So this weekend we went up to NJ for my brother-in-law and now sister-in-law's wedding (Congrats!!). It was so much. They looked beautiful and the day was great. My little hobby of playing with make-up came in handy too. I ended up doing not only my make-up but one of the bridesmaid's and the bride! :) I need to say I don't have any training - this is all stuff I picked up along the way from practice, magazines, websites, etc. And the one thing I am shocked about is when people say they are scared of make-up. When someone says this to me, I always encourage them to just play. It's not permanent. You can wash it off and start again. Take a Saturday morning and just do different things. Tear photos from magazines and try to mimic their make-up. Start small. Maybe do something like conceal dark circles or a zit. Then work on smokey eyes. There is nothing to be scared about - I promise.
So this is the start of a few posts. Make-up basics. I'm not going to teach you anything crazy just yet - just a little how-to of what you need. First up for the make-up rookies the basics of what you need. I'm not advocating rushing out and buying the most expensive make-up out there. Find what works for you whether that be drug store bargains or high-end splurges. I tend to mix and match. My photos are of things I use but you should try any and everything until you find the right fit for you. This weekend I used Lancome on them -I've never used it but I was super impressed with the consistency and colors. Proof you will learn something new when you experiment with different brands.
First up...
So important!! Your skin needs moisture. I apply moisturizer as soon as I'm out of the shower or after I've washed my face. Find what works for you and stick with it. Tip: Put moisturizer on a few minutes before you put on your make-up. This way it can soak into your skin and you're not damp before you start.
Hands down my favorite moisturizers are Eucerin (not pictured) and Estee Lauder (the little pink jar). Both come with anti-aging properties and sunscreen. For a girl whose always running late (me) it's perfect. I don't need multiple steps when I'm short on time. Loads of people swear by the Clinique moisturizer pictured (left) - I've used it off and on for years - this one was a freebie. For my skin it's not enough but my skin tends to be pretty dry. This is proof that you need to try different things - Clinique may be great because it doesn't break me out but I need a more heavy duty moisturizer. You may find their moisturizer works just find for you.
Tinted Moisturizer
I know I just said moisturizer but for non-foundation fans this is tool number one. The bonuses: if you have normal or oily skin you can maybe skip the moisturizer and opt for a tinted version (look for sunscreen and use a night cream (at night) to get anti-aging benefits) or if you're like me simply layer on over your regular moisturizer as your foundation.
This little beauty does the work of a foundation and moisturizer in one step and most come with some sunscreen protection - yay! It's not as thick as foundation but it evens you out a bit. I love this in the summer - lighter than foundation and perfect for hot days (or the beach) where you want a little help but not a face full of make-up.
Since they are not as heavy duty as foundations they typically don't come in a lot of shades - Estee Lauder's (which as been discontinued) came in light, light-medium, medium, etc. Try a few - even with diligent sunscreen use you'll probably see a little change in your skin tone from summer to fall.
Cream Blush
So you're moisturized and tinted - next try a cream blush. Easier to use (I think) than powder, I think. These blend in with your fingers and are great for layering on color. Start with a bit and amp it up until you get the desired shade. The three I pictured are from Maybelline (technically a mousse not a cream), Clinique and Sonia Kashuk's Target line (technically a liquid not cream). I think the Maybelline and Clinique are the easiest to use. Put a bit on your fingers and blend in. It should look like a natural flush - like you just finished a brisk walk or stepped outside in the snow. Don't go warpaint and paint stripes across your cheekbones. The trick with blush is natural. The Sonia Kashuk blush's motto should be a little bit goes a long way! This is more of a stain. One drop (I'm serious) is all you need for both cheeks. This is harder to blend but can look beautiful and since it's more of a stain will last a bit longer. (Next time I'll tell you my trick of making blush last longer).
As far as colors - I tend to go for rosy pinks, it's more natural with my skin tone but take a look in the mirror and see what color your cheeks tend to be. Maybe a bronze would look better or a peach. Practice!! Most make-up counters will let you try it out and CVS (last time I checked) has a great return policy where if you try it and hate it - you can return it!
Natural Eye Shadow
I'm a big eye shadow fan. I think it's the most fun product - where else can you put all that color. But if you're a newbie - I don't suggest running out and buying up a bunch of black, purple and blue eye shadow. Why? Simply because done wrong you could be stuck in a time warp or look like you got punched. You can buy them but practice first with some natural looking browns. It's the easiest to master. Trust me.
Start with a lighter shade (the one on the left). You want something subtle so look for something a shade or two lighter than your skin - you can try a matte or a shimmer - shimmers will give you a bit of a highlight but mattes can look a bit more natural). I run this all over my eye from lash line to eye brow. One it's a great base for the next color on your lids and gives your brow line a bit of a highlight. Next take the darker brown and run it over just your lid. Start about a pinkie tip in from the corner of your eye. You can do a V-shape along your lash line and crease or simply fill in your lid. I like to do a modified v-shape (my name for it). I do the V so the shadow is darker at my lashes and the crease (usually darkest in the crease) and then lighter of the rest of my lid. Go back to the lighter shade and blend everything. If it still looks too dark take your finger or Q-tip to blend some more.
This is one area where you need to practice what looks best for your eye shape!
I cannot say enough about mascara. It instantly opens your eyes - making you look more awake and your eyes bigger. I like mascara on my top and bottom lashes. For the bottom open your eyes wide and simply swipe the wand down your lashes - use a Q-tip in eye make-up remover to get rid of any that hits your skin.
For your top lashes - I tend to press the wand as close to my eye as I can (any on your lid will look like liner - saves a step) and wiggle it to the ends. This helps get even coverage.
I'm not a fan of waterproof mascara for everyday. It's a pain to get off and I found made my eyelashes brittle and prone to falling out. Two of the ones pictured are Estee Lauder freebies I've gotten in gift packs the other is Maybelline. For the money I've found Maybelline makes the best mascaras. Another tip I'd give - go with a black mascara. Unless you have really fair skin and hair (and even then I think a soft black would look nice) I don't think brown mascara looks great. Black will give you a bit more definition and you can go as heavy handed as you want - for natural or a falsies look.
Lip gloss
I'm not a lipstick fan. I think gloss is a subtle easy way to do your lips quickly.
If you want to layer over lipstick dab the gloss in the center of your lip (top and bottom) and then press your lips together. The gloss should spread outward but the heaviest concentration will be in the center of your lips making them look fuller.
I tend to go for more natural colored glosses but here almost anything can go. If you're just starting out you'll probably feel most comfortable in something a shade or two darker or lighter than your natural lip color.
I would stay away from anything too sticky or shiny. You're going for subtle sheen not like you used car wax on your face. As far as sticky - I just don't like it clinging to everyone you kiss or your hair, etc. Test them out to find ones that work for you. Again there are great finds at all price points.
One last tip. I tend to use brushes and my hands a lot. If you're going to use your fingers - wash your hands! You don't want to spread germs all over your face. I personally think some make-up tinted moisturizers and cream blushes included go on better once they're warmed by your hands. And your hands are a great way to even out mistakes. As for brushes - invest in a quality set. Yes, it seems a splurge but you'll use them for years. I have make-up brushes from five years ago. Wash them regularly with face wash and set them out to dry before you use them again. Brushes are great for things like eyeshadow to give a better finish than those little sponges that come with them (keep the sponges for clean-up though if you make mistakes!).
Ok this was just a few basics. I wanted to get you started. I honestly think you could do a whole routine with just those products and look fabulous. Once you've gotten it down I doubt it would take more than 10 minutes. Have fun!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
My Favorite Things This Week
1. Tween music
It's just so catchy. I don't care if it's Disney pop and I have the play list of a 13 year old. It makes me feel good and isn't that all that's important?
And how gorgeous is her make-up. I want that smokey eye.
I loved them last year when they were only made by high-end designers and I'm still in love now they are at Loft.
It's just so catchy. I don't care if it's Disney pop and I have the play list of a 13 year old. It makes me feel good and isn't that all that's important?
And how gorgeous is her make-up. I want that smokey eye.
2. Capes.
3. Grey nail polish
Less goth girl than black and previous year's dark purple. Essie's Chinchilly is just the right shade - not too light, not too dark. It almost changes colors in different lights. And did I mention I've gotten more compliments on it than any other shade I've worn recently?
4. Fall
I'm not a fall girl. I love summer. I don't even care if it's hot. I live in the south we grow up on warm weather and sweet tea - a hundred degrees is nothing an AC and a cute tank top can't fix. That being said, our AC is broken so a little cool breeze would be nice. I'm thinking jeans and flip flop weather. Plus there's something kind of fun about getting pumpkins and preparing for all the holidays.
Photos from a Google search.
5. This commercial...
I know it's old - it came out in the Superbowl. But I still love my Jetta and I still think this is the best commercial of 2011. And in honor of Jetta's being one of the top ten cars sold in 2011 - this commercial makes my list. Good job VW! :)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Hair Today... Gone Tomorrow?
So first, I'm sorry I haven't written in forever. A little thing called life got in the way and I found myself super busy but I'm going to be better. I hope. So to jump back in, I figured I'd start small...
I've been growing my hair out for a few years now. Luckily it grows fast. I usually go into spurts of cutting it short, growing it out, back and forth. I've done chin length to being able to sit on it (although I was in elementary school then). Now it's about mid-way down my back. Call it an almost 30 crisis but I'm bored with it being straight and just there and kinda want to mix it up. So I've been searching things like "2011 hair styles" and "2011 hair trends" for awhile and this is what I've come up with...
I've been growing my hair out for a few years now. Luckily it grows fast. I usually go into spurts of cutting it short, growing it out, back and forth. I've done chin length to being able to sit on it (although I was in elementary school then). Now it's about mid-way down my back. Call it an almost 30 crisis but I'm bored with it being straight and just there and kinda want to mix it up. So I've been searching things like "2011 hair styles" and "2011 hair trends" for awhile and this is what I've come up with...
I have no idea who this is. But her hair is super cute. I'm not about to dye mine blonde but have debated adding a few strategic highlights to cover up my four or so greys that keep popping up. I love the bangs but I'm afraid the cut is a little short after being so long for well so long...
So these two I think my hair would do pretty easily. It's pretty fine and very straight. I'm not sure it would even flip like Nicole's without some serious product and time. But I think both of these are a little less drastic than the first and let me test the bangs without full on committing to them.
I know Kristen is back to long hair but this is so cute on her. I've had this photo saved for at least a year. I'm not sure my hair can do piece-y but worth a try.
A little longer bob if I'm not sure I want short short.
This looks a little high maintenance and short but more sleek than the first option.
Ok I'm seriously loving this hair cut. I like that it isn't too short and I love the blunt bangs - although major commitment. I like it's straight but a little messy. This might be my personal fav.
Basically this would be my hair lightened and slightly curled with bangs.
So what do you think?
All photos found from Google searches.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Shopping Trip: The Gap
I went shopping this weekend - I totally deserved it because I spent the morning getting my car repaired and getting measured for a bridesmaid's dress - going to the dentist would have been more fun. I had been wanting to go to Gap (shocker because I haven't set foot in that store in the last five years and their previous look could best be described as girl scout chic)... anyway they've had some really cute ads recently and I figured what the heck - it can't hurt to look.
Kudos Gap - you've shaped up and gotten a little more fashionable. Yes, they still probably border on casual - khakis and button-ups (yuck and yuck - you can praise khakis and button-ups all you want but I can't stand them). But they've also taken a few tips from more grown-up stylish big sister Banana Republic. This trip has made me put them back on the shopping radar. The staff was super friendly and helpful. The prices are about in line with Limited or Loft but the sales were pretty good the day I went.
This is what I got:
Red shorts - super cute. I saw Lucky do an article on red shorts and how easy they are to wear and I fell in lust. Practical - I'm not sure sure but Lucky had four different styling options so I totally think I can work them into my summer look. Another Gap positive? The shorts ran big or the exercising is paying off because I fit into a smaller size than I had been before... Superficial to shop where I can easily fit into small sizes? Maybe. But it does make me think the gym thing is working and I'm kinda loving it.
For some reason I've been loving stripes this year. Something so European and casual about it. I thought it looked cute with the red shorts. They had it paired with a blazer and jean shorts in the store which looked super cute... perhaps for going out? I also got a white T - can never have too many, the price was good, it wasn't see-through and another red short option.
BTW how cute is her skirt. I may need to go back for some work clothes.
And last but not least this one on sale. It's hard to tell but there is beading on the neckline so it's casual and fancy - my favorite. I think I can dress it up or down. I almost got it in two colors but resisted.
I may need to make a repeat trip because I saw a few more things on the website (like the skirt above) that I liked. Case in point:
Happy Shopping!
Kudos Gap - you've shaped up and gotten a little more fashionable. Yes, they still probably border on casual - khakis and button-ups (yuck and yuck - you can praise khakis and button-ups all you want but I can't stand them). But they've also taken a few tips from more grown-up stylish big sister Banana Republic. This trip has made me put them back on the shopping radar. The staff was super friendly and helpful. The prices are about in line with Limited or Loft but the sales were pretty good the day I went.
This is what I got:
Red shorts - super cute. I saw Lucky do an article on red shorts and how easy they are to wear and I fell in lust. Practical - I'm not sure sure but Lucky had four different styling options so I totally think I can work them into my summer look. Another Gap positive? The shorts ran big or the exercising is paying off because I fit into a smaller size than I had been before... Superficial to shop where I can easily fit into small sizes? Maybe. But it does make me think the gym thing is working and I'm kinda loving it.
For some reason I've been loving stripes this year. Something so European and casual about it. I thought it looked cute with the red shorts. They had it paired with a blazer and jean shorts in the store which looked super cute... perhaps for going out? I also got a white T - can never have too many, the price was good, it wasn't see-through and another red short option.
BTW how cute is her skirt. I may need to go back for some work clothes.
And last but not least this one on sale. It's hard to tell but there is beading on the neckline so it's casual and fancy - my favorite. I think I can dress it up or down. I almost got it in two colors but resisted.
I may need to make a repeat trip because I saw a few more things on the website (like the skirt above) that I liked. Case in point:
I'm a sucker for black and white. Happy Shopping!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Maybelline You Surprised Me...
So I hate drug store make-up. Strong statement, I know. Why?
First off aside from the lower-end department stores, drug stores have horrible lighting. We're talking full on bright lights that know how to highlight every perceived flaw. Bad lighting and make-up just don't make a good match. I always end up buying things that seem like a good idea in the store but as soon as they hit daylight it's pretty obvious that the pale shade of pink is really full on florescent fuchsia. Not pretty.
Second, do you know how hard it is to choose make-up hidden behind plastic? Incredibly hard. As much as I hate the thought of everyone's grubby hands and lips rubbing all up on the department store testers, at least you can rub it on the back of your hand and hope for the best. In drug stores, you're stuck holding a plastic and cardboard container up to a tiny mirror in the hair department. Hmm I think this looks ok... And again in the privacy of your bathroom it usually looks like complete junk.
And third, I haven't been overly impressed with drug store make-up. It usually feels cheaper to me. Like a knock-off version of their more expensive sister. Snobby maybe? From experience, I've found the shades don't always look the way you would think (lighter or darker), the consistency isn't always as great, and the staying power isn't always there. I've had eye shadow fade out by 11 am and I work a desk job.
Still, my one hold out was Maybelline. I love their mascara. Swear by it. (I really like it but mascara is also the one thing I refuse to pay over $10 for). So the other day when I was depressed I couldn't afford to buy out the Clinique counter, I wandered over to the Maybelline aisle at the grocery store and I ended up buying an eye shadow and liner. I justified that the costs - probably $10 for both - was cheap enough that if I hated it - I could toss it.
The thing is, I was delightfully surprised. I've gotten their mousse blush before and liked it so I don't know why I was so terribly shocked. Maybe because I've tried other brand's eye shadows and been horribly disapointed? At any rate ... I found myself looking in the mirror today and thinking - wow that is actually really pretty. And, it's after 7:30 pm and it still looks just as good as it did at 7 am. So I had to go on here and brag about them a little bit. I mean hello, if you can save $10 over the department store, why not give it a try? I got Sunkissed Olive (see photo above) and I think it'll be perfect all summer. I mixed it with Maybelline Cinnamon Spice (a hint from the Clinique counter to tone down green with a copper color). I'm in love. It might replace Clinique's Beach Plum as my go-to this summer... or at least be my alternate.
I took the lighter color that came in the duo and ran it across my lids, up to my brows. I always put a lighter color in the inner corners of my eyes to wake-up a bit so this works perfectly (and not too much shimmer that you look like you're clubbing at 8 am). Then I took the green and ran along my upper lash line and in my crease. I took the Cinnamon Spice and filled in most of my lid (minus the green areas and stopping a little past my pupil). Then I blended and lined my eyes with a green/gold eye-liner. Actually also Maybelline but I can't find it on their site.
So, what's your favorite drug store make-up?
First off aside from the lower-end department stores, drug stores have horrible lighting. We're talking full on bright lights that know how to highlight every perceived flaw. Bad lighting and make-up just don't make a good match. I always end up buying things that seem like a good idea in the store but as soon as they hit daylight it's pretty obvious that the pale shade of pink is really full on florescent fuchsia. Not pretty.
Second, do you know how hard it is to choose make-up hidden behind plastic? Incredibly hard. As much as I hate the thought of everyone's grubby hands and lips rubbing all up on the department store testers, at least you can rub it on the back of your hand and hope for the best. In drug stores, you're stuck holding a plastic and cardboard container up to a tiny mirror in the hair department. Hmm I think this looks ok... And again in the privacy of your bathroom it usually looks like complete junk.
And third, I haven't been overly impressed with drug store make-up. It usually feels cheaper to me. Like a knock-off version of their more expensive sister. Snobby maybe? From experience, I've found the shades don't always look the way you would think (lighter or darker), the consistency isn't always as great, and the staying power isn't always there. I've had eye shadow fade out by 11 am and I work a desk job.
I took the lighter color that came in the duo and ran it across my lids, up to my brows. I always put a lighter color in the inner corners of my eyes to wake-up a bit so this works perfectly (and not too much shimmer that you look like you're clubbing at 8 am). Then I took the green and ran along my upper lash line and in my crease. I took the Cinnamon Spice and filled in most of my lid (minus the green areas and stopping a little past my pupil). Then I blended and lined my eyes with a green/gold eye-liner. Actually also Maybelline but I can't find it on their site.
So, what's your favorite drug store make-up?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Spring Has Sprung
I am all about spring right now. I can practically smell all the flowers. I can't wait for bright nail polish - is anyone else just sick of all the grown-up goth dark colors? Pinks and yellows and whites are just happier. So in a nod to spring - here are a few of my favorite things.
I'd also add to the list hot pink nail polish, nude lip gloss, bronzer and a new pair of sandals. And a vacay if we're dreaming.
Oh Loft, I love you... This is gorgeous. Hot pink and ruffles. Swoon. |
And how cute are these? Slightly Boca/Ladies that lunch with a cool twist. Get them here. |
And I'm still loving rompers. This is a grown-up version of the little kid fav. Get it here. |
I think this is the cutest dress I've seen all spring. It's been in loads of magazines if that pushes you over the edge. Get it here. |
A new book. I loved Sweet Valley High growing up and I'm not afraid to admit that I'm dying to read this book. I'm only debating if I should buy it or try to find it at the library... I'm thinking buy it. |
I'd also add to the list hot pink nail polish, nude lip gloss, bronzer and a new pair of sandals. And a vacay if we're dreaming.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Happy Friday - My Favorite Things
So I'm waiting to get in the shower and actually get this day going but OMG People just made my entire day.
First there was this story, annoucing Tim Gunn is writing a third book. He's calling it a fashion bible. One word. Amazing. I love him. My dream fashion lunch would be with him. Think about it - inside scoop on Project Runway and fashion advice. Too bad the book isn't getting released to 2012.
And then there was this....
First there was this story, annoucing Tim Gunn is writing a third book. He's calling it a fashion bible. One word. Amazing. I love him. My dream fashion lunch would be with him. Think about it - inside scoop on Project Runway and fashion advice. Too bad the book isn't getting released to 2012.
And then there was this....
Britney's new video! The song isn't my favorite Britney song ever but it's catchy so I find myself singing it. I won't buy it yet because I'm waiting for the album. The music video - I don't know - I don't have my contacts in - it looks ok.... What do you guys think?
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Time to Shop
I am so excited that Spring looks are hitting stores. Good bye snow, hello bright colors and fun flirty outfits. The last few seasons, I haven't been that impressed with The Limited - gasp... not impressed by my one time fav store? I know right... but I think some of their new looks hit it out of the park - and I can't wait to update my closet with these lovelies...
First up... I love party dresses. Who doesn't need a couple of fun dresses littering their closet. You never know when you might be invited to a drop everything and go fancy party. And this dress is my number one want.
It totally reminds me of a more attainable version of this dress.
I've been big into mixing it up recently. Dragging out my teal sweater over a dress. Adding a pop of color with shoes. So how cute is this? I love the dress (saw it in the window display a month ago and wanted it then) and the little sweater - super adorbs... Plus this is really easy to wear anywhere - work, bridal shower, baby shower, you name it.
Ok this one I'd need to try on. I'm short and too much on the bottom makes me look - well shorter. But I love this skirt, ruffles and all. I am all about crazy skirts with understated colors on top. The belt is super cute too. I think I'm in love.
Another very wearable look. Actually I think I have all of this in my closet. Yellow and white scarf - check. Yellow sweater - check (actually it's a short sleeve cousin to this from The Limited last summer). Black pants - hello what Audrey Hepburn fan wouldn't own a half dozen pair of classic black pants.
What I love about this is I'm 90% sure it's the dress a few pictures up with a sweater over it. Anything I can mix into multiple looks is a huge plus. Unlike some looks with a dress used as a skirt - you totally can't tell and could pull it off on your own - without the help of Photoshop.
Anyway - I need to get ready... busy day. But kudos Limited. You won me back. And PS your bridal collection has gotten a lot better - you've come along way from two bridal gowns. Some of the dresses look a tad bridesmaid but I guess that's to be expected. But I love how costs effective it is!
First up... I love party dresses. Who doesn't need a couple of fun dresses littering their closet. You never know when you might be invited to a drop everything and go fancy party. And this dress is my number one want.
It totally reminds me of a more attainable version of this dress.
Which despite what a lot of critics say - I love. And I'm a sucker for a LBD (little black dress). I think this dress could be totally dressed down - through a sweater or jacket over it and no one will know it's a one sleeve number.
Next up...
So very Audrey or Grace. Over the years, I have made a conscious effort to pick classic elegant (My motto - what would Audrey wear) over trendy. Elegant you'll grab five years from now out of your closet, trendy will be sent to the Goodwill after a year. I can't find this skirt on their website. Disappointing. But I will stake it out at the store.
Ok this one I'd need to try on. I'm short and too much on the bottom makes me look - well shorter. But I love this skirt, ruffles and all. I am all about crazy skirts with understated colors on top. The belt is super cute too. I think I'm in love.
Another very wearable look. Actually I think I have all of this in my closet. Yellow and white scarf - check. Yellow sweater - check (actually it's a short sleeve cousin to this from The Limited last summer). Black pants - hello what Audrey Hepburn fan wouldn't own a half dozen pair of classic black pants.
What I love about this is I'm 90% sure it's the dress a few pictures up with a sweater over it. Anything I can mix into multiple looks is a huge plus. Unlike some looks with a dress used as a skirt - you totally can't tell and could pull it off on your own - without the help of Photoshop.
Anyway - I need to get ready... busy day. But kudos Limited. You won me back. And PS your bridal collection has gotten a lot better - you've come along way from two bridal gowns. Some of the dresses look a tad bridesmaid but I guess that's to be expected. But I love how costs effective it is!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Bigger is Better?
So first... let me say I think this song is beyond annoying (does that make me old?)... Anyway, totally fits the post... so we'll go with it.
So, I have another secret... I'm also a hair product junkie. But I'm the most low-key hair product junkie in the world. My normal routine would be something like this - buy some fabulous new product promising "incredible volume" "super model height" or "big hair", wash hair, sit around for 10 minutes with towel on my head, put product in hair, flip head over and blow dry. Brush on the way to work in car. One of my irrational fears is that any future child of mine will have Taylor Swift curls. Not that I don't love her hair but can you be low-maintenance with curls? All my wavy/curly hair friends seem to beg to differ. I wouldn't have the first clue how to do curly hair. I have visions of days filled with straightening irons, curling irons and hot rollers. Seems like an absolute nightmare. Is straight hair dominant - I'll have to Google this?
Anyway... back on topic...
Needless to say, I'm massively disappointed in all so-called volume products. My hair is still stick straight and baby fine. Thank God I have a lot of it or I'd look like one of those people on What Not To Wear - the before where their hair is a scraggly mess.
It's not like I want hair like this...
or this....
But a little volume would be good.
My bathroom cabinet is testament to products I've tried and who have failed... these fallen comrades range from high-end to drug store basics. And the one thing they have in common? They don't cut it when I don't have someone professional do my hair. And since I'm not a Real Housewife... that doesn't happen very often... or at all.
So this week at CVS when I was supposed to by buying a birthday card, I ended up buying these. Specifically the John Frieda root booster and a mousse. I've tried it for a week now and I'm pretty impressed. I'm doing my normal routine and I actually think my hair looks like a little bit (dare I say) bigger? Elated! And it last almost all day. I do feel like my hair feels a bit stiff especially at the roots but a small trade off. I might even try to curl my hair one day.... well maybe not... we don't want to put in too much effort.
Any tips for volume (other than hours with a brush, rollers and hair dryer)?
On another side not - did any of you read the January Glamour (since I have so many magazines I'm a month behind)? Well they did this article on how natural is in. I got super excited thinking - heck yeah my hair routine is finally in style (I love when 60's straight is in because I can do that with no effort). Well the entire article is for you curly/wavy hair girls. It basically said don't touch your hair and let your natural texture show... I showed it to a wavy hair friend and she said it's not possible that her waves wouldn't look like the article's model if she just washed and went. They did have a small call-out box for my fellow straight hair ladies. Their tip to get waves was laughable... simple spray some texturizing spray into your hair and scrunch while you dry. News flash Glamour - that would do absolutely nothing to my hair. I might get one bent hair if I was lucky. To get anything resembling a curl, I have to load my hair with product, sit with hot rollers for practically an hour, take them out, don't touch any tight little curl on my head, maybe touch up with a curling iron and spray with hairspray. Within in twenty minutes of all of this, the curls will have fallen out to mediocre looking waves. So massive fail to Glamour on that article. Usually I love them though so no hard feelings.
So, I have another secret... I'm also a hair product junkie. But I'm the most low-key hair product junkie in the world. My normal routine would be something like this - buy some fabulous new product promising "incredible volume" "super model height" or "big hair", wash hair, sit around for 10 minutes with towel on my head, put product in hair, flip head over and blow dry. Brush on the way to work in car. One of my irrational fears is that any future child of mine will have Taylor Swift curls. Not that I don't love her hair but can you be low-maintenance with curls? All my wavy/curly hair friends seem to beg to differ. I wouldn't have the first clue how to do curly hair. I have visions of days filled with straightening irons, curling irons and hot rollers. Seems like an absolute nightmare. Is straight hair dominant - I'll have to Google this?
Anyway... back on topic...
Needless to say, I'm massively disappointed in all so-called volume products. My hair is still stick straight and baby fine. Thank God I have a lot of it or I'd look like one of those people on What Not To Wear - the before where their hair is a scraggly mess.
It's not like I want hair like this...
or this....
But a little volume would be good.
My bathroom cabinet is testament to products I've tried and who have failed... these fallen comrades range from high-end to drug store basics. And the one thing they have in common? They don't cut it when I don't have someone professional do my hair. And since I'm not a Real Housewife... that doesn't happen very often... or at all.
So this week at CVS when I was supposed to by buying a birthday card, I ended up buying these. Specifically the John Frieda root booster and a mousse. I've tried it for a week now and I'm pretty impressed. I'm doing my normal routine and I actually think my hair looks like a little bit (dare I say) bigger? Elated! And it last almost all day. I do feel like my hair feels a bit stiff especially at the roots but a small trade off. I might even try to curl my hair one day.... well maybe not... we don't want to put in too much effort.
Any tips for volume (other than hours with a brush, rollers and hair dryer)?
On another side not - did any of you read the January Glamour (since I have so many magazines I'm a month behind)? Well they did this article on how natural is in. I got super excited thinking - heck yeah my hair routine is finally in style (I love when 60's straight is in because I can do that with no effort). Well the entire article is for you curly/wavy hair girls. It basically said don't touch your hair and let your natural texture show... I showed it to a wavy hair friend and she said it's not possible that her waves wouldn't look like the article's model if she just washed and went. They did have a small call-out box for my fellow straight hair ladies. Their tip to get waves was laughable... simple spray some texturizing spray into your hair and scrunch while you dry. News flash Glamour - that would do absolutely nothing to my hair. I might get one bent hair if I was lucky. To get anything resembling a curl, I have to load my hair with product, sit with hot rollers for practically an hour, take them out, don't touch any tight little curl on my head, maybe touch up with a curling iron and spray with hairspray. Within in twenty minutes of all of this, the curls will have fallen out to mediocre looking waves. So massive fail to Glamour on that article. Usually I love them though so no hard feelings.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
What I'm Reading...
Since I haven't done any book reviews or recommendations recently. I thought it might be nice to tell you what I'm reading/read this past week. I'd love to hear what you're reading as well since I am always on the hunt for a good book.
1. My Name is Memory, Ann Brashares - This was really good. Surprising me actually because I read her last adult fiction book and thought it was barely ok. Apparently this is the first in a line of three books and I cannot wait to find out what happens next.
2. Sh*t My Dad Says, Justin Halpern - Laugh out loud funny. Probably the funniest thing I've read since Are You There Vodka? It's Me Chelsea. Super quick read - you can finish this in a night and still have time for The Real Housewives...
3. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith - Somehow I missed this in high school and book club has ignited a passion in me to read a bunch of classic books "you should read". I wasn't a huge fan at the beginning - it just sort of dragged along - but I'm over halfway through and hooked. I read Angela's Ashes a long time ago and this reminds me of that (although I guess it's the other way round since this came first). Same premise - poor family growing up in NY trying to make ends meet.
4. The Life and Opinions of Maf the Dog and of his Friend Marilyn Monroe, Andrew O'Hagan - Ok I had heard a ton of good things about this but I got close to halfway through and just wasn't loving it. I couldn't get into it at all. The dog has somewhat interesting stories but spends half his time spouting off philosophy... I ended up returning it unfinished.
So that's my list so far. I'll try to keep you updated.
1. My Name is Memory, Ann Brashares - This was really good. Surprising me actually because I read her last adult fiction book and thought it was barely ok. Apparently this is the first in a line of three books and I cannot wait to find out what happens next.
2. Sh*t My Dad Says, Justin Halpern - Laugh out loud funny. Probably the funniest thing I've read since Are You There Vodka? It's Me Chelsea. Super quick read - you can finish this in a night and still have time for The Real Housewives...
3. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith - Somehow I missed this in high school and book club has ignited a passion in me to read a bunch of classic books "you should read". I wasn't a huge fan at the beginning - it just sort of dragged along - but I'm over halfway through and hooked. I read Angela's Ashes a long time ago and this reminds me of that (although I guess it's the other way round since this came first). Same premise - poor family growing up in NY trying to make ends meet.
4. The Life and Opinions of Maf the Dog and of his Friend Marilyn Monroe, Andrew O'Hagan - Ok I had heard a ton of good things about this but I got close to halfway through and just wasn't loving it. I couldn't get into it at all. The dog has somewhat interesting stories but spends half his time spouting off philosophy... I ended up returning it unfinished.
So that's my list so far. I'll try to keep you updated.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
All That Glitters...
I have been obsessed with glitter and sequins this season. So shiny and sparkly and fun! The thing is if it's hard to find capes... it's even harder to find glitter and sequins done right. Everything I found looked too young, too dance costume, or too expensive... What's a girl to do?
And magazines aren't helping my obsession (see below for proof - sorry the images are so darn blurry - but camera phone and trying to take a quick photo at lunch -- obviously doesn't make a good blog post!).
Well I did finally nab an awesome Loft cardigan with a sequin trim. Love! And I have an old pink Express cardigan with sequins on it - I mean the thing is circa 2004 and still looks amazing. It pays to take care of your clothes people! But that was the extent of shimmery entering my wardrobe.
I figured I'd try to find a perfect nail polish instead. Cheap. Easy to change if I don't love it. And I love nail polish colors. I will try anything at least once (which is crazy funny because in high school when it's perfectly acceptable to wear randomness on your fingers all I wanted was baby pink)... anyway I digress...
I looked high and low for glitter nail polish. But didn't love anything I found. Either they didn't have a color I liked or it wasn't enough shimmer... But this weekend I solved my dilemma. I found China Glaze Fairy Dust. It's basically clear polish with glitter in it so you can turn any of your polishes into a glitter polish with an easy top coat of this stuff. I tried it Friday and maybe a royal mess of my nails (too rushed trying to go out and get the perfect mani)... but I tried again and although not perfect (as evident by the photo below) it looks pretty darn good. I layered Fairy Dust over China Glaze in Avalanche for a cool grey with sparkles - perfect for all this cold winter weather. I'm in love! Let me know what you think!
I can't wait to try Fairy Dust over all my fav colors to see the results! And now I'm a happy camper until I can find some awesome glitter shoes...
Just a word to the wise before I sign off - the girl at the beauty store talked me into a base coat... ok unless you have more patience than I do - totally not worth it. I think that's why my nails didn't work out Friday. It took forever to dry with three coats (base, grey, glitter)... augh. I don't keep polish on long enough to worry about it. It worked perfectly fine with a nice solid coat of grey and a light coat of Fairy Dust on top. Happy Painting!
And magazines aren't helping my obsession (see below for proof - sorry the images are so darn blurry - but camera phone and trying to take a quick photo at lunch -- obviously doesn't make a good blog post!).
How cute are those heels? I want a pair of sparkly shoes so badly!
Well I did finally nab an awesome Loft cardigan with a sequin trim. Love! And I have an old pink Express cardigan with sequins on it - I mean the thing is circa 2004 and still looks amazing. It pays to take care of your clothes people! But that was the extent of shimmery entering my wardrobe.
I figured I'd try to find a perfect nail polish instead. Cheap. Easy to change if I don't love it. And I love nail polish colors. I will try anything at least once (which is crazy funny because in high school when it's perfectly acceptable to wear randomness on your fingers all I wanted was baby pink)... anyway I digress...
I looked high and low for glitter nail polish. But didn't love anything I found. Either they didn't have a color I liked or it wasn't enough shimmer... But this weekend I solved my dilemma. I found China Glaze Fairy Dust. It's basically clear polish with glitter in it so you can turn any of your polishes into a glitter polish with an easy top coat of this stuff. I tried it Friday and maybe a royal mess of my nails (too rushed trying to go out and get the perfect mani)... but I tried again and although not perfect (as evident by the photo below) it looks pretty darn good. I layered Fairy Dust over China Glaze in Avalanche for a cool grey with sparkles - perfect for all this cold winter weather. I'm in love! Let me know what you think!
Avalanche is the left and Fairy Dust is on the right. |
Just a word to the wise before I sign off - the girl at the beauty store talked me into a base coat... ok unless you have more patience than I do - totally not worth it. I think that's why my nails didn't work out Friday. It took forever to dry with three coats (base, grey, glitter)... augh. I don't keep polish on long enough to worry about it. It worked perfectly fine with a nice solid coat of grey and a light coat of Fairy Dust on top. Happy Painting!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Little Red Riding Hood... aka I Love Capes
I am in absolute love with capes this season. I keep hoping and praying one will turn up at Loft, Limited or Old Navy (surprisingly or not ON is a great place to find trendy winter coats) but no such luck. So I'm stuck lusting after this one... that's crazy out of my price range and green...
I stopped watching Gossip Girl this year. I just couldn't keep up and I need the extra night of no TV to do other things. But I still heart Blair and her chic updated Audrey Hepburn looks. This green cape and yellow shoes are simply delish. source:
Do you know how hard it is to find pictures of capes? Apparently the only places that remotely sell them are stores that charge more than my mortgage payment for one. And when I do a Google search - all I get is crazy things like Halloween costumes, examination bibs for doctor's offices and other non-relevant information.
So would you wear this trend or not?
I stopped watching Gossip Girl this year. I just couldn't keep up and I need the extra night of no TV to do other things. But I still heart Blair and her chic updated Audrey Hepburn looks. This green cape and yellow shoes are simply delish. source:
Do you know how hard it is to find pictures of capes? Apparently the only places that remotely sell them are stores that charge more than my mortgage payment for one. And when I do a Google search - all I get is crazy things like Halloween costumes, examination bibs for doctor's offices and other non-relevant information.
So would you wear this trend or not?
Yay! New Britney Single!
Did I mention that Britney Spears is only my most favorite singer. So excited for March!
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