - well that's what dry cleaners are for.
So my favorite thing this week is winter coats. The practical, the impractical and everything in between. And since my white coat purchase I've added a three quarter sleeve 60's style coat and my latest addition - a Christmas present to myself - a plum pea coat.
So my advice is embrace winter with open arms!
And if you're looking for some good deals on coats Old Navy was running a 50% off sale on coats. ;)
Thankful 18
Wednesdays. Somehow knowing you are halfway through the work week makes it a little easier. Although not my favorite day - who cannot love Saturdays since they are truly all yours - you don't have to worry about getting up for work the next morning, you can do whatever you want.... I do kind of look forward to Wednesday though. It's like I can finally say - I made it. I can take the rest of the week on.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dry Skin Remedies
I have eczema and before that I've always had dry skin prone to allergic reactions. Sounds hot I know. I'm not a doctor and I'm not claiming to have the answers but over the years I've figured out what works and what doesn't.
Throw out:
1. Anything with scents. This includes but is not limited to lotions, dryer sheets, laundry detergent, soaps, etc. Scents will almost always irritate your skin. Second, most lotions with scents in them aren't the potent stuff you need to ward off dry itchy skin anyways.
2. Look for things that are hyper-allergenic. Fancy word for basically saying they've tested it on people and most people don't have a reaction.
1. All natural soaps. I met a guy at a craft show and he makes his own soaps. I swear by them. I use them on my face instead of expensive face washes, I use them 80% of the time instead of body wash. And when I use them I notice a difference, my skin doesn't break out on contact, it's not as dry, etc.
2. If you use body washes find ones with oils or creams and non-scented. Dove is really good.
3. Make-up counter ladies will probably be horrified but the best facial cleaners I've found are Clearasil Daily Face Wash (removes make-up and prevents those random break-outs) and Olay age Defying Daily Renewal Cleanser (gently exfoliates and takes off make-up). I tend to alternate between the two. I even read in a magazine that recommended not spending tons of cleansers since you're just washing them off and invest your money in anti-aging lotions instead.
Let's talk lotions for a second...
1. Eucerin is hands down my favorite. Anything Eucerin is worth the money. They make awesome face creams - with anti-aging and SPF (Walgreen's almost always has them). I swear by their moisturizers for my face. I stopped using department store lotions after my skin just would not stop breaking out (the derm told me it was too dry and the lotion I was using wasn't giving it enough moisturizer). I always tell people now that break-outs can also be caused from lack of oil - basically your skin is stressed and trying to over-compensate so you get those lovely red dots!
I also love their body creams and lotions. They have one that is great for summer with SPF 15 - anything that makes my life easier! They also have some really thick lotions for when your skin is feeling extra parched.
Anyway, I cannot say enough good things about Eucerin - I have honestly not had a product of theirs I don't like (if you're reading this Eucerin call me!).
2. Shea butter. It has to be 100% Shea and not a mixture. The easiest way to find it is on Amazon. Super smooth and soothing.
3. Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Cream. One word - Amazing. I got this on vacation this summer. My feet were irritate from walking around on hot sun and I needed something quick. I remembered a Glamour article about coconut being one thing that can really help with dry skin. I found my tube at CVS. I think the back says to use it twice a day for a week. I used it at night (get some socks its really oily) and in two days my feet were sandal ready.
Other advice for irritated skin:
1. Avoid long hot showers or baths (unless an oatmeal bath and even then don't use blistering hot water).
2. Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells.
3. Use lotion constantly. I put lotion on all over before bed and in the morning. I try to put it on my hands and elbows even more frequently. (After every hand washing session practically).
4. If it's really bad seek out medical advice. They can prescribe medicines and creams to help.
5. If it's really itchy Benadryl can help relieve the itch. I've also used hydrocortisone creams for itching. If your skin gets really irritated Neosporin is also a good option if your skin looks really raw.
Anyway, I know this isn't a fun topic but everyone wants to have nice skin (even guys should pay attention!). Let me know options that have worked for you!
Throw out:
1. Anything with scents. This includes but is not limited to lotions, dryer sheets, laundry detergent, soaps, etc. Scents will almost always irritate your skin. Second, most lotions with scents in them aren't the potent stuff you need to ward off dry itchy skin anyways.
2. Look for things that are hyper-allergenic. Fancy word for basically saying they've tested it on people and most people don't have a reaction.
1. All natural soaps. I met a guy at a craft show and he makes his own soaps. I swear by them. I use them on my face instead of expensive face washes, I use them 80% of the time instead of body wash. And when I use them I notice a difference, my skin doesn't break out on contact, it's not as dry, etc.
2. If you use body washes find ones with oils or creams and non-scented. Dove is really good.
3. Make-up counter ladies will probably be horrified but the best facial cleaners I've found are Clearasil Daily Face Wash (removes make-up and prevents those random break-outs) and Olay age Defying Daily Renewal Cleanser (gently exfoliates and takes off make-up). I tend to alternate between the two. I even read in a magazine that recommended not spending tons of cleansers since you're just washing them off and invest your money in anti-aging lotions instead.
Let's talk lotions for a second...
1. Eucerin is hands down my favorite. Anything Eucerin is worth the money. They make awesome face creams - with anti-aging and SPF (Walgreen's almost always has them). I swear by their moisturizers for my face. I stopped using department store lotions after my skin just would not stop breaking out (the derm told me it was too dry and the lotion I was using wasn't giving it enough moisturizer). I always tell people now that break-outs can also be caused from lack of oil - basically your skin is stressed and trying to over-compensate so you get those lovely red dots!
I also love their body creams and lotions. They have one that is great for summer with SPF 15 - anything that makes my life easier! They also have some really thick lotions for when your skin is feeling extra parched.
Anyway, I cannot say enough good things about Eucerin - I have honestly not had a product of theirs I don't like (if you're reading this Eucerin call me!).
2. Shea butter. It has to be 100% Shea and not a mixture. The easiest way to find it is on Amazon. Super smooth and soothing.
3. Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Cream. One word - Amazing. I got this on vacation this summer. My feet were irritate from walking around on hot sun and I needed something quick. I remembered a Glamour article about coconut being one thing that can really help with dry skin. I found my tube at CVS. I think the back says to use it twice a day for a week. I used it at night (get some socks its really oily) and in two days my feet were sandal ready.
Other advice for irritated skin:
1. Avoid long hot showers or baths (unless an oatmeal bath and even then don't use blistering hot water).
2. Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells.
3. Use lotion constantly. I put lotion on all over before bed and in the morning. I try to put it on my hands and elbows even more frequently. (After every hand washing session practically).
4. If it's really bad seek out medical advice. They can prescribe medicines and creams to help.
5. If it's really itchy Benadryl can help relieve the itch. I've also used hydrocortisone creams for itching. If your skin gets really irritated Neosporin is also a good option if your skin looks really raw.
Anyway, I know this isn't a fun topic but everyone wants to have nice skin (even guys should pay attention!). Let me know options that have worked for you!
all-natural soaps,
Burt's Bees,
dry skin,
Shea Butter,
Thankful 17
Home. There is something so magical about it - Dorothy seemed to think so at least - and I agree. I love coming home after a trip or a long day at work. It just feels right.
Monday, November 16, 2009
I travel a lot for work and as much as I can for fun. Packing for my latest trip for work I was struck by something I have thought a million times before… I am not one of those girls that can throw a bikini, a pair of shorts, two tops, three shoes, a dress, a belt and a pair of jeans in a bag and suddenly make three hundred outfits out of them. Anyone who spends any amount of time reading fashion magazines knows what I’m talking about. Inevitably every spring they roll out the “I made 300 outfits for one week out of 7 items you have in your closet” article.
First, no self respecting fashionista is rolling off to fashion week wearing the same pair of jeans three days in a row. And you better believe her jeans didn’t come from American Eagle. Let’s get real. Her clothes budget for fashion week or a weekend jaunt to the islands is more than we all make in a year.
Second, I never have those exact 7 items in my closet. Ok so I have a black belt, great… but my black belt doesn’t look awesome around a cocktail dress and a pair of jeans and doesn’t double as a headband. And I don’t know anyone that has a pair of heels that work well with an evening gown and shorts. So let’s just say buying those 7 items would be my mortgage payment that month. Not to mention the time it takes to track all of them down.
Third, I’m all about mixing and matching to create new outfits. But really, what if I go hiking in my jeans or spill red wine on my dress, does that just add character to my outfit or am I now running out to the mall buying new clothes to replace the ones I wrecked?
So this would be my packing advice article (or at least how I pack my suitcase not sure it’s really advice). Drag every possible piece of clothing, jewelry, accessories, purses, and shoes out of your closet. Pile all your favorites in one pile and put back anything that’s left over (so what if you only put back three shirts that’s a start). Next I pull together a few work-out clothes because even if you’re relaxing on the beach you just might get that sudden urge to run a mile and what if you didn’t have tennis shoes? And you need a lightweight coat even in summer because what if it rains or it’s breezy. Don’t get me started about winter – for winter trips I need at least two or three coats. Anyway, after I have my pile of clothing that I can’t live without I start to weed through them. I don’t really need two pairs of pink shorts or two pairs of white leather flip flops. I try my best to be the girl with 7 pieces of clothing but I always find myself the girl that’s sitting on her suitcase begging the zipper to give and dragging my suitcase onto my bathroom scale to see how close to 50 pounds I can get without going over.
I know I won’t really need five dresses for a weekend away but what if I get there and I only brought one and I suddenly don’t want to wear that one? I know rationally I shouldn’t pack like this that there is no way I will need five pairs of jeans for a long weekend but in my head I can’t make myself stop.
I want to see a realistic fashion article. Let’s see what the beauty editor is really taking to fashion week. I guarantee it’s not a cute Ann Taylor dress she grabbed off the clearance rack. I can also guarantee she can’t make a headband out of her belt like she claims and if she can – really who is she fooling? You don’t think anyone is thinking, damn is that really fashionable or is that just a belt wrapped around that poor girl’s head?
First, no self respecting fashionista is rolling off to fashion week wearing the same pair of jeans three days in a row. And you better believe her jeans didn’t come from American Eagle. Let’s get real. Her clothes budget for fashion week or a weekend jaunt to the islands is more than we all make in a year.
Second, I never have those exact 7 items in my closet. Ok so I have a black belt, great… but my black belt doesn’t look awesome around a cocktail dress and a pair of jeans and doesn’t double as a headband. And I don’t know anyone that has a pair of heels that work well with an evening gown and shorts. So let’s just say buying those 7 items would be my mortgage payment that month. Not to mention the time it takes to track all of them down.
Third, I’m all about mixing and matching to create new outfits. But really, what if I go hiking in my jeans or spill red wine on my dress, does that just add character to my outfit or am I now running out to the mall buying new clothes to replace the ones I wrecked?
So this would be my packing advice article (or at least how I pack my suitcase not sure it’s really advice). Drag every possible piece of clothing, jewelry, accessories, purses, and shoes out of your closet. Pile all your favorites in one pile and put back anything that’s left over (so what if you only put back three shirts that’s a start). Next I pull together a few work-out clothes because even if you’re relaxing on the beach you just might get that sudden urge to run a mile and what if you didn’t have tennis shoes? And you need a lightweight coat even in summer because what if it rains or it’s breezy. Don’t get me started about winter – for winter trips I need at least two or three coats. Anyway, after I have my pile of clothing that I can’t live without I start to weed through them. I don’t really need two pairs of pink shorts or two pairs of white leather flip flops. I try my best to be the girl with 7 pieces of clothing but I always find myself the girl that’s sitting on her suitcase begging the zipper to give and dragging my suitcase onto my bathroom scale to see how close to 50 pounds I can get without going over.
I know I won’t really need five dresses for a weekend away but what if I get there and I only brought one and I suddenly don’t want to wear that one? I know rationally I shouldn’t pack like this that there is no way I will need five pairs of jeans for a long weekend but in my head I can’t make myself stop.
I want to see a realistic fashion article. Let’s see what the beauty editor is really taking to fashion week. I guarantee it’s not a cute Ann Taylor dress she grabbed off the clearance rack. I can also guarantee she can’t make a headband out of her belt like she claims and if she can – really who is she fooling? You don’t think anyone is thinking, damn is that really fashionable or is that just a belt wrapped around that poor girl’s head?
Thankful 16
Today I actually have a few things I want to be thankful for but I feel like I should save them incase by day 29 I'm out of ideas and need one from day 16. So I'm going to only pick one... I'm thankful for the occassional work trip. I get to go to (semi) cool places for free (so I have to work when I'm there... minor inconvenience), I get a quiet night in a nice hotel (maybe the boredom hasn't set in yet), and I get to just relax. In case you haven't noticed relaxing ranks really high on my to-do list. I'm a massage and spa kind of girl and if I can have one night of peace and quiet - no dinners to cook, no puppies to play with (sorry C), nobody to talk to I don't want to talk to... well I'll take what I can get. I already know what tomorrow I'll be thankful for but you'll have to wait until morning... :)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Book Review: Harry Potter The Tales of Beedle the Bard
Let me start by saying I love the Harry Potter series. I think J.K. Rowling is immensely talented. I wonder a lot about how she was able to create this world that doesn't exist but seems so real. You get lost in her books.
I was skeptical at first. I remember when my college roommate CR, who was an education major, came into our room with the first book. She had to read it as a class assignment. I was never into the whole sci-fi/witches thing, I never read Narnia growing up. I thought for sure this was going to be some stupid kid's book. Still I read the first one and was pleasantly surprised.
Since then I have read every Harry Potter book when it came out. My goal is to always finish reading them before spoilers hit the web. So this week when I went to the library they had a new table of books called "Recent Bestsellers". The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling was one of them.
Lets start by saying this book is an easy read. I finished it in about two hours. The book starts with an introductory by Rowling's who explains that Hermoine Granger (Harry's friend) translated the book and that Albus Dumbledore (the deceased headmaster of Hogwarts) included his notes before he died. The stories all read like traditional fairy tales think Sleep Beauty but the good guys have magic too. Since I've read all of the Harry Potter books it's really neat to hear the stories that are referenced in the other books. I found myself trying to dissect what each story meant and how they related back into the Harry Potter series.
I could be bias since I like her other books but these stories were really good. Like your classic fairy tales they morals - being kind to your neighbors, don't try to out-smart death, etc. I thought Dumbledore's notes were a neat edition since they gave more insight about the various stories.
So my suggestion is if you haven't read the Harry Potter series - you don't know what you're missing. They are seriously some of the best books written in recent years. And if you like the series check out this book. Happy reading! :)
I was skeptical at first. I remember when my college roommate CR, who was an education major, came into our room with the first book. She had to read it as a class assignment. I was never into the whole sci-fi/witches thing, I never read Narnia growing up. I thought for sure this was going to be some stupid kid's book. Still I read the first one and was pleasantly surprised.
Since then I have read every Harry Potter book when it came out. My goal is to always finish reading them before spoilers hit the web. So this week when I went to the library they had a new table of books called "Recent Bestsellers". The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling was one of them.
Lets start by saying this book is an easy read. I finished it in about two hours. The book starts with an introductory by Rowling's who explains that Hermoine Granger (Harry's friend) translated the book and that Albus Dumbledore (the deceased headmaster of Hogwarts) included his notes before he died. The stories all read like traditional fairy tales think Sleep Beauty but the good guys have magic too. Since I've read all of the Harry Potter books it's really neat to hear the stories that are referenced in the other books. I found myself trying to dissect what each story meant and how they related back into the Harry Potter series.
I could be bias since I like her other books but these stories were really good. Like your classic fairy tales they morals - being kind to your neighbors, don't try to out-smart death, etc. I thought Dumbledore's notes were a neat edition since they gave more insight about the various stories.
So my suggestion is if you haven't read the Harry Potter series - you don't know what you're missing. They are seriously some of the best books written in recent years. And if you like the series check out this book. Happy reading! :)
Thankful 15
Halfway through already. I can't believe it. Is it just me or has this year flown by? So even though I haven't been on a vacation in months I'm pretty thankful that I was able to go on two this year (ok so one was to NJ but it counts). I love vacations. I hate the packing and the planning but once I'm there I could move to my new favorite location in a second and spend my days waitressing at some beachside restaurant. I always joke with my husband that if we win the lottery I'm moving to Bermuda. This is a joke since a. I never play the lottery it's a waste of money and b. I'd have to win the freaking mega millions to move there (it's super expensive to buy houses there).
But anyway, back to vacations. There is something very Indiana Jones about going somewhere new and exploring. Ok so my exploring is taking the local bus system and reading a guide book for cool places to go but still... So today I'm thankful for vacations and since the sun is finally out I'm dreaming of fruity drinks with umbrellas and the soft lapping of waves hitting the sand.
But anyway, back to vacations. There is something very Indiana Jones about going somewhere new and exploring. Ok so my exploring is taking the local bus system and reading a guide book for cool places to go but still... So today I'm thankful for vacations and since the sun is finally out I'm dreaming of fruity drinks with umbrellas and the soft lapping of waves hitting the sand.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Book Review: The Turn of the Screw
So about a year ago my friend SP and I started a book club together. It’s actually not that hard to start a book club. We have four members – most websites say not to get more than eight or you are too big to accomplish much. We meet once a month and rotate who picks the book and where to meet. Usually whoever hosts/picks the book doesn’t really do much other than have to clean and set out a few apps and everyone else brings wine and some food to munch on.
It’s been a lot of fun doing the book club. One it’s always nice to have an excuse to meet up with friends and two we’ve read a lot of really interesting books that we might not have read otherwise. It’s interesting to see what different people pick as their book. We actually have real discussions too – about what we thought of the book, why the author did certain things, etc. If you like to read and have a group of friends that might be interested I highly recommend starting your own club.
This month’s book was Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw. I’m not sure I would have picked this book myself. Nothing against James, but the synopsis on the back didn’t sound like something I would have pulled off the library shelves. The book (and I’m not giving too much away here) is about a governess who goes to teach two small children only to find the house is haunted – or is it? The age old debate has been is the governess crazy or is the house really haunted? Wikipedia has a short version of the different theories or do a quick Google search and you can read more.
The Turn of the Screw is a good book. It’s very short – maybe a 120 pages and it moves relatively fast but the writing style can be difficult to read – think Charles Dickens. Does this mean we are lazy if we think its difficult to read? I will say in my defense I don’t think Jane Austen is hard to read once you get the hang of how the characters talk.
I got hooked the first few pages, wanting to know what happened but as I got towards the middle I had to take breaks – it’s not exactly light reading during your lunch break at work. I like open-ended books, when I write short stories I tend to leave them open-ended but The Turn of the Screw frustrated me. I felt like at the end nothing was resolved and that damaged my overall impression of the book as a whole.
We had a really good discussion on our theories of the book. One of the ladies thought that maybe Douglas (the man with the transcript of what happened) was really Miles and that the governess really died at the end not Miles. I personally felt like the governess was probably crazy since no one else saw the ghosts and she was so adamant that the children were cavorting with ghost even without proof. If you read it – I’d like to know what you think as well.
It’s been a lot of fun doing the book club. One it’s always nice to have an excuse to meet up with friends and two we’ve read a lot of really interesting books that we might not have read otherwise. It’s interesting to see what different people pick as their book. We actually have real discussions too – about what we thought of the book, why the author did certain things, etc. If you like to read and have a group of friends that might be interested I highly recommend starting your own club.
This month’s book was Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw. I’m not sure I would have picked this book myself. Nothing against James, but the synopsis on the back didn’t sound like something I would have pulled off the library shelves. The book (and I’m not giving too much away here) is about a governess who goes to teach two small children only to find the house is haunted – or is it? The age old debate has been is the governess crazy or is the house really haunted? Wikipedia has a short version of the different theories or do a quick Google search and you can read more.
The Turn of the Screw is a good book. It’s very short – maybe a 120 pages and it moves relatively fast but the writing style can be difficult to read – think Charles Dickens. Does this mean we are lazy if we think its difficult to read? I will say in my defense I don’t think Jane Austen is hard to read once you get the hang of how the characters talk.
I got hooked the first few pages, wanting to know what happened but as I got towards the middle I had to take breaks – it’s not exactly light reading during your lunch break at work. I like open-ended books, when I write short stories I tend to leave them open-ended but The Turn of the Screw frustrated me. I felt like at the end nothing was resolved and that damaged my overall impression of the book as a whole.
We had a really good discussion on our theories of the book. One of the ladies thought that maybe Douglas (the man with the transcript of what happened) was really Miles and that the governess really died at the end not Miles. I personally felt like the governess was probably crazy since no one else saw the ghosts and she was so adamant that the children were cavorting with ghost even without proof. If you read it – I’d like to know what you think as well.
Thankful 14
I'm thankful for weekends. Everyone needs to take time and recharge.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thankful 13
You would think that coming up with these would be easy. I debate about them a lot though because some of the things I'm thankful come across as sounding materialistic or not as "good" as saying something major like a Miss America contestant wishing for world peace. The thing is though I shouldn't be embarrassed to list the silliest things up here because this is my list of thankful things and I have 30 days so if a few days are crazy silly then that's ok.
It's been raining here the last few days. I'm not talking drizzles. I'm talking downpours. It's cold, it's wet, its generally miserable. But today I thought about it, waking up and seeing that it was finally just drizzling and the sun was peaking out. If you don't have rain you don't have the days to look forward to afterwards. You wouldn't have rainbows or flowers or grass or pretty much anything. So I'm thankful for the rainy days because they give me the perfect excuse to curl up and watch Project Runway marathons or movies and for the fact that it gives me something to look forward to - the nothing can beat it feeling of the warm sun finally peeking out behind the clouds to kiss your face hello.
It's been raining here the last few days. I'm not talking drizzles. I'm talking downpours. It's cold, it's wet, its generally miserable. But today I thought about it, waking up and seeing that it was finally just drizzling and the sun was peaking out. If you don't have rain you don't have the days to look forward to afterwards. You wouldn't have rainbows or flowers or grass or pretty much anything. So I'm thankful for the rainy days because they give me the perfect excuse to curl up and watch Project Runway marathons or movies and for the fact that it gives me something to look forward to - the nothing can beat it feeling of the warm sun finally peeking out behind the clouds to kiss your face hello.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Khaki Pants - I'm Blaming It On The Rain...
So I know I should probably post something about my book club but I'm saving it for tomorrow. I was thinking today (on the way home from puppy class) about something I really hate and yet it's still sitting in my closet. I hate khaki pants. I'm wearing them right now and I hate them. I'm going to be honest I feel like an over-grown girl scout or camp counselor in khakis. It is probably one of the least coolest things (I feel like) in my closet. Yet, for some reason I have my trusty pair to break out on days like today - i.e. rainy, lazy, all my other go-to outfits are just not working for me.
I'm not sure what it is about khakis - I know a lot of people love them. My mom for one is a huge fan of the preppy look. I always feel like I don't get it right though or I feel just blah. And really... your clothes shouldn't make you feel blah, you should feel awesome - ready to conquor the world - or at least a sudoko puzzle.
So I could challenge myself to give away everything in my closet that makes me feel blah and I do sometimes. About twice a year the spring cleaning bug gets me and I haul bags off to the Goodwill. Yet, for some reason I cling to a few things that I know look a. horrible b. not horrible but not great c. are the go-to lazy outfit or d. might come back in style at some point (hey leggings did). I don't think I'm alone in this? I feel like there are probably women (and men) everywhere who have a few outfits in their closet that would find a better home elsewhere. But why cling to them then?
I'd like to think that maybe some day I can get the khaki pant look right but I'm not sure I can. I don't think khakis are me. So this gets me thinking because a lot of stylist say you should have a signature look that's you and you don't veer from this look (sounds a little boring to me). I've seen quizes that relate signature style to Katharine Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Gwen Stefani, etc. Part of me thinks that's a great place to start. Pick someone you like and use them as inspiration. But lets face it there is only one of those ladies and copying their style probably isn't the best route for you.
My personal stance on the subject is to find things you like and work off that. Open your closet and see if you can find a pattern. I know mine - a little Audrey Hepburn, a dash of hippie/70's, a lot of primary colors (reds, purples, black, white - not pastels) and a lot of fun shoes and bags. So what does this mean for me? I gravitaty towards classic clothes but like to punch it up with accessories or a few trendy pieces here and there. I'm not a slave to trends because like we were talking about in book club last night somethings are around for ever (think pencil skirts, high heels, ballet flats, tailored dresses) and some things are around for a season or two (think pleather pants, belly shirts, shoulder pads).
And my main tip - find things that work for you. Face it not everyone can pull off skinny jeans and thigh high boots - it's not your body that has it wrong its the clothes. Glamour had a great article last month about celebrating the body you have and a big part of that is to not get discouraged because the top that looks great on your best friend makes it look like you gained ten pounds.
So should I give my khaki pants away? Probably. I'm good at helping other people go through their wardrobe but part of me makes me hang onto them. They're like hanging onto your skinny jeans you haven't fit into since high school - there is a sort of challenge hanging out there that I can make this work.
So in closing... let's talk for a minute about your favorite outfit in your closet (can be more than one) and your least favorite. Who is your style icon? How would you describe your look?
I'll go first. Favorite things (of the moment anyway): blue dress from The Limited (simple empire waist, slight flair to the skirt, hits above the knee) - dress up or down, black and white asymetical skirt, my Nine West purple, white, green and black painted shoes (looks better than I described), black pants, leggings/tights, knee-high boots, grey suede heels, leather flip flops, tunics, and jeans.
Least Favorite: khaki pants, button up shirts, sweaters, most turtlenecks, and over-sized t's that you get for free from random places.
Style Icon: Audrey is my girl. There is something so timeless about her. But I would say Audrey with a mix of Charlotte from Sex in the City, a little Kate Hudson (got to have my hippie-chic), and Stacey London.
And I kind of already described my look so we're not repeating that.
I think if you take that with you when you go shopping and really analyze everything you buy you can find pieces that will quickly make your favorites list miles long. Remember, buy things you really love not things that you think are trendy but don't really do anything for you or you don't feel comfortable in. SP said last night at book club it's all about confidence. You can pull off the craziest outfit if it fits well and you own it.
And my advice if you are going to do a big closet clean-out... give things to people who need them. Donating gently used items can be a tax deduction or find a consignment shop and make a few extra dollars. I've never done it but there are bitch and swap parties where you can gather friends and trade items.
Can't wait to hear you're answers to my questions! :)
I'm not sure what it is about khakis - I know a lot of people love them. My mom for one is a huge fan of the preppy look. I always feel like I don't get it right though or I feel just blah. And really... your clothes shouldn't make you feel blah, you should feel awesome - ready to conquor the world - or at least a sudoko puzzle.
So I could challenge myself to give away everything in my closet that makes me feel blah and I do sometimes. About twice a year the spring cleaning bug gets me and I haul bags off to the Goodwill. Yet, for some reason I cling to a few things that I know look a. horrible b. not horrible but not great c. are the go-to lazy outfit or d. might come back in style at some point (hey leggings did). I don't think I'm alone in this? I feel like there are probably women (and men) everywhere who have a few outfits in their closet that would find a better home elsewhere. But why cling to them then?
I'd like to think that maybe some day I can get the khaki pant look right but I'm not sure I can. I don't think khakis are me. So this gets me thinking because a lot of stylist say you should have a signature look that's you and you don't veer from this look (sounds a little boring to me). I've seen quizes that relate signature style to Katharine Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Gwen Stefani, etc. Part of me thinks that's a great place to start. Pick someone you like and use them as inspiration. But lets face it there is only one of those ladies and copying their style probably isn't the best route for you.
My personal stance on the subject is to find things you like and work off that. Open your closet and see if you can find a pattern. I know mine - a little Audrey Hepburn, a dash of hippie/70's, a lot of primary colors (reds, purples, black, white - not pastels) and a lot of fun shoes and bags. So what does this mean for me? I gravitaty towards classic clothes but like to punch it up with accessories or a few trendy pieces here and there. I'm not a slave to trends because like we were talking about in book club last night somethings are around for ever (think pencil skirts, high heels, ballet flats, tailored dresses) and some things are around for a season or two (think pleather pants, belly shirts, shoulder pads).
And my main tip - find things that work for you. Face it not everyone can pull off skinny jeans and thigh high boots - it's not your body that has it wrong its the clothes. Glamour had a great article last month about celebrating the body you have and a big part of that is to not get discouraged because the top that looks great on your best friend makes it look like you gained ten pounds.
So should I give my khaki pants away? Probably. I'm good at helping other people go through their wardrobe but part of me makes me hang onto them. They're like hanging onto your skinny jeans you haven't fit into since high school - there is a sort of challenge hanging out there that I can make this work.
So in closing... let's talk for a minute about your favorite outfit in your closet (can be more than one) and your least favorite. Who is your style icon? How would you describe your look?
I'll go first. Favorite things (of the moment anyway): blue dress from The Limited (simple empire waist, slight flair to the skirt, hits above the knee) - dress up or down, black and white asymetical skirt, my Nine West purple, white, green and black painted shoes (looks better than I described), black pants, leggings/tights, knee-high boots, grey suede heels, leather flip flops, tunics, and jeans.
Least Favorite: khaki pants, button up shirts, sweaters, most turtlenecks, and over-sized t's that you get for free from random places.
Style Icon: Audrey is my girl. There is something so timeless about her. But I would say Audrey with a mix of Charlotte from Sex in the City, a little Kate Hudson (got to have my hippie-chic), and Stacey London.
And I kind of already described my look so we're not repeating that.
I think if you take that with you when you go shopping and really analyze everything you buy you can find pieces that will quickly make your favorites list miles long. Remember, buy things you really love not things that you think are trendy but don't really do anything for you or you don't feel comfortable in. SP said last night at book club it's all about confidence. You can pull off the craziest outfit if it fits well and you own it.
And my advice if you are going to do a big closet clean-out... give things to people who need them. Donating gently used items can be a tax deduction or find a consignment shop and make a few extra dollars. I've never done it but there are bitch and swap parties where you can gather friends and trade items.
Can't wait to hear you're answers to my questions! :)
Audrey Hepburn,
Nine West,
The Limited
Random Thursday: Sirius and Bon Jovi
So I was all set to write tonight about my book club and talk about our latest book and maybe I will or you may just have to wait until Friday. Because on the way home I was listening to my Sirius (have I mentioned how much I love my Sirius - I'm talking love in a way that it will seriously impact what kind of car I get when mine finally dies... no Sirius then no deal). Anyway... I was thinking about how great it is that I can get pretty much any type of music I want and I don't have to listen to commercials or really annoying DJ's (ok some of their DJ's are annoying but that's what my remote is for).
So I was listening to 90's on 9 and they started playing Bon Jovi. And that's now my blog topic because as I sang along to Always at the top of my lungs I was just thinking "Man they are an awesome band. And now that I've seen Britney they're on my list as number one band to see in concert."
They have a new album out - once I get it I'm going to review on here. I'm pretty sure I'll like it though. Their songs make me feel good. They make me want to tease my hair, get some big hoop earrings and leather pants and sing at the top of my lungs. Ok, well maybe not the outfit part but I had to throw a NJ stereotype in there somewhere. :)
I like their new song We Weren't Born To Follow (you can buy a digital copy of their new album The Circle on Amazon for less than $5). How can you not love feel good rock music? I saw them on the Today Show yesterday (they didn't sing WWBTF that I saw but they sang a bunch of other great songs) and they were really good live, too. The audience was really into it, it didn't sound like they were relying just on a track, it was a good show.
The funny thing is I didn't like Bon Jovi before I moved to NJ. I didn't hate them but they weren't a band I had on my iPod (ok on my mix CDs). I think living in NJ for any amount of time you have to start liking them - it's like a requirement to live in the state. (Sorry guys but I'm still not a Bruce fan).
Anyways, this blog post probably doesn't have a real point but then again maybe it does. Maybe there are some singers/bands that make you stop and think - man I really like them and I want to shout it at the top of my lungs. Who do you like? Who are the bands or singers that you don't care how embarrassing it is but you still love them? I don't consider liking Bon Jovi an embarrassment but I do cringe a bit when I admit to loving the Spice Girls (I mean come on who wouldn't want Posh's wardrobe).
So I was listening to 90's on 9 and they started playing Bon Jovi. And that's now my blog topic because as I sang along to Always at the top of my lungs I was just thinking "Man they are an awesome band. And now that I've seen Britney they're on my list as number one band to see in concert."
They have a new album out - once I get it I'm going to review on here. I'm pretty sure I'll like it though. Their songs make me feel good. They make me want to tease my hair, get some big hoop earrings and leather pants and sing at the top of my lungs. Ok, well maybe not the outfit part but I had to throw a NJ stereotype in there somewhere. :)
I like their new song We Weren't Born To Follow (you can buy a digital copy of their new album The Circle on Amazon for less than $5). How can you not love feel good rock music? I saw them on the Today Show yesterday (they didn't sing WWBTF that I saw but they sang a bunch of other great songs) and they were really good live, too. The audience was really into it, it didn't sound like they were relying just on a track, it was a good show.
The funny thing is I didn't like Bon Jovi before I moved to NJ. I didn't hate them but they weren't a band I had on my iPod (ok on my mix CDs). I think living in NJ for any amount of time you have to start liking them - it's like a requirement to live in the state. (Sorry guys but I'm still not a Bruce fan).
Anyways, this blog post probably doesn't have a real point but then again maybe it does. Maybe there are some singers/bands that make you stop and think - man I really like them and I want to shout it at the top of my lungs. Who do you like? Who are the bands or singers that you don't care how embarrassing it is but you still love them? I don't consider liking Bon Jovi an embarrassment but I do cringe a bit when I admit to loving the Spice Girls (I mean come on who wouldn't want Posh's wardrobe).
Thankful 12
I'm thankful for The Office. It's the funniest show on television and if you haven't watched it you should. Seriously the whole cast and writers are geniuses who truely capture what it's like to work in ... well an office.
So this gets me thinking my top Office moments... I could probably write this list forever but this is what immediately came to mind:
- the dress code episode where Meredith comes in wearing a ridiculously tiny dress and no can see where this going. And don't tell me you don't know "that person" in real life that dresses mildly inappropriately.
- the office party episode where Michael orders pizza from the wrong pizza place. Ok maybe no one else finds this as amusing as I do but this really happens at my work. Food is a big deal and free food better be from the right place.
- Jim and Pam's wedding because how could you not like that. The whole thing was classic...
- When they told Holly that Kevin was retarded. So it's not PC but who cares. Totally funny and even better it lasted over a few episodes.
- Anything with Jim and Dwight playing games with each other. Whether it's faxes from the future, or Jim pretending to be a vampire or bell training Dwight those two together crack me up.
I think one of my dream jobs would be to write for The Office - NBC are you listening?? :) I have a whole file in my head of great episodes waiting for you.
So this gets me thinking my top Office moments... I could probably write this list forever but this is what immediately came to mind:
- the dress code episode where Meredith comes in wearing a ridiculously tiny dress and no can see where this going. And don't tell me you don't know "that person" in real life that dresses mildly inappropriately.
- the office party episode where Michael orders pizza from the wrong pizza place. Ok maybe no one else finds this as amusing as I do but this really happens at my work. Food is a big deal and free food better be from the right place.
- Jim and Pam's wedding because how could you not like that. The whole thing was classic...
- When they told Holly that Kevin was retarded. So it's not PC but who cares. Totally funny and even better it lasted over a few episodes.
- Anything with Jim and Dwight playing games with each other. Whether it's faxes from the future, or Jim pretending to be a vampire or bell training Dwight those two together crack me up.
I think one of my dream jobs would be to write for The Office - NBC are you listening?? :) I have a whole file in my head of great episodes waiting for you.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thankful 11
I'm thankful for the random days off in the middle of the week. Nothing is more perfect than being able to just sleep late and do nothing (sleep late being 7:30 am since I'm not in college anymore and C. thinks 3 am is a perfectly acceptable time to get up on days when I don't have to work). Secretly I also love pretending I have one of those lives of leasure for one day (you know the ladies and gentleman that don't have to work and just do errands and watch loads of bad TV and have lunch with friends... too bad all my friends had to work today).
My Favorite Things - Bright Pink Blush
So if I had to rank materialistic things I love in order make-up would make my top ten. I’m not one of those girls that cakes it on, although false eyelashes and smoky eyes can be fun but I have devoted a small tool chest to my love of make-up. It’s one of those things that I can’t understand women that don’t love it. It camouflages the negative, accentuates the positive and is just darn fun. Plus it’s one of those things that is pretty cheap to experiment with and not nearly as permanent as say cutting your hair off or getting a tattoo. My motto with make-up is pretty much I’ll try it and if it doesn’t work – wash it off.
So my tip for today is bright pink blush. I’m not talking baby pink or peach or bronze. I’m talking hot pink blush. Now don’t close out your computer screen and run back to your bag of neutrals. Pink blush is surprisingly flattering – google it if you don’t believe me. You have to find the right pink for your skin tone but it isn’t hard to do – most make-up counter women can help you out.
I believe the pink is flattering because most people naturally have pink in their cheeks. Adding a little more gives you a nice little flush.
So my two favorites:

Bobbi Brown Pale Pink – Ironically in the container this looks pretty darn close to hot pink. On it comes out a soft flush – very natural, very wearable.
Bare Minerals Giddy Pink – this is more of a rose pink with a hint of sparkle. It’s a loose powder, I tip the jar over so some lands on the cap, hit the cap once with my brush and then open it. You should find a small amount of the make-up still in the cap. Run your brush over it; tap it on the edge of the cap to remove excess and swipe on.
So my tip for today is bright pink blush. I’m not talking baby pink or peach or bronze. I’m talking hot pink blush. Now don’t close out your computer screen and run back to your bag of neutrals. Pink blush is surprisingly flattering – google it if you don’t believe me. You have to find the right pink for your skin tone but it isn’t hard to do – most make-up counter women can help you out.
I believe the pink is flattering because most people naturally have pink in their cheeks. Adding a little more gives you a nice little flush.
So my two favorites:
Bobbi Brown Pale Pink – Ironically in the container this looks pretty darn close to hot pink. On it comes out a soft flush – very natural, very wearable.
Bare Minerals Giddy Pink – this is more of a rose pink with a hint of sparkle. It’s a loose powder, I tip the jar over so some lands on the cap, hit the cap once with my brush and then open it. You should find a small amount of the make-up still in the cap. Run your brush over it; tap it on the edge of the cap to remove excess and swipe on.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Thankful 10
I'm thankful for the days when I can take long hot showers. It's like my own personal hydro therapy.
Movie Review Number 2: Paranormal Activity
I hate scary movies. I will avoid them like the plague. I don’t get the appeal of being scared. Not to mention most scary movies are weak in the plot department – relying on unnecessary violence and gore and cheap scare tactics instead of dialogue. Even then I get freaked out easily, I could get freaked out watching CSI – every little noise is suddenly some random serial killer trying to break-in – blame an overactive imagination.
Still, about every two years or so I’ll actually voluntarily decide to watch a scary movie. This goes along with a good two weeks of psyching myself up to it. This year, two separate radio shows were talking about how amazing Paranormal Activity was. How it was the best scary movie in years that it was more psychological than gore, etc. I could deal with the psychological thriller. So we decided to watch it.
First off, let me say this movie is not as great as all the hype. I was expecting the scary movie to end all scary movies. The beginning drags, it’s basically shaky camera work of a young couple filming each other because the girlfriend believes she’s being haunted. I don’t like watching shots of people’s torsos having a conversation and they waste too much time with the couple just joking around with nothing happening.
In case you didn’t know they film this like the Blair Witch and if you’re not into the amateur video look this is not the movie for you.
When things start happening, I just didn’t buy into the story. I felt like the boyfriend was fake (maybe just bad acting). He tormented the demon/ghost (seriously who is going to yell things about show yourself to something supernatural), bought a Ouija Board to communicate with it after he was told not to by an expert on demons (where do you find experts on demons and how do you make that your career?), and generally just didn’t seem to buy into the whole demon thing as much as his girlfriend. And if he doesn’t believe it – why should I? Not to mention the fact the whole time I was thinking, you guys are only dating - you can walk out at anytime and you better believe I’d have been out of there so fast…
I also want to talk about the ads for the movie which basically show the audience jumping back and screaming, etc. I didn’t scream once and frankly I question anyone who would get that freaked out. I feel like I can question this since I’m the jumpiest person you can take to a scary movie. I’m the girl in the back row with her eyes closed and her hands over her ears. I get scared watching America’s Most Wanted. In Paranormal Activity, you never really see anything. I was expecting a demon to charge the camera and when it never happened I actually felt let down. When the demon does actually do something it looks like just wind or you hear footsteps. Yawn.
Save your money. I'm sure there are better scary movies out there - I just can't really reccommend any because the last ones I voluntarily watched were the Scream movies and I'm pretty sure most of you have already seen that.
Still, about every two years or so I’ll actually voluntarily decide to watch a scary movie. This goes along with a good two weeks of psyching myself up to it. This year, two separate radio shows were talking about how amazing Paranormal Activity was. How it was the best scary movie in years that it was more psychological than gore, etc. I could deal with the psychological thriller. So we decided to watch it.
First off, let me say this movie is not as great as all the hype. I was expecting the scary movie to end all scary movies. The beginning drags, it’s basically shaky camera work of a young couple filming each other because the girlfriend believes she’s being haunted. I don’t like watching shots of people’s torsos having a conversation and they waste too much time with the couple just joking around with nothing happening.
In case you didn’t know they film this like the Blair Witch and if you’re not into the amateur video look this is not the movie for you.
When things start happening, I just didn’t buy into the story. I felt like the boyfriend was fake (maybe just bad acting). He tormented the demon/ghost (seriously who is going to yell things about show yourself to something supernatural), bought a Ouija Board to communicate with it after he was told not to by an expert on demons (where do you find experts on demons and how do you make that your career?), and generally just didn’t seem to buy into the whole demon thing as much as his girlfriend. And if he doesn’t believe it – why should I? Not to mention the fact the whole time I was thinking, you guys are only dating - you can walk out at anytime and you better believe I’d have been out of there so fast…
I also want to talk about the ads for the movie which basically show the audience jumping back and screaming, etc. I didn’t scream once and frankly I question anyone who would get that freaked out. I feel like I can question this since I’m the jumpiest person you can take to a scary movie. I’m the girl in the back row with her eyes closed and her hands over her ears. I get scared watching America’s Most Wanted. In Paranormal Activity, you never really see anything. I was expecting a demon to charge the camera and when it never happened I actually felt let down. When the demon does actually do something it looks like just wind or you hear footsteps. Yawn.
Save your money. I'm sure there are better scary movies out there - I just can't really reccommend any because the last ones I voluntarily watched were the Scream movies and I'm pretty sure most of you have already seen that.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Britney Spears lipsyncs... really?

I want to devote today’s blog to Britney Spears. I love Britney Spears’ music. I think everyone has a soft spot for singers and bands they liked in their teens.
My thing with Spears is this; you can say she isn’t that great of a singer that she doesn’t write her own songs, etc. but she’s a great performer and she knows what it takes to get people to like her. A year or two ago when she was flashing her privates, staying out all hours of the night at clubs, shaving her head and just generally looking like her life was a disaster pretty much everyone wrote her off as a has-been. I’ll admit I was the diehard fan – she just needed a break and then she can come back. Everyone gets stressed and her life happens to play out for the tabloids. And I'm happy to say I was right. Spears is back and looking fabulous (check out her new video 3 if you don't believe me).
Now she’s back in the tabloids because Australians are making a big deal that Spears lipsyncs at her concert. Really? I mean who didn't know that. Spears' concert is more about the performance, she's putting on a show and with all the dancing she does, she'd be out of breath if she sang. I went to Circus when it first toured and the show is amazing. It's probably one of the best concerts I went to. I went knowing she probably would lipsync all of it. I went for the experience not to hear a great singer belt out her best songs. This isn't a Celine Dion concert where she just stands there and sings (I'm guessing - I've never been to a Dion concert).
I personally feel, you know what you're getting into with her and she's not exactly the only singer that lipsyncs so I feel like she's getting a bum rap. Do I think it would be cool if she could sing a few songs live - sure but with all the dancing and effects I didn't really miss it.
I've even posted a photo from the concert. And I have to say if she ever tours again - I'll probably be there singing along.
So with Thanksgiving fast approaching I was thinking today that people don't take enough time and really think about what they are thankful for. Sure on Thanksgiving day you may go around and come up with something lame to say in front of family but do you honestly set for a minute to ponder everything that is going so right in your life?
So in honor of Thanksgiving, I've decided to do 30 days of what I'm thankful for. Each day I'll post a new thought. Don't worry I'll do real post too but I want to get you thinking and maybe you can make your own list. I'd be interested to read along.
I need to catch up for the nine days I missed so here are the first nine things I'm thankful for...
1. Friends and Family. This is a given and if it's not on your list it should be. These are the people that love you and support you. The people that laugh with you and comfort you when you cry. Without my friends and family I wouldn't be half the person I am today. I love each and every one of you.
2. My husband for encouraging me to write more and to start this blog. And for all the other nice things he does that I don't always say thank you for... I know he should count as one too but he can have his own number.
3. My new puppy, C. She's taught me how quickly you can fall in unconditional love with someone. She's shown me its ok to slow down and get enjoyment out of the simple things in life. Who knew leaves and butterflies were so fascinating? And she's taught me to be more patient.
4. My job. I may have a love/hate relationship with it but I know that with everything going on in the world right now I'm damn lucky to have a job with a company that is stable.
5. The fact that I have enough money to pay my bills and put food on my table. Goes back to number 4 not everyone is that lucky and yeah sometimes we struggle and sometimes I can't do everything I want to do but I'd like to think I can be grateful for all the things I do have.
6. Living in a place that has four seasons. I may hate the freezing cold and the blistering heat but without one I can't appreciate the other. There's something magical about a dusting of snow on your lawn at Christmas. I feel very Charles Dicken's wrapping up in my warm coat and scarf and building a snowman. I love spring and fall here because it's so mild, the flowers are blooming or the leaves are falling. And I even love hot sticky summer because nothing feels better than dipping into a cold pool on a hot day.
7. For long weekends where I can just relax. Sometimes you just have to be lazy.
8. That I live in a great country. Ok, this sounds cheesy but come on you have to have some national pride. I'm sure there are other countries that are just as great but there is never any place better than home.
9. For all the men and women that fought so hard to make America what it is today. I know this sounds cheesy too but if you can't be cheesy at Thanksgiving when can you....
So in honor of Thanksgiving, I've decided to do 30 days of what I'm thankful for. Each day I'll post a new thought. Don't worry I'll do real post too but I want to get you thinking and maybe you can make your own list. I'd be interested to read along.
I need to catch up for the nine days I missed so here are the first nine things I'm thankful for...
1. Friends and Family. This is a given and if it's not on your list it should be. These are the people that love you and support you. The people that laugh with you and comfort you when you cry. Without my friends and family I wouldn't be half the person I am today. I love each and every one of you.
2. My husband for encouraging me to write more and to start this blog. And for all the other nice things he does that I don't always say thank you for... I know he should count as one too but he can have his own number.
3. My new puppy, C. She's taught me how quickly you can fall in unconditional love with someone. She's shown me its ok to slow down and get enjoyment out of the simple things in life. Who knew leaves and butterflies were so fascinating? And she's taught me to be more patient.
4. My job. I may have a love/hate relationship with it but I know that with everything going on in the world right now I'm damn lucky to have a job with a company that is stable.
5. The fact that I have enough money to pay my bills and put food on my table. Goes back to number 4 not everyone is that lucky and yeah sometimes we struggle and sometimes I can't do everything I want to do but I'd like to think I can be grateful for all the things I do have.
6. Living in a place that has four seasons. I may hate the freezing cold and the blistering heat but without one I can't appreciate the other. There's something magical about a dusting of snow on your lawn at Christmas. I feel very Charles Dicken's wrapping up in my warm coat and scarf and building a snowman. I love spring and fall here because it's so mild, the flowers are blooming or the leaves are falling. And I even love hot sticky summer because nothing feels better than dipping into a cold pool on a hot day.
7. For long weekends where I can just relax. Sometimes you just have to be lazy.
8. That I live in a great country. Ok, this sounds cheesy but come on you have to have some national pride. I'm sure there are other countries that are just as great but there is never any place better than home.
9. For all the men and women that fought so hard to make America what it is today. I know this sounds cheesy too but if you can't be cheesy at Thanksgiving when can you....
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Craft Shows and Butterscotch Pancakes
This weekend was quite the packed schedule. The best part being it was packed with things I actually wanted to do as opposed to running errands.
Two of my favorite things happened this weekend.
First, the Fall Craft Show at the Raceway in Richmond. I am a sucker for craft shows. I know this makes me sound like I’m about 85 years old and I collect things made out of tissue paper and ribbon. Seriously though Richmond has some great craft shows and I have the schedule mapped out. The spring craft show at the Raceway is in March then there is Arts in the Park around May and then the fall show in November.
If you have never been to a craft show you should. You can find some really unique things. I like the two shows at the Raceway the best since the price ranges vary. Arts in the Park, while lovely items, tends to be out of my budget. I’m not going to lie there probably will be somewhere there making snowmen out of cotton balls and felt but just skip over their booth, unless you like that sort of thing.
My best finds at craft shows have been photographs and other art work. You get pieces that aren’t Joe Generic Bed Bath and Beyond images and it’s neat to actually meet the artist. I got a handmade wooden bowl one year, images of NJ this year (what are the odds a vendor is from West Long Branch NJ and had photos of Point Pleasant in Richmond?). I also was able to find a custom furniture maker one year and he’s been very reasonable and makes awesome pieces. I also have an all natural soap maker I like and I plan my visit to stock up on soaps until the next show.
And my second favorite thing of the weekend was I got to see one of my best friends. I love having friends over or visiting friends. And I love having friends that no matter how long you’ve been apart it’s like nothing has happened. I don’t know how you meet people like this but I highly recommend it. I met S in NJ and we became fast friends. I feel like I’ve known her forever and to me she’s one of those friends that seeing her again is like picking up right where we left off. Now that we’re both back in the south and in different states we don’t see each other as often. So, we packed up and went down for the weekend. It was just super relaxing and good to catch up. This morning her husband made butterscotch pancakes and they were so delicious. I never would have thought to do that but now I’m wondering if Kroger is still open so I can run out and get some butterscotch chips. It’s like eating a yummy cookie for breakfast – I recommend it.
Hope you all had a great weekend too!
Two of my favorite things happened this weekend.
First, the Fall Craft Show at the Raceway in Richmond. I am a sucker for craft shows. I know this makes me sound like I’m about 85 years old and I collect things made out of tissue paper and ribbon. Seriously though Richmond has some great craft shows and I have the schedule mapped out. The spring craft show at the Raceway is in March then there is Arts in the Park around May and then the fall show in November.
If you have never been to a craft show you should. You can find some really unique things. I like the two shows at the Raceway the best since the price ranges vary. Arts in the Park, while lovely items, tends to be out of my budget. I’m not going to lie there probably will be somewhere there making snowmen out of cotton balls and felt but just skip over their booth, unless you like that sort of thing.
My best finds at craft shows have been photographs and other art work. You get pieces that aren’t Joe Generic Bed Bath and Beyond images and it’s neat to actually meet the artist. I got a handmade wooden bowl one year, images of NJ this year (what are the odds a vendor is from West Long Branch NJ and had photos of Point Pleasant in Richmond?). I also was able to find a custom furniture maker one year and he’s been very reasonable and makes awesome pieces. I also have an all natural soap maker I like and I plan my visit to stock up on soaps until the next show.
And my second favorite thing of the weekend was I got to see one of my best friends. I love having friends over or visiting friends. And I love having friends that no matter how long you’ve been apart it’s like nothing has happened. I don’t know how you meet people like this but I highly recommend it. I met S in NJ and we became fast friends. I feel like I’ve known her forever and to me she’s one of those friends that seeing her again is like picking up right where we left off. Now that we’re both back in the south and in different states we don’t see each other as often. So, we packed up and went down for the weekend. It was just super relaxing and good to catch up. This morning her husband made butterscotch pancakes and they were so delicious. I never would have thought to do that but now I’m wondering if Kroger is still open so I can run out and get some butterscotch chips. It’s like eating a yummy cookie for breakfast – I recommend it.
Hope you all had a great weekend too!
Friday, November 6, 2009
BBC Book List
Ok so I'm not sure how real this list is. I mean I guess I could google it and see if it actually appeared on the BBC but seriously it's 7:30 am and I don't really have the energy to google the validity of a list. I'm sure you might have seen it... I've gotten it in emails, on MySpace (when people actually used MySpace) and on Facebook... so I'm going to post it here.
Anyway, true or not the email/post goes something like this the BBC came up with this list of a 100 books they think everyone should read at some point but then goes on to say that most people have read 6. A few other blogs I found when I was looking for the list question the number 6 because really if you look at the books it wasn't a stretch for me to have read a number of them and when I showed it to my husband awhile back (who never reads) he had read over 12.
So whether or not this is a real list of books by the BBC it's fun to look at how many you've read because a lot of them are classics (new and old). It also gets me thinking because I have a book club and I should start selecting these books if I want to read all 100.
1) Bold those you have read.
2) Star the ones you loved.* (I'm not doing this part too much work)
3) Italicize those you plan on reading. (again really too much work)
So actually I'm just bolding the ones I've read.... haha
001 Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen
002 The Lord of the Rings- JRR Tolkien
003 Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte
004 Harry Potter series- JK Rowling
005 To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
006 The Bible (I'm going to with partially counts)
007 Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte
008 Nineteen Eighty Four – George Orwell
009 His Dark Materials – Philip Pullman
010 Great Expectations – Charles Dickens
011 Little Women – Louisa M Alcott
012 Tess of the D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy
013 Catch 22 – Joseph Heller
014 Complete Works of Shakespeare (Again I'm going with that I've read some of them so that counts as "complete")
015 Rebecca- Daphne Du Maurier (checked it out from the library once but I doubt that counts as "read")
016 The Hobbit- JRR Tolkien
017 Birdsong – Sebastian Faulks
018 Catcher in the Rye – JD Salinger
019 The Time Traveller’s Wife- Audrey Niffenegger
020 Middlemarch – George Eliot
021 Gone With The Wind – Margaret Mitchell
022 The Great Gatsby – F Scott Fitzgerald
023 Bleak House – Charles Dickens
024 War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy
025 The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams
026 Brideshead Revisited – Evelyn Waugh
027 Crime and Punishment- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
028 Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck
029 Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll
030 The Wind in the Willows – Kenneth Grahame
031 Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy
032 David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
033 Chronicles of Narnia – CS Lewis
034 Emma – Jane Austen
035 Persuasion - Jane Austen
036 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – CS Lewis
037 The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini
038 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin – Louis De Berniere
039 Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden
040 Winnie the Pooh – AA Milne
041 Animal Farm – George Orwell
042 The Da Vinci Code – Dan Brown
043 One Hundred Years of Solitude – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
044 A Prayer for Owen Meaney – John Irving
045 The Woman in White – Wilkie Collins
046 Anne of Green Gables- LM Montgomery
047 Far From The Madding Crowd – Thomas Hardy
048 The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood
049 Lord of the Flies – William Golding
050 Atonement – Ian McEwan
051 Life of Pi – Yann Martel
052 Dune – Frank Herbert
053 Cold Comfort Farm – Stella Gibbons I made it halfway through.
054 Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen
055 A Suitable Boy – Vikram Seth
056 The Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon
057 A Tale Of Two Cities – Charles Dickens
058 Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
059 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time – Mark Haddon
060 Love In The Time Of Cholera – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
061 Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck
062 Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov
063 The Secret History – Donna Tartt
064 The Lovely Bones – Alice Sebold
065 Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
066 On The Road – Jack Kerouac
067 Jude the Obscure – Thomas Hardy
068 Bridget Jones’s Diary – Helen Fielding
069 Midnight’s Children – Salman Rushdie
070 Moby Dick – Herman Melville
071 Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens
072 Dracula – Bram Stoker
073 The Secret Garden- Frances Hodgson Burnett
074 Notes From A Small Island – Bill Bryson
075 Ulysses – James Joyce
076 The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath
077 Swallows and Amazons – Arthur Ransome
078 Germinal – Emile Zola
079 Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray (I saw the movie...)
080 Possession- AS Byatt
081 A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens
082 Cloud Atlas – David Mitchell
083 The Color Purple – Alice Walker
084 The Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro
085 Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
086 A Fine Balance – Rohinton Mistry
087 Charlotte’s Web – EB White
088 The Five People You Meet In Heaven – Mitch Albom
089 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
090 The Faraway Tree Collection – Enid Blyton
091 Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad
092 The Little Prince – Antoine De Saint-Exupery
093 The Wasp Factory – Iain Banks
094 Watership Down – Richard Adams (this is an awesome book - someone gave it me when I was younger now it got me thinking I should make it my book club pick)
095 A Confederacy of Dunces- John Kennedy Toole
096 A Town Like Alice – Nevil Shute
097 The Three Musketeers – Alexandre Dumas (I saw the movie haha...)
098 Hamlet – William Shakespeare
099 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl
100 Les Miserables – Victor Hugo (I should get credit that I actually saw this movie in French...)
Ok so I have 37 that's a lot more than 6 and I don't think I'm the expection here. Count them up... how many have you read? Which were your favorites?
Anyway, true or not the email/post goes something like this the BBC came up with this list of a 100 books they think everyone should read at some point but then goes on to say that most people have read 6. A few other blogs I found when I was looking for the list question the number 6 because really if you look at the books it wasn't a stretch for me to have read a number of them and when I showed it to my husband awhile back (who never reads) he had read over 12.
So whether or not this is a real list of books by the BBC it's fun to look at how many you've read because a lot of them are classics (new and old). It also gets me thinking because I have a book club and I should start selecting these books if I want to read all 100.
1) Bold those you have read.
2) Star the ones you loved.* (I'm not doing this part too much work)
3) Italicize those you plan on reading. (again really too much work)
So actually I'm just bolding the ones I've read.... haha
001 Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen
002 The Lord of the Rings- JRR Tolkien
003 Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte
004 Harry Potter series- JK Rowling
005 To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
006 The Bible (I'm going to with partially counts)
007 Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte
008 Nineteen Eighty Four – George Orwell
009 His Dark Materials – Philip Pullman
010 Great Expectations – Charles Dickens
011 Little Women – Louisa M Alcott
012 Tess of the D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy
013 Catch 22 – Joseph Heller
014 Complete Works of Shakespeare (Again I'm going with that I've read some of them so that counts as "complete")
015 Rebecca- Daphne Du Maurier (checked it out from the library once but I doubt that counts as "read")
016 The Hobbit- JRR Tolkien
017 Birdsong – Sebastian Faulks
018 Catcher in the Rye – JD Salinger
019 The Time Traveller’s Wife- Audrey Niffenegger
020 Middlemarch – George Eliot
021 Gone With The Wind – Margaret Mitchell
022 The Great Gatsby – F Scott Fitzgerald
023 Bleak House – Charles Dickens
024 War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy
025 The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams
026 Brideshead Revisited – Evelyn Waugh
027 Crime and Punishment- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
028 Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck
029 Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll
030 The Wind in the Willows – Kenneth Grahame
031 Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy
032 David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
033 Chronicles of Narnia – CS Lewis
034 Emma – Jane Austen
035 Persuasion - Jane Austen
036 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – CS Lewis
037 The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini
038 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin – Louis De Berniere
039 Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden
040 Winnie the Pooh – AA Milne
041 Animal Farm – George Orwell
042 The Da Vinci Code – Dan Brown
043 One Hundred Years of Solitude – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
044 A Prayer for Owen Meaney – John Irving
045 The Woman in White – Wilkie Collins
046 Anne of Green Gables- LM Montgomery
047 Far From The Madding Crowd – Thomas Hardy
048 The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood
049 Lord of the Flies – William Golding
050 Atonement – Ian McEwan
051 Life of Pi – Yann Martel
052 Dune – Frank Herbert
053 Cold Comfort Farm – Stella Gibbons I made it halfway through.
054 Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen
055 A Suitable Boy – Vikram Seth
056 The Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon
057 A Tale Of Two Cities – Charles Dickens
058 Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
059 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time – Mark Haddon
060 Love In The Time Of Cholera – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
061 Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck
062 Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov
063 The Secret History – Donna Tartt
064 The Lovely Bones – Alice Sebold
065 Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
066 On The Road – Jack Kerouac
067 Jude the Obscure – Thomas Hardy
068 Bridget Jones’s Diary – Helen Fielding
069 Midnight’s Children – Salman Rushdie
070 Moby Dick – Herman Melville
071 Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens
072 Dracula – Bram Stoker
073 The Secret Garden- Frances Hodgson Burnett
074 Notes From A Small Island – Bill Bryson
075 Ulysses – James Joyce
076 The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath
077 Swallows and Amazons – Arthur Ransome
078 Germinal – Emile Zola
079 Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray (I saw the movie...)
080 Possession- AS Byatt
081 A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens
082 Cloud Atlas – David Mitchell
083 The Color Purple – Alice Walker
084 The Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro
085 Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
086 A Fine Balance – Rohinton Mistry
087 Charlotte’s Web – EB White
088 The Five People You Meet In Heaven – Mitch Albom
089 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
090 The Faraway Tree Collection – Enid Blyton
091 Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad
092 The Little Prince – Antoine De Saint-Exupery
093 The Wasp Factory – Iain Banks
094 Watership Down – Richard Adams (this is an awesome book - someone gave it me when I was younger now it got me thinking I should make it my book club pick)
095 A Confederacy of Dunces- John Kennedy Toole
096 A Town Like Alice – Nevil Shute
097 The Three Musketeers – Alexandre Dumas (I saw the movie haha...)
098 Hamlet – William Shakespeare
099 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl
100 Les Miserables – Victor Hugo (I should get credit that I actually saw this movie in French...)
Ok so I have 37 that's a lot more than 6 and I don't think I'm the expection here. Count them up... how many have you read? Which were your favorites?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wal-Mart vs. Target
First let me say I know this is supposed to be about my favorite things but doesn’t everything need a yin and a yang? So that means to me I can take a few minutes every now and then to talk about my least favorite things.
I’m not sure the Wal-Mart or Target question stirs the same amount of heat as Pepsi vs. Coke. To me there is no thinking to the question, no second to ponder which to pick. I would pick Target hands down every time. I am reminded of my loyalty to that lovely red bulls-eye every time I have to venture into Wal-Mart.
My latest trip was for a friend’s baby shower. She had registered at Baby’s R Us and Wal-Mart. Since Baby’s R Us is 30 minutes away from me without traffic and Wal-Mart is 10 minutes with traffic, I figured I would try Wal-Mart first. I spent half of last Friday (my day off) pumping myself up to going. Wal-Mart isn’t that bad, I told myself as I kept coming up with other things to do first and debating if I ordered something online if I could get it before the shower. The thing with Wal-Mart is they give me a headache just thinking about going. I’m not being overdramatic here – something about knowing I’m walking into what consist of a small warehouse staffed with unfriendly untrained staff makes me want to run for the hills (or Target). Still, I got in the car and headed out. It won’t be so bad, they are trying to revive their image (I know this because I work in marketing and sat through a presentation on how Wal-Mart is trying to change). Maybe this time it will be different….
Or not. The greeter was friendly enough. Off to a good start. I push my cart around for ten minutes (okay maybe five) trying to figure out where the baby stuff was. It’s shoved in the back of the store between the grocery store section and craft supplies. Apparently moms need to get their fabric glue and huge boxes of processed food at the same time they are stocking up on bibs and crib sheets.
The registry which I printed off the internet was horrible – half the items didn’t have a picture or their name was in code. Like I was supposed to know what all these abbreviations meant. This by the way I blame fully on Wal-Mart (my friend had picked out cute stuff and I am under the impression its all registries there). There were two sales people stocking shelves, they don’t make eye contact me as I wonder past six times looking for my items. I think in their employee handbook it says something about if you ignore customers they won’t ask you questions (or maybe it’s if you stand still enough customers can’t see you). I finally find the items by matching the barcodes, which if you ever have to do that absolutely sucks. It’s like the lottery you stand there clutching the registry in one hand and reading the numbers off in your head, 5, 8, 9, 0, 1… damn the last number on the registry is a 7 and the item on the wall is a 9.
I stock up my cart and head to the front. There are maybe five lanes open and all of them have lines that appear to be at least 15 minutes long. Apparently no one works on Friday and they all trek out to Wal-Mart. The lady ringing me up didn’t really say hi (maybe I’m spoiled and used to people asking about how my day is but I don’t think its too much to ask if I’m spending money in your store to look at me and say hi). To make matters worse she didn’t know how to scan the items on the registry so we had to wait for someone else to come over and help. Twenty minutes later I finally get to my car and all I can think is if I didn’t love my friend so much I would never have gone there. That and I’m vowing to never return.
So now lets talk about Target one of my favorite stores. I don’t get headaches just thinking about going there, I could wander the aisles for hours stocking up on everything from clothes, to lawn care, to new bath towels.
I have two stories to illustrate how different they are (so bear with me here)…
Story One: I go to Target before I head to Wal-Mart (I need to gather my strength) and I’ve developed a sudden need for the new Taylor Swift CD since I saw it in a Target ad before I left. I grab a few things (the aisles are designed in such a way you find yourself suddenly needing things like scarves, random greeting cards, and candles) and head over to the music section. I know Target like the back of my hand. They are all pretty much laid out the same way so it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to memorize the layout. I grab the CD and ask the associate to help me find some ink for my printer. We have a nice conversation – about Halloween and my different ink options. Then she says “I can ring you up back here if you want so you don’t have to stand in line up front”. My little guardian angel in a Target uniform.
Story Two: My husband and I are bored – it’s a rainy Saturday afternoon and with nothing else to do we head to Target and Home Depot (exciting right). We are looking at Wii games which are all locked in cases. We select one we want to see and push the button for a sales associate. A microphone chirps that a sales associate would be with us in 50 seconds. We joke with the woman next to us that that would never happen but sure enough a man comes sprinting down the aisle. He hands us the game and we joke about how it’s not exactly what we thought it was (some building game apparently sponsored by Home Depot) and we leave.
So what makes the experiences so different? Target works off the same concept, selling massive amounts of stuff at lower prices. Yet, I don’t get that warehouse feel from them. The people are actual helpful and smile at you when they see you. The store doesn’t feel like a small-scale warehouse. I enjoy going there. I look forward to going there. Is it simply that Target does a better job of getting their employees to connect with their customers? Maybe.
My disclosure here is I’m sure there are disgruntled untrained Target employees; I’ve just never met one (although I did have a bad experience with their call-center but that’s a different blog). I’m also equally sure there are some nice helpful Wal-Mart employees. I just haven’t had that experience either.
I don’t think Wal-Mart could do anything to convince me that they’ve changed. The thing is I only go there if I absolutely have to and that’s not something you want from your customers. You want them to rely on you, to talk favorably about you, to want to connect with you. And unless your former customer is willing to give you a chance you’re nothing more than an ex-boyfriend who keeps trying desperately to show you they’ve changed. The thing is I’m pretty loyal, so Target and I would have to have a pretty serious break-up before I consider taking Wal-Mart back.
I’m not sure the Wal-Mart or Target question stirs the same amount of heat as Pepsi vs. Coke. To me there is no thinking to the question, no second to ponder which to pick. I would pick Target hands down every time. I am reminded of my loyalty to that lovely red bulls-eye every time I have to venture into Wal-Mart.
My latest trip was for a friend’s baby shower. She had registered at Baby’s R Us and Wal-Mart. Since Baby’s R Us is 30 minutes away from me without traffic and Wal-Mart is 10 minutes with traffic, I figured I would try Wal-Mart first. I spent half of last Friday (my day off) pumping myself up to going. Wal-Mart isn’t that bad, I told myself as I kept coming up with other things to do first and debating if I ordered something online if I could get it before the shower. The thing with Wal-Mart is they give me a headache just thinking about going. I’m not being overdramatic here – something about knowing I’m walking into what consist of a small warehouse staffed with unfriendly untrained staff makes me want to run for the hills (or Target). Still, I got in the car and headed out. It won’t be so bad, they are trying to revive their image (I know this because I work in marketing and sat through a presentation on how Wal-Mart is trying to change). Maybe this time it will be different….
Or not. The greeter was friendly enough. Off to a good start. I push my cart around for ten minutes (okay maybe five) trying to figure out where the baby stuff was. It’s shoved in the back of the store between the grocery store section and craft supplies. Apparently moms need to get their fabric glue and huge boxes of processed food at the same time they are stocking up on bibs and crib sheets.
The registry which I printed off the internet was horrible – half the items didn’t have a picture or their name was in code. Like I was supposed to know what all these abbreviations meant. This by the way I blame fully on Wal-Mart (my friend had picked out cute stuff and I am under the impression its all registries there). There were two sales people stocking shelves, they don’t make eye contact me as I wonder past six times looking for my items. I think in their employee handbook it says something about if you ignore customers they won’t ask you questions (or maybe it’s if you stand still enough customers can’t see you). I finally find the items by matching the barcodes, which if you ever have to do that absolutely sucks. It’s like the lottery you stand there clutching the registry in one hand and reading the numbers off in your head, 5, 8, 9, 0, 1… damn the last number on the registry is a 7 and the item on the wall is a 9.
I stock up my cart and head to the front. There are maybe five lanes open and all of them have lines that appear to be at least 15 minutes long. Apparently no one works on Friday and they all trek out to Wal-Mart. The lady ringing me up didn’t really say hi (maybe I’m spoiled and used to people asking about how my day is but I don’t think its too much to ask if I’m spending money in your store to look at me and say hi). To make matters worse she didn’t know how to scan the items on the registry so we had to wait for someone else to come over and help. Twenty minutes later I finally get to my car and all I can think is if I didn’t love my friend so much I would never have gone there. That and I’m vowing to never return.
So now lets talk about Target one of my favorite stores. I don’t get headaches just thinking about going there, I could wander the aisles for hours stocking up on everything from clothes, to lawn care, to new bath towels.
I have two stories to illustrate how different they are (so bear with me here)…
Story One: I go to Target before I head to Wal-Mart (I need to gather my strength) and I’ve developed a sudden need for the new Taylor Swift CD since I saw it in a Target ad before I left. I grab a few things (the aisles are designed in such a way you find yourself suddenly needing things like scarves, random greeting cards, and candles) and head over to the music section. I know Target like the back of my hand. They are all pretty much laid out the same way so it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to memorize the layout. I grab the CD and ask the associate to help me find some ink for my printer. We have a nice conversation – about Halloween and my different ink options. Then she says “I can ring you up back here if you want so you don’t have to stand in line up front”. My little guardian angel in a Target uniform.
Story Two: My husband and I are bored – it’s a rainy Saturday afternoon and with nothing else to do we head to Target and Home Depot (exciting right). We are looking at Wii games which are all locked in cases. We select one we want to see and push the button for a sales associate. A microphone chirps that a sales associate would be with us in 50 seconds. We joke with the woman next to us that that would never happen but sure enough a man comes sprinting down the aisle. He hands us the game and we joke about how it’s not exactly what we thought it was (some building game apparently sponsored by Home Depot) and we leave.
So what makes the experiences so different? Target works off the same concept, selling massive amounts of stuff at lower prices. Yet, I don’t get that warehouse feel from them. The people are actual helpful and smile at you when they see you. The store doesn’t feel like a small-scale warehouse. I enjoy going there. I look forward to going there. Is it simply that Target does a better job of getting their employees to connect with their customers? Maybe.
My disclosure here is I’m sure there are disgruntled untrained Target employees; I’ve just never met one (although I did have a bad experience with their call-center but that’s a different blog). I’m also equally sure there are some nice helpful Wal-Mart employees. I just haven’t had that experience either.
I don’t think Wal-Mart could do anything to convince me that they’ve changed. The thing is I only go there if I absolutely have to and that’s not something you want from your customers. You want them to rely on you, to talk favorably about you, to want to connect with you. And unless your former customer is willing to give you a chance you’re nothing more than an ex-boyfriend who keeps trying desperately to show you they’ve changed. The thing is I’m pretty loyal, so Target and I would have to have a pretty serious break-up before I consider taking Wal-Mart back.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
My Favorite Thing of the Week
This idea is my new weekly post. I figured Wednesday is a slow day and if I can’t write the rest of the week I can at least come up with a good post (or at least a mediocre post) every Wednesday. My idea is to highlight one thing that I like and hopefully you’ll try it and like it too.
So my favorite thing this week? I’m going to go for Project Runway. If you haven’t seen it, you should. Basically all these wanna-be designers compete to win a chance to show at fashion week (usually in NY but this year in CA). Then one designer is crowned the Project Runway winner.
Along the way they do these crazy challenges, like design a costume for Christina Aguilera, or maternity clothes, or pieces inspired by Michael Kor’s favorite places. My only complaint is this season Christina Aguilera and Lindsey Lohan were both guest judges. I like Aguilera but she doesn’t exactly scream relevant in the music industry and Lohan – really??? I don’t think anyone is looking to her for expert fashion advice. They’ve also had a ton of guest judges this season and I really like it better when it’s Heidi, Nina and Michael (then you can add a random guest judge but not all random guest judges except Heidi).
The designers all have attitude and think they are amazing and everyone else barely passed Home Economics. Usually by this point I would have a clear favorite but so far it’s more about the people I know I hate like this one girl Irena – she comes across as such a bitch a show. She just complains and trash talks everyone else and thinks her designs are so much better. The sad thing is she really is good but I don’t like her personality so I keep hoping they’ll kick her off.
I have to say I love Heidi Klum on Project Runway but Tim Gunn makes the show. My husband has been trying to get his impression of Gunn right ever since I started torturing him with the show (hey it’s payback for all that baseball and football he makes me watch). I would love to meet Gunn and pick his brain for all that wonderful fashion advice. I actually bought his book a few months ago and need to read it (I sense another book review…). For awhile he had another show on Bravo helping women learn how to dress and since I’m also a sucker for make-over shows I loved that too. Instead of What Not To Wear, where Stacey and Clinton (love them) basically trash these clueless fashion victims Gunn took a more gentle mentoring approach. He didn’t automatically toss all their clothes and send them semi-blind off with a credit card. He explained what worked and didn’t work for their body, gave them a list of classic pieces to buy, and then actually helped them keep some of their favorites by slightly altering the pieces so it worked for their body type.
Anyway, back to Project Runway, I think you’ll love it if you haven’t already watched it. Even if you’re not a huge fashion fan it’s amazing. I am in awe of how these people come up with the designs, buy the fabric and create actual clothes in a day. It’s almost enough to make me want to learn to sew…. Almost but not quite.
So even though there are only like three episodes left you have to check it out. It’s Thursdays at 10 on Lifetime.
So my favorite thing this week? I’m going to go for Project Runway. If you haven’t seen it, you should. Basically all these wanna-be designers compete to win a chance to show at fashion week (usually in NY but this year in CA). Then one designer is crowned the Project Runway winner.
Along the way they do these crazy challenges, like design a costume for Christina Aguilera, or maternity clothes, or pieces inspired by Michael Kor’s favorite places. My only complaint is this season Christina Aguilera and Lindsey Lohan were both guest judges. I like Aguilera but she doesn’t exactly scream relevant in the music industry and Lohan – really??? I don’t think anyone is looking to her for expert fashion advice. They’ve also had a ton of guest judges this season and I really like it better when it’s Heidi, Nina and Michael (then you can add a random guest judge but not all random guest judges except Heidi).
The designers all have attitude and think they are amazing and everyone else barely passed Home Economics. Usually by this point I would have a clear favorite but so far it’s more about the people I know I hate like this one girl Irena – she comes across as such a bitch a show. She just complains and trash talks everyone else and thinks her designs are so much better. The sad thing is she really is good but I don’t like her personality so I keep hoping they’ll kick her off.
I have to say I love Heidi Klum on Project Runway but Tim Gunn makes the show. My husband has been trying to get his impression of Gunn right ever since I started torturing him with the show (hey it’s payback for all that baseball and football he makes me watch). I would love to meet Gunn and pick his brain for all that wonderful fashion advice. I actually bought his book a few months ago and need to read it (I sense another book review…). For awhile he had another show on Bravo helping women learn how to dress and since I’m also a sucker for make-over shows I loved that too. Instead of What Not To Wear, where Stacey and Clinton (love them) basically trash these clueless fashion victims Gunn took a more gentle mentoring approach. He didn’t automatically toss all their clothes and send them semi-blind off with a credit card. He explained what worked and didn’t work for their body, gave them a list of classic pieces to buy, and then actually helped them keep some of their favorites by slightly altering the pieces so it worked for their body type.
Anyway, back to Project Runway, I think you’ll love it if you haven’t already watched it. Even if you’re not a huge fashion fan it’s amazing. I am in awe of how these people come up with the designs, buy the fabric and create actual clothes in a day. It’s almost enough to make me want to learn to sew…. Almost but not quite.
So even though there are only like three episodes left you have to check it out. It’s Thursdays at 10 on Lifetime.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Obsessions Fall 2009
Ok I have to admit about every other month or so I get obsessed with finding one object to fill my fashion dreams. In the spring it was a bright yellow purse (I went to two malls, two Marshalls and finally found one in SteinMart). For months yellow was my go-to neutral (whether or not it’s actually a neutral is debatable but it looks delicious with almost everything). Last fall it was Rihanna-inspired ankle boots. The most perfect little Nine West black leather boots with a piece that folded over and was buckled down on one side. I went to three malls begging Macy’s to keep calling to find my new love. I finally tracked them down, bought them and they have sat in my closet since then. I love them but my wardrobe is probably more Audrey Hepburn than Rihanna and I need to add some more rocker pieces to make it work.
So my latest obsessions for fall are leggings and boots.
I love boots. I can’t begin to even explain how wonderful it feels to find a good pair of boots. I remember this scene from friends where Rachel is trying to explain buying a pair of boots and I can see how no one else gets it but I want to yell, “I get it Rachel.” Shoes can make your wardrobe and a hot pair of boots can make your fall and winter. The problem with boots is when you wear them everyday they barely make it through one season. So a few weeks ago I trotted off to Macy’s in search of my new winter boots. I went in thinking I’d be good, I need black boots. I won’t even look at the other boots. But all those shiny leather boots stared back at me practically begging me to try them on. I ended up with three pairs.
So my must have boots this fall, well I got my black work boots – every girl needs a good pair of black leather boots. Not too sexy (no thigh-high boots unless your job is something akin to Julia Roberts’ in Pretty Woman) and work appropriate - perfect under slacks or with dresses or skirts.
My two other pairs are my love of the season – the slouchy boot. You know the type; you can pull them up so they are just slightly slouchy or push them down so they have little ripples running down your legs. I got two pairs, one with a heel in black (they are casual – you have to have a casual and a dressy pair) and a brown pair that’s flat.
My second love is leggings. I’m late to jump on this fashion bandwagon (or trend-wagon?). I wore leggings the first go-round in the 80’s and was protesting them for that reason alone. Except on one shopping trip to New York and Company they had a special, buy a tunic and get a pair of leggings for free. I encourage you to try them. It’s like wearing work out pants only more stylish. You can wear them with flats or heels. I haven’t tried them with a skirt or dress – I don’t want to look like an 18 year old. But I love them with long tunics. Make sure the tunic covers your butt – it’s actually probably good if it hits mid-thigh, anything shorter is too short.
So those are my two obsessions right now – what are yours? Comment and we can discuss.
So my latest obsessions for fall are leggings and boots.
I love boots. I can’t begin to even explain how wonderful it feels to find a good pair of boots. I remember this scene from friends where Rachel is trying to explain buying a pair of boots and I can see how no one else gets it but I want to yell, “I get it Rachel.” Shoes can make your wardrobe and a hot pair of boots can make your fall and winter. The problem with boots is when you wear them everyday they barely make it through one season. So a few weeks ago I trotted off to Macy’s in search of my new winter boots. I went in thinking I’d be good, I need black boots. I won’t even look at the other boots. But all those shiny leather boots stared back at me practically begging me to try them on. I ended up with three pairs.
So my must have boots this fall, well I got my black work boots – every girl needs a good pair of black leather boots. Not too sexy (no thigh-high boots unless your job is something akin to Julia Roberts’ in Pretty Woman) and work appropriate - perfect under slacks or with dresses or skirts.
My two other pairs are my love of the season – the slouchy boot. You know the type; you can pull them up so they are just slightly slouchy or push them down so they have little ripples running down your legs. I got two pairs, one with a heel in black (they are casual – you have to have a casual and a dressy pair) and a brown pair that’s flat.
My second love is leggings. I’m late to jump on this fashion bandwagon (or trend-wagon?). I wore leggings the first go-round in the 80’s and was protesting them for that reason alone. Except on one shopping trip to New York and Company they had a special, buy a tunic and get a pair of leggings for free. I encourage you to try them. It’s like wearing work out pants only more stylish. You can wear them with flats or heels. I haven’t tried them with a skirt or dress – I don’t want to look like an 18 year old. But I love them with long tunics. Make sure the tunic covers your butt – it’s actually probably good if it hits mid-thigh, anything shorter is too short.
So those are my two obsessions right now – what are yours? Comment and we can discuss.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Book Review: Mommywood
Ok so I realize this may destroy any credibility I have by reviewing Tori Spelling’s second book instead of say something else, maybe something a little bit more of a challenge. But hey, why not stick with a good thing.
I didn’t mention I’m kind of a speed reader. My mom jokes about it. My husband jokes about it – actually he jokes about anyone that actually reads. Still I don’t think it’s a stretch for people who read at normal speeds to finish this book in a day or two. It’s an easy read.
I liked it. I’m not sure I like it better than her first book. She trashes her mom more in this book and at some point you want to say, “Ok Tori, I got it, you and your mom don’t get along.”
I’m not a mom, I don’t have any plans to be a mom in the near future and most of her book (hence the title) is about being a mom and Tori Spelling/famous. Even still, I think it’s funny. What’s not funny about random people staring at her at the pool, or her obsessing about a neighborhood block party, or her son grabbing her boobs at the playground. Her stories are funny and she isn’t afraid to embarrass herself. She strikes me as goofy and normal. She could be your neighbor if your neighbor lived in a gated community and was in a reality TV show.
I have always felt sorry for celeb moms or celebs in general where an ideal body weight is that of a pre-pubescent girl. It’s not realistic that a new mom can catwalk down the Victoria Secret runway a few weeks after giving birth (Heidi Klum is some kind of genetic anomaly). Spelling confronts this issue head-on. Talking about the pressures of looking her best and losing the baby weight before someone publishes her picture next to a comment about being fat or pregnant. No one needs that kind of pressure.
So, my advice, if it's cold and dark outside, go to the libary and pick up sTORI Telling and while there grab Mommywood. It's a nice escape.
I didn’t mention I’m kind of a speed reader. My mom jokes about it. My husband jokes about it – actually he jokes about anyone that actually reads. Still I don’t think it’s a stretch for people who read at normal speeds to finish this book in a day or two. It’s an easy read.
I liked it. I’m not sure I like it better than her first book. She trashes her mom more in this book and at some point you want to say, “Ok Tori, I got it, you and your mom don’t get along.”
I’m not a mom, I don’t have any plans to be a mom in the near future and most of her book (hence the title) is about being a mom and Tori Spelling/famous. Even still, I think it’s funny. What’s not funny about random people staring at her at the pool, or her obsessing about a neighborhood block party, or her son grabbing her boobs at the playground. Her stories are funny and she isn’t afraid to embarrass herself. She strikes me as goofy and normal. She could be your neighbor if your neighbor lived in a gated community and was in a reality TV show.
I have always felt sorry for celeb moms or celebs in general where an ideal body weight is that of a pre-pubescent girl. It’s not realistic that a new mom can catwalk down the Victoria Secret runway a few weeks after giving birth (Heidi Klum is some kind of genetic anomaly). Spelling confronts this issue head-on. Talking about the pressures of looking her best and losing the baby weight before someone publishes her picture next to a comment about being fat or pregnant. No one needs that kind of pressure.
So, my advice, if it's cold and dark outside, go to the libary and pick up sTORI Telling and while there grab Mommywood. It's a nice escape.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Movie Review Number 1: The Tale of Despereaux
So my husband and I recently decided to get Netflicks. This was more his idea than mine. I’m much more of a going to the movie theater kind of girl or wait until I can fight over the last copy of a new release at the local video store. I need some sort of adventure that doesn’t involve walking to my mailbox to retrieve some random DVD we added to a query months before.
One thing I have learned from Netflicks though is that there is a staggering amount of really bad movies out there and 90% of them were made in the last three years. We eagerly set up the query full of DVD’s that never really made the cut when we were paying $4 a pop at the video store and sat back and waited as they came in. Most were clearly supposed to be in that $5 bin in Best Buy hoping that some poor fool looking for something to do on a Tuesday night will think that the latest Clive Owen movie is a bargain. I mention Clive Owen because we rented two of his movies recently – the only one I even remotely remember was Duplicity and that was because Julia Roberts was in it - and I’ve come to the conclusion that he signs on for crappy scripts for the paycheck. I actually fell asleep during Duplicity. I wouldn’t recommend it. I wouldn’t even watch it on cable in five years.
So in the midst of all these bad movies a halfway decent movie can actually make you like it more. You think to yourself afterwards, did I really like that movie or is it because the last movie was so horrible that this one seems like an Oscar winner compared to it?
I write all this to lead into my second review. Since we just got a puppy and the puppy seems to think sleeping late entails getting up at 6:30 instead of 5:30 or 6:00, I was able to get up this morning, cook breakfast and pop in the latest Netflicks arrival. I like cartoons, for this reason Netflicks thinks that we are either a 20-something male into action and horror or a 10-year old girl who loves cartoons and romantic comedies. To illustrate this point our latest arrivals were 300 and The Tale of Despereaux.
I can’t review 300 because I spent Saturday morning out with friends instead of watching ancient gladiators battle it out. But I can talk about Despereaux.
My puppy and I curled up this morning to eat French toast (for me) and rawhides (for her) and watch The Tale of Despereaux. I have to say I liked it. I liked it better than Meet the Robinson’s (the last cartoon to arrive which frankly had a good point but not enough funny parts and dragged).
Despereaux is a mouse who doesn’t know fear. Apparently fear is a good trait for mice and after a few events (I won’t give it all away) he is banished to the dungeons to be eaten by rats. None of this really fazes Despereaux, who wants to be a hero and is finally given the chance when he has to rescue the princess who has been captured by rats. The thing with cartoons is this could actually happen in their world. You have to suspend disbelief and live in a fantasy world where humans frequently converse with rodents. The movie was okay, it wasn’t my favorite cartoon (The Little Mermaid would be number one incase you are wondering) but it wasn’t the worse that I’ve seen. The story moves quickly enough. However, the tale is more for children, no hidden adult jokes and double meanings like the Shrek movies. And of course it has the requisite happy ending – perfect for children of all ages. All in all a good beginning to a rainy Saturday morning.
And just incase you are wondering I ranked it a 3 out of 5 on Netflicks, which means I liked it but wouldn’t rush out to rent it again.
One thing I have learned from Netflicks though is that there is a staggering amount of really bad movies out there and 90% of them were made in the last three years. We eagerly set up the query full of DVD’s that never really made the cut when we were paying $4 a pop at the video store and sat back and waited as they came in. Most were clearly supposed to be in that $5 bin in Best Buy hoping that some poor fool looking for something to do on a Tuesday night will think that the latest Clive Owen movie is a bargain. I mention Clive Owen because we rented two of his movies recently – the only one I even remotely remember was Duplicity and that was because Julia Roberts was in it - and I’ve come to the conclusion that he signs on for crappy scripts for the paycheck. I actually fell asleep during Duplicity. I wouldn’t recommend it. I wouldn’t even watch it on cable in five years.
So in the midst of all these bad movies a halfway decent movie can actually make you like it more. You think to yourself afterwards, did I really like that movie or is it because the last movie was so horrible that this one seems like an Oscar winner compared to it?
I write all this to lead into my second review. Since we just got a puppy and the puppy seems to think sleeping late entails getting up at 6:30 instead of 5:30 or 6:00, I was able to get up this morning, cook breakfast and pop in the latest Netflicks arrival. I like cartoons, for this reason Netflicks thinks that we are either a 20-something male into action and horror or a 10-year old girl who loves cartoons and romantic comedies. To illustrate this point our latest arrivals were 300 and The Tale of Despereaux.
I can’t review 300 because I spent Saturday morning out with friends instead of watching ancient gladiators battle it out. But I can talk about Despereaux.
My puppy and I curled up this morning to eat French toast (for me) and rawhides (for her) and watch The Tale of Despereaux. I have to say I liked it. I liked it better than Meet the Robinson’s (the last cartoon to arrive which frankly had a good point but not enough funny parts and dragged).
Despereaux is a mouse who doesn’t know fear. Apparently fear is a good trait for mice and after a few events (I won’t give it all away) he is banished to the dungeons to be eaten by rats. None of this really fazes Despereaux, who wants to be a hero and is finally given the chance when he has to rescue the princess who has been captured by rats. The thing with cartoons is this could actually happen in their world. You have to suspend disbelief and live in a fantasy world where humans frequently converse with rodents. The movie was okay, it wasn’t my favorite cartoon (The Little Mermaid would be number one incase you are wondering) but it wasn’t the worse that I’ve seen. The story moves quickly enough. However, the tale is more for children, no hidden adult jokes and double meanings like the Shrek movies. And of course it has the requisite happy ending – perfect for children of all ages. All in all a good beginning to a rainy Saturday morning.
And just incase you are wondering I ranked it a 3 out of 5 on Netflicks, which means I liked it but wouldn’t rush out to rent it again.
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