This one is more for me but feel free to tweak to make it work for you. I have a few writing contest coming up that I want to enter and I need to make myself get motivated and buckle down. Procrastination may be an art I've mastered but there comes a time when a girl has to get serious. So this week my challenge is to write ten minutes a day. Ten minutes! That's cutting out blow drying my hair every morning or not checking my email or having a twenty minute lunch - I can do this!
The thing is you can do this too. If writing isn't your thing - try something else. Work out, go for a walk, sing, paint, whatever... rekindle a passion you had for whatever hobby you want. Ten minutes isn't much a commitment and that's the entire point. I think if you sit down and say I'm working on this for three hours you probably won't even try. You'll think to yourself - three hours - I don't have three hours - I need to clean my house, meet friends, cook dinner, etc. Three hours is ridiculous. But if you say ten minutes completely to yourself. You can shut the door with confidence and stay in there ten minutes of three hours (if you get caught up). So good luck!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Excuse me are you pregnant?
Remember a while back we talked about annoying things people say... well one of them is "Are you pregnant?" Let me start by saying unless someone was about to drop a baby on my foot I don't think I'd straight up ask them. What if they said, "No I'm a bit bloated today." or "I swallowed a basketball for breakfast."? Embarrassing.
So today, I wore a cute sundress to work - bright purple and white and empire waist. I love empire waist stuff - one it highlights most women's skinniest part of their waist - right under their breast - two it highlights your breast in a non-sleazy way (I'm sure there are sleazy ways but....) - and three they are so comfy!! No need to worry about eating light with these babies on.
I walk down to the cafeteria because as usual I'm running late and didn't have two minutes to heat oatmeal and ordered a sandwich. And this really nice lady who I see everyday (hence you should realize that I wasn't looking pregnant Monday) asks, "are you pregnant?"
Augh! Really? I'll admit I'm no Kate Moss in the skinny department but I'm not walking around with a basketball up my skirt either. So embarrassing for both of us. Of course I said no. Then she played it off that I've been married for awhile and I'll be pregnant soon if not today. Wow... there goes me wanting to scarf down a breakfast sandwich. I'll just have a skim milk and cereal. Starvation diet here I come.
The funny thing is though - empire waist dresses are everywhere!! (Maybe because they are so darn comfortable/flattering).
Here are a few of my favorites:

All images are from: and
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Book Review: The Swan Thieves: A Novel - by Elizabeth Kostova
So I picked up this book because I saw it in a magazine and then it was on the past best-sellers cart at the library. I had doubts because I read Kostova's last book The Historian and thought it was just ok. Ok meaning - slightly boring at times and a bit too long - and I don't really remember it. A good book I can remember. A bad book I can remember. An ok book just sits there in no where land and every now and then I'll be like did I like that or not and the answer is usually not so much. Still I took The Swan Thieves home and started reading because it was on a 2 week loan and the book is long!
The story flip flops between a few characters: Marlow, Mary, Kate and Beatrice (who lives in the late 1800's) and revolves around Marlow trying to figure out why a painter Robert Oliver went crazy on a photo called Leda and tried to stab it. Mary and Kate are his ex-lover and wife respectively and Beatrice is a painter who Oliver is obsessed with. Following me still?
First - the mystery is pretty easy to guess. Kostova gives a pretty big clue in the beginning of the story and Beatrice pretty much confirms it as she goes along.
Second - the story is long and kind of boring (hence why I didn't like The Historian). The book could have been shortened by a good 150 pages at least. Kate and Mary's parts aren't that interesting - they just highlight how Oliver went off the deep end and half of what they say could be summed up - do we really care how they met and the painting classes Mary takes (I didn't). I found myself actually skimming over their parts and the endless descriptions of useless stuff. For example, Marlow visits some painter in Acapulco and Kostova spends forever describing the hotel, the area, the painter's house... skim, skim, and more skimming.
I'm only hoping no one in book club picks either of her books and I'm stuck rereading them because I can guarantee I'm going to read Amazon reviews and random websites for a summary. Three out of five stars at best - I'm actually more inclined to say two but I don't want to be too mean. The story is actually interesting and the mystery if you don't pay attention or maybe with fewer clues is a good one - I just think it could have been better done and in a shorter manner.
The story flip flops between a few characters: Marlow, Mary, Kate and Beatrice (who lives in the late 1800's) and revolves around Marlow trying to figure out why a painter Robert Oliver went crazy on a photo called Leda and tried to stab it. Mary and Kate are his ex-lover and wife respectively and Beatrice is a painter who Oliver is obsessed with. Following me still?
First - the mystery is pretty easy to guess. Kostova gives a pretty big clue in the beginning of the story and Beatrice pretty much confirms it as she goes along.
Second - the story is long and kind of boring (hence why I didn't like The Historian). The book could have been shortened by a good 150 pages at least. Kate and Mary's parts aren't that interesting - they just highlight how Oliver went off the deep end and half of what they say could be summed up - do we really care how they met and the painting classes Mary takes (I didn't). I found myself actually skimming over their parts and the endless descriptions of useless stuff. For example, Marlow visits some painter in Acapulco and Kostova spends forever describing the hotel, the area, the painter's house... skim, skim, and more skimming.
I'm only hoping no one in book club picks either of her books and I'm stuck rereading them because I can guarantee I'm going to read Amazon reviews and random websites for a summary. Three out of five stars at best - I'm actually more inclined to say two but I don't want to be too mean. The story is actually interesting and the mystery if you don't pay attention or maybe with fewer clues is a good one - I just think it could have been better done and in a shorter manner.
Week 24 of the 52 Week Challenge
So I know late again. I promise to be better. I just need to de-stress first. This week - try something new. I've already got my new thing planned. I'm going white water rafting on Saturday. How fun, right? So I'll let you guys know how it goes. I really want to take a camera but a. don't want shots of me in a bikini unless I photoshop my head on Jennifer Aniston's body and b. I don't want to damage my camera. I'm thinking I might get a disposable water camera - if I do I'll post those - minus the bikini shots of course!
And speaking of cameras for my birthday gift to myself I got a new camera (yay). I've been wanting one forever and had my eye on two Nikon's. I did all the research and I got... a Nikon I didn't research. The deal was great though - it does everything the camera I wanted does except the zoom is 7 instead of 10. But the camera came with a case and a memory card. It's so much smaller than my last camera and takes amazing photos. I'll try to take a few to post soon. But if I was doing a favorites post today - my favorite thing would be Nikon. I've had two digital cameras and one film camera from them and they all still work perfectly (ok one digital camera is like three days old so I hope it still works)! I've never had a problem with any of them. I was actually wishing my digital would die so I could have a reason to buy a new one!!!
And speaking of cameras for my birthday gift to myself I got a new camera (yay). I've been wanting one forever and had my eye on two Nikon's. I did all the research and I got... a Nikon I didn't research. The deal was great though - it does everything the camera I wanted does except the zoom is 7 instead of 10. But the camera came with a case and a memory card. It's so much smaller than my last camera and takes amazing photos. I'll try to take a few to post soon. But if I was doing a favorites post today - my favorite thing would be Nikon. I've had two digital cameras and one film camera from them and they all still work perfectly (ok one digital camera is like three days old so I hope it still works)! I've never had a problem with any of them. I was actually wishing my digital would die so I could have a reason to buy a new one!!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Week 23 of the 52 Week Challenge
I know late but I have a valid excuse this time... personal stuff I'm not getting into on her. lol.... Anyway, I have a great idea for a week but again I have to save it because I just don't have the time or energy this week. Sooooo frivolous and easy it is. I don't know about you but I am a magazine junky. I'm probably who magazine people want in focus groups. I will subscribe to magazines like they are candy. Those puppies aren't cheap. I currently have 4 subscriptions going - although one was free and ending so I'm on the prowl for a new magazine (I'm debating between Shape and Self - thoughts anyone???).
So with all these magazines lying around I got to thinking how often I actually try something other than a recipe in them. And came up with the challenge this week.... drum roll please. Find a magazine and try one suggestion they have - whether it be a recipe, a friend date, a sex tip, a make-up tip, a hobby idea, I don't care... you can pick whatever you want.
I've already nailed a few options. Glamour (my current magazine of choice - I'm only hoping one day they'll read this and see what a brilliant guest columnist I'd be and that they should give me free mags for life) - had how to do an easy messy updo and since my pin-straight hair is usually down - I gave it a whirl on Saturday. I haven't worn it out yet because I feel a bit like a ballerina but it was super easy and I loved it for summer. Basically it's a bun - what did you think I'm going to actually curl and pin it into something elaborate??? And I also tried the "it" nail color of turquoise - I do have to work so it's on my toes and I'm not sure I love it as much as my go to dark purple in the winter but it's a cute unexpected alternative to white. On the nail polish note - I swear I think these mags have a deal with OPI because the "it" color changes more frequently then change socks. It's green, it's yellow, its grey, its purple... hows a girl to keep up.
One thing I'm not trying? Cosmo (a magazine I'm debating dropping) suggested that a hot make-up tip for summer was different color lips, red on bottom, pink on top or some other combination. If the model can't pull it off - I know I can't. Seriously whoever thought that up was ridiculous. It's def. a runway thing that cannot be pulled off in real life. She looked ridiculous.
So let me know what you try. I think this one could be fun.
So with all these magazines lying around I got to thinking how often I actually try something other than a recipe in them. And came up with the challenge this week.... drum roll please. Find a magazine and try one suggestion they have - whether it be a recipe, a friend date, a sex tip, a make-up tip, a hobby idea, I don't care... you can pick whatever you want.
I've already nailed a few options. Glamour (my current magazine of choice - I'm only hoping one day they'll read this and see what a brilliant guest columnist I'd be and that they should give me free mags for life) - had how to do an easy messy updo and since my pin-straight hair is usually down - I gave it a whirl on Saturday. I haven't worn it out yet because I feel a bit like a ballerina but it was super easy and I loved it for summer. Basically it's a bun - what did you think I'm going to actually curl and pin it into something elaborate??? And I also tried the "it" nail color of turquoise - I do have to work so it's on my toes and I'm not sure I love it as much as my go to dark purple in the winter but it's a cute unexpected alternative to white. On the nail polish note - I swear I think these mags have a deal with OPI because the "it" color changes more frequently then change socks. It's green, it's yellow, its grey, its purple... hows a girl to keep up.
One thing I'm not trying? Cosmo (a magazine I'm debating dropping) suggested that a hot make-up tip for summer was different color lips, red on bottom, pink on top or some other combination. If the model can't pull it off - I know I can't. Seriously whoever thought that up was ridiculous. It's def. a runway thing that cannot be pulled off in real life. She looked ridiculous.
So let me know what you try. I think this one could be fun.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Book Review: The House at Riverton
So for Book Club we read The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. The book was ok - I thought it dragged a bit but overall interesting. The funny thing about book club is some books I come in thinking good book and leave the meeting thinking not so great book. That's how I ended up feeling about The Forgotten Garden. There were some flaws that other members pointed out that I hadn't thought much about before.
Anyway - I read Kate Morton's other book The House at Riverton after the meeting.
First off - The House at Riverton and The Forgotten Garden are pretty much the same book - family mystery, bad mothers, flashbacks to tell the story, something shocking happening, etc. The endings on both are both pretty easy to figure out although The House at Riverton you are left guessing until the end exactly who does what to whom. This is disappointing to me. I know most writers have a style but it just reinforces my belief in not reading multiple books by the same author.
That being said The House at Riverton isn't a bad book. I actually liked it better than The Forgotten Garden. The story follows Grace, a 98 year old woman remembering her time at Riverton where she meets the daughters of the master of the house - Emmaline and Hannah. I can't tell too much about the story without giving the entire thing away. The story takes place both when Grace is in her late 90's about to die and when she's a servant at Riverton and later for Hannah. The mystery you find out pretty early on is that Robbie (a poet) presumably kills himself during a party Hannah and her husband are hosting at Riverton... but what really happened?? Cue dramatic music.
Another mystery (which is very similar to The Forgotten Garden) follows who is Grace's father. The reader can probably figure out after the first couple of chapters but it's not really the main point of the book and Grace figures it out much later (she seems a bit naive).
The problem is Hannah and Emmaline aren't likable. Grace is ok as a character but her younger self is naive and does some pretty dumb things because she's in "the service" to the family. The book would be better if you cared about the characters instead of wondering why they were doing something.
Apparently some of the Amazon reviewers are up in arms over the fact that Morton uses a cuss word in the book - I say BFD - get over it prudes. It's not like the characters are dropping curses left and right or there's endless sex scenes. It's only ever implied that characters are having sex (which is pretty hard to do since I'm fairly certain Emmaline was in some sort of early porn flick). People need to start worrying about more important things other than whether there are curse words in a book.
Overall, the book is good. Maybe three out of five stars. I wouldn't reread it. The story is entertaining and moves fairly quickly - although there are parts you want to just skim over (mainly Grace in present day). The mystery although a who-dun-it isn't like normal mysteries of today with intrigue and spies and lots of fighting scenes. At it's heart the book is a family drama with a bit of a mystery.
Anyway - I read Kate Morton's other book The House at Riverton after the meeting.
First off - The House at Riverton and The Forgotten Garden are pretty much the same book - family mystery, bad mothers, flashbacks to tell the story, something shocking happening, etc. The endings on both are both pretty easy to figure out although The House at Riverton you are left guessing until the end exactly who does what to whom. This is disappointing to me. I know most writers have a style but it just reinforces my belief in not reading multiple books by the same author.
That being said The House at Riverton isn't a bad book. I actually liked it better than The Forgotten Garden. The story follows Grace, a 98 year old woman remembering her time at Riverton where she meets the daughters of the master of the house - Emmaline and Hannah. I can't tell too much about the story without giving the entire thing away. The story takes place both when Grace is in her late 90's about to die and when she's a servant at Riverton and later for Hannah. The mystery you find out pretty early on is that Robbie (a poet) presumably kills himself during a party Hannah and her husband are hosting at Riverton... but what really happened?? Cue dramatic music.
Another mystery (which is very similar to The Forgotten Garden) follows who is Grace's father. The reader can probably figure out after the first couple of chapters but it's not really the main point of the book and Grace figures it out much later (she seems a bit naive).
The problem is Hannah and Emmaline aren't likable. Grace is ok as a character but her younger self is naive and does some pretty dumb things because she's in "the service" to the family. The book would be better if you cared about the characters instead of wondering why they were doing something.
Apparently some of the Amazon reviewers are up in arms over the fact that Morton uses a cuss word in the book - I say BFD - get over it prudes. It's not like the characters are dropping curses left and right or there's endless sex scenes. It's only ever implied that characters are having sex (which is pretty hard to do since I'm fairly certain Emmaline was in some sort of early porn flick). People need to start worrying about more important things other than whether there are curse words in a book.
Overall, the book is good. Maybe three out of five stars. I wouldn't reread it. The story is entertaining and moves fairly quickly - although there are parts you want to just skim over (mainly Grace in present day). The mystery although a who-dun-it isn't like normal mysteries of today with intrigue and spies and lots of fighting scenes. At it's heart the book is a family drama with a bit of a mystery.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
My Favorite Things: Under Armour
I haven't done a Favorite Things post in forever mainly because I couldn't think of anything good enough that I wanted to talk about. But I got home early and was changing for kickball (I signed up for an adult league this summer)... and I got out my new Under Armour workout clothes and it hit me. I love love my Under Armour workout clothes - they are super comfy and totally worth the splurge but what I love best is my sports bra from them. Glamorous - I know... but hey sometimes function over glamour. Anyway - here's what I love: Sports bra are usually the most unsexy underwear you can own (aside from armpit high granny panties), they give you either no boobs or uniboobs (where you have one big squished looking boob - sorry boys!) - the Under Armour bra while not sexy (I mean can a sports bra be sexy??) it certainly still gives you curves while also giving support. There are actual built in cups to keep the girls lifted and separate while the sports bra part keeps them tightly in place -haha I can't think of a better way to say this. So the bra??? I can't find a name on my tag it just says Women Heatgear... the website (after my computer - augh!!) finally pulled up the page (stupid internet not available message) says its called Strength. Here's the link. I think you'll love it!!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Week 22 of the 52 Week Challenge
This week is one I've been toying with for awhile. For a couple of reasons 1. budget and 2. time. But I'm going to go with it and say "plan a weekend road trip". Reading it you don't even have to go - I could plan a trip and decide later never to actually leave so it's perfect - budgets remain in tact. But I will say planning this takes like little to no effort. K and I took a random Thursday off last week and went to the beach for the day. Costs minimal. Planning next to none.
Also this will get me to look into a surprise for K's bday. I really want to take him somewhere - hopefully some friends can tag along too. Anyone have good ideas? I'm thinking if we drive a nice skiing trip (early December so early in the season) - maybe rent a cabin, get a ski pass, go to a winery (are they open that time of year??). If we fly then I want somewhere nice and warm where I have no worries except where to go for dinner, whose making margaritas and how long to lay on the beach. Both sound delightful in their own way.
And if I can't make it work - I do want to plan a trip with friends for next summer. I feel like we're slowly creeping our way into adulthood (ok maybe we've been there for awhile but the reality of it is sinking in). I think part of me still thinks I'm 21 but now everyone is getting married, having babies, etc and I feel that I'm closer to 31 than 21. And I haven't done a friend vacation in a really long time. I just think a big group on the beach or going to some new location to explore sounds amazing. Now I just need to win the lottery.
But hey - I can start to plan now and worry about saving later!
Also this will get me to look into a surprise for K's bday. I really want to take him somewhere - hopefully some friends can tag along too. Anyone have good ideas? I'm thinking if we drive a nice skiing trip (early December so early in the season) - maybe rent a cabin, get a ski pass, go to a winery (are they open that time of year??). If we fly then I want somewhere nice and warm where I have no worries except where to go for dinner, whose making margaritas and how long to lay on the beach. Both sound delightful in their own way.
And if I can't make it work - I do want to plan a trip with friends for next summer. I feel like we're slowly creeping our way into adulthood (ok maybe we've been there for awhile but the reality of it is sinking in). I think part of me still thinks I'm 21 but now everyone is getting married, having babies, etc and I feel that I'm closer to 31 than 21. And I haven't done a friend vacation in a really long time. I just think a big group on the beach or going to some new location to explore sounds amazing. Now I just need to win the lottery.
But hey - I can start to plan now and worry about saving later!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Week 21 of the 52 Week Challenge
Sorry - very late with this post. I've been feeling stressed and a bit burned out lately. I could really go for a nice spa day - a facial, massage, some relaxing water with limes, a hair cut.... ahhh (oh and a vacay to somewhere tropical). I can tell I'm stressed: I forget things, I start snapping at people, I retreat a bit - reading more, spending time alone, my face breaks out like an angry 14 year old and my energy wanes. I felt pretty good this long weekend - I wanted to relax - no plans - nothing. I went to the gym three times for 45 minutes to an hour each time. My legs ached in a good way, my blisters in a bad way. So now I need new running shoes and to lose a few pounds before I have to prance around in a bikini I'll be doing good.
So this week's challenge... it's going to have to be something quick (since I didn't post on Sunday) and something relaxing (since I obviously need a break). Let's go with try meditating. I know you could say it's stupid but I did find when I was doing yoga a couple times a week things seemed to slip away more. I find myself stuck between an extrovert and an introvert in real life - my mood changing with the scenario and the introvert in me benefited greatly from all the meditation. So this week - take sometime to be alone and be quiet. Or if you're more relaxed dancing in a club with pounding music and lots of people do that. Both are probably beneficial in their own ways. As for me I've already decided to play hooky tomorrow from work. There's something so delicious about being off randomly in the middle of the work while everyone else is slaving away. I'm really looking forward to it.
So this week's challenge... it's going to have to be something quick (since I didn't post on Sunday) and something relaxing (since I obviously need a break). Let's go with try meditating. I know you could say it's stupid but I did find when I was doing yoga a couple times a week things seemed to slip away more. I find myself stuck between an extrovert and an introvert in real life - my mood changing with the scenario and the introvert in me benefited greatly from all the meditation. So this week - take sometime to be alone and be quiet. Or if you're more relaxed dancing in a club with pounding music and lots of people do that. Both are probably beneficial in their own ways. As for me I've already decided to play hooky tomorrow from work. There's something so delicious about being off randomly in the middle of the work while everyone else is slaving away. I'm really looking forward to it.
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