New Years Eve... the end of one year and the celebration of a new beginning. Hello 2010. We anxiously set up resolutions that half of us have no intentions of keeping. The gyms suddenly become more crowded. We're eagerly watching our diets - no I can't possibly have another cookie. We throw parties. Drink champagne and then its January 1st and when we wake up 2010 is going to look a lot like 2009. By March all of these hard thought out resolutions will be long forgotten, the crowds at the gym will have died down, and the diets if sticking around aren't so strict anymore.
I pretty much stopped setting resolutions. There's no point. I never do them. It sounds good on paper to say I'm going to go to the gym five times a week, lose 5lbs, get Britney abs (circa 2000), etc. but by February I'm back to where I started and my list of resolutions is in the trash can. I've said I was going to get Britney abs for the last nine years - apparently moderate exercise and a diet that does not consist of starvation aren't going to cut it and I don't have the money for a trainer.
I'm blaming it all on the fact that I'm a Gemini - too flighty to commit to a whole year of anything. (Actually technically I think I'm a cusp sign meaning I can also be a Cancer depending on the chart)....I'm not much into astrology (I read a book once hence the cusp sign knowledge) - the horoscopes I read are always Joe Generic - good things will happen to you, watch out for men with beards, something new will happen in your career. Thanks Stars for that expert forecast that could apply to any number of Gemini's out there. Maybe some of it carries weight though (a key Gemini characteristic is the twins and inability to commit to one thing for long - there is too much out there to see and do) - I fall in and out of love with hobbies like some people change their socks. I have a whole closet devoted to past resolutions - learn how to play tennis, learn how to roller skate, practice my high school French... should I keep going or do you get the picture?
The moral of my story? This year I'm not doing resolutions. I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and commit myself to doing something I probably will forget about the second week of January. I did come up with an idea for the year - a sort of mini-resolution if you will. Each week (I was going to do every other week but hey it should be a semi-challenge), I'm going to come up with one thing I need to do before the end of the week. Along the way, I'll keep you posted and if you feel inspired you can join in. So what are my challenges? I haven't really decided yet... some might be easy, some might be hard, some I may talk about on Monday but by Wednesday have long since forgotten. Heck, I might even stop doing the challenges by June... I don't know where this will take us but in honor of the New Year I figured I would try something new. So, check back tomorrow and we'll see where this challenge thing takes us. Happy 2010!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Favorite Thing December 30

This week? A high-waisted dress from The Limited. I got it right before Christmas - I had a coupon and who doesn't buy presents from themselves. I like that it's work appropriate but could be fun too. I could make The Limited my favorite thing because I'm so obsessed with their clothes but alas I need to pick just one favorite this week.
I'm hoping I can score some really hot shoes to wear with it... but this week I wore it with black Nine West heels with little metal grommets (to punk it up a bit) and a short black suit jacket since it's just cap sleeves and 40 degrees outside and my new key necklace (hint my favorite thing for next week).
Photo from
February Book Club Pick
Last year this time my friend SP and I decided to start a book club. I can't brag too much because starting a book club is pretty easy. You find a few friends, you get some apps and drinks and pick a book to read and discuss. This will be my sort of online book club. I'll tell you our picks for the month. You read them and then we can discuss.
For February we're reading Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.
Happy Reading!
For February we're reading Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.
Happy Reading!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Knockout Dress 3

Love it or hate it. Is there an Oscar dress that is more divided? And for the record, I personally love it. Of course Charlize would probably look like a knockout in pretty much anything she wears. I actually was debating between this dress and a blue mermaid dress but the Galliano for Dior dress with the huge bow won me over. Why? It's daring, it's out there and you have to own it to pull it off. This is the type of dress that will either chew you up and spit you out or you're the girl that could wear a sheet and make it look good. So disagree away I think this dress is a 110% a knockout.
Monday, December 28, 2009
And The Stockings Were Hung By The Chimney With Care...
What will I do when all the Christmas theme posts are done?
Now that everything is unwrapped and Christmas is officially over until next year lets take a minute to talk Christmas gifts. Remember that feeling when you were five years old, you couldn't sleep. You put out just the right cookies for Santa and maybe a carrot for the reindeer. You carefully crafted a list. You woke up at 3 am and begged your parents to please let you see if Santa came. You tore into presents with glee.
I don't have kids but growing up and having to buy presents for others I know what the parents must be feeling in the equation. Wrapping presents. Buying wrapping paper. Running out of tape. Carefully looking for coupons or standing in lines at 3am for this year's "It" present. Staying up until midnight so you can play Santa and then waking up early because your kids dog pile you begging to open presents. I always use to wonder why my Mom would get so grouchy at the holidays.
"Stop being such a Grinch." I would proclaim as I tried to cram yet another ornament on the tree.
"I'm not being a Grinch." She would shake her head. "You don't understand. Christmas is a lot of work."
I get it now Mom... Christmas is a lot of work. Are there some parts I love? Yes. I could put up a tree with my eyes close. I will bake cookies until I have no where else to put them. I will wander around light tours even though my hands are numb and I'm dying to just go inside and get warm.
What I hate? What I absolutely wish I didn't have to do.... buy and wrap gifts. It’s funny though – on one hand I love it and on the other I hate it. I love that thrill of finding just the right present that someone will like. But often (and maybe I don't know my friends that well or maybe we're old enough that if we really want something under $25 we buy it ourselves), I find myself running here there and everywhere looking for that elusive (and slightly inexpensive) perfect gift.
I hate that it stretches my budget thin. I'm not trying to be cheap or a Grinch about it but my salary has not kept pace with the growing size of my family and friends. And trying to tell people you don't want to exchange is really awkward and I never really have much luck at it.
K was all about me trying to tell people we don't want to do gifts. "Blah blah budget... money doesn't grow on trees... blah blah just tell them." Me... being consumed with guilt that friends and family will hate me put it off or tried a lame attempt a couple of times and decided it was just easier to buy something. Maybe next year.
There are very few people I really enjoy buying for. S is one of them. I can go into any store - find something (or twenty-somethings) I would like and know she'll love it. I also love people like my sister who said "I want x..." this being acceptable as long as x is under agreed upon limit. Don't tell me x and then x turns out to be a $50 video game or a $100 necklace. (On a side note, Sis is not said person - her x this year was a book - which I got her).
I don't love people who spout off wish list that start with items of $50 or $100. If I'm not your mother, wife or super-close relative. I'm not spending that much and you should be ashamed for asking for it.
I don't love battling crowds for good deals. I love good deals. I love shopping. I hate Christmas shopping. Good deals are truly few and far between. I'm not traipsing to Best Buy or Target at 5 am. There is nothing I need that badly (and nothing you should either). I hate wandering around stores trying in vain to find the perfect gift. Maybe I'm a perfectionist but I always feel like I never find the right gift. I agonize over gifts the way some people would agonize over buying a house (I did that too).
I guess buying gifts stresses me out. I'm glad it's over. It's the one part of Christmas I can't wait to be over. (Although I do admit when I find the perfect gift I'm really excited to see them open it). Later this week I'll try to pull together a post of gift ideas for next year.
How do you feel about Christmas shopping? Does it blow the budget or are you a good shopper? Do you agonize like me or are you an in-and-out kind of shopper?
Now that everything is unwrapped and Christmas is officially over until next year lets take a minute to talk Christmas gifts. Remember that feeling when you were five years old, you couldn't sleep. You put out just the right cookies for Santa and maybe a carrot for the reindeer. You carefully crafted a list. You woke up at 3 am and begged your parents to please let you see if Santa came. You tore into presents with glee.
I don't have kids but growing up and having to buy presents for others I know what the parents must be feeling in the equation. Wrapping presents. Buying wrapping paper. Running out of tape. Carefully looking for coupons or standing in lines at 3am for this year's "It" present. Staying up until midnight so you can play Santa and then waking up early because your kids dog pile you begging to open presents. I always use to wonder why my Mom would get so grouchy at the holidays.
"Stop being such a Grinch." I would proclaim as I tried to cram yet another ornament on the tree.
"I'm not being a Grinch." She would shake her head. "You don't understand. Christmas is a lot of work."
I get it now Mom... Christmas is a lot of work. Are there some parts I love? Yes. I could put up a tree with my eyes close. I will bake cookies until I have no where else to put them. I will wander around light tours even though my hands are numb and I'm dying to just go inside and get warm.
What I hate? What I absolutely wish I didn't have to do.... buy and wrap gifts. It’s funny though – on one hand I love it and on the other I hate it. I love that thrill of finding just the right present that someone will like. But often (and maybe I don't know my friends that well or maybe we're old enough that if we really want something under $25 we buy it ourselves), I find myself running here there and everywhere looking for that elusive (and slightly inexpensive) perfect gift.
I hate that it stretches my budget thin. I'm not trying to be cheap or a Grinch about it but my salary has not kept pace with the growing size of my family and friends. And trying to tell people you don't want to exchange is really awkward and I never really have much luck at it.
K was all about me trying to tell people we don't want to do gifts. "Blah blah budget... money doesn't grow on trees... blah blah just tell them." Me... being consumed with guilt that friends and family will hate me put it off or tried a lame attempt a couple of times and decided it was just easier to buy something. Maybe next year.
There are very few people I really enjoy buying for. S is one of them. I can go into any store - find something (or twenty-somethings) I would like and know she'll love it. I also love people like my sister who said "I want x..." this being acceptable as long as x is under agreed upon limit. Don't tell me x and then x turns out to be a $50 video game or a $100 necklace. (On a side note, Sis is not said person - her x this year was a book - which I got her).
I don't love people who spout off wish list that start with items of $50 or $100. If I'm not your mother, wife or super-close relative. I'm not spending that much and you should be ashamed for asking for it.
I don't love battling crowds for good deals. I love good deals. I love shopping. I hate Christmas shopping. Good deals are truly few and far between. I'm not traipsing to Best Buy or Target at 5 am. There is nothing I need that badly (and nothing you should either). I hate wandering around stores trying in vain to find the perfect gift. Maybe I'm a perfectionist but I always feel like I never find the right gift. I agonize over gifts the way some people would agonize over buying a house (I did that too).
I guess buying gifts stresses me out. I'm glad it's over. It's the one part of Christmas I can't wait to be over. (Although I do admit when I find the perfect gift I'm really excited to see them open it). Later this week I'll try to pull together a post of gift ideas for next year.
How do you feel about Christmas shopping? Does it blow the budget or are you a good shopper? Do you agonize like me or are you an in-and-out kind of shopper?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Was It Worth The Wait?
We got up early this morning and went to church - an early New Year's Resolution. The sermon started asking if Christmas was worth the wait and then dove into how after it was prophesied Jesus was coming they waited 400 years.... I'm not going that deep... I'm going to start with the first half - Christmas - was it worth the wait?
I get so excited for the build-up for Christmas. Not quite as excited as I was at four pouring over the Toys R Us catalogue but almost. I throw myself into decorating almost as soon as Thanksgiving is over. I wrap presents, I make cookies, I plan outings to see lights. It's all a lot of build up for one day.
Now it's over, the presents unwrapped, the cookies sitting in tins, the lights still twinkling in the windows - there is a bit of a let down. Not because I didn't get that awesome toy but because now I have to wait a whole year until we can do it again and it's sad that it takes holidays to get together with family. That we don't get super excited over it just being a regular plain old Thursday.
I'm going to suggest that my family do a picnic or something in the summer. Why do we have to wait 365 days until next Christmas to see some people? Besides the weather in June is a lot better than December.
I get so excited for the build-up for Christmas. Not quite as excited as I was at four pouring over the Toys R Us catalogue but almost. I throw myself into decorating almost as soon as Thanksgiving is over. I wrap presents, I make cookies, I plan outings to see lights. It's all a lot of build up for one day.
Now it's over, the presents unwrapped, the cookies sitting in tins, the lights still twinkling in the windows - there is a bit of a let down. Not because I didn't get that awesome toy but because now I have to wait a whole year until we can do it again and it's sad that it takes holidays to get together with family. That we don't get super excited over it just being a regular plain old Thursday.
I'm going to suggest that my family do a picnic or something in the summer. Why do we have to wait 365 days until next Christmas to see some people? Besides the weather in June is a lot better than December.
Book Review: Nanny Returns by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus
I loved The Nanny Diaries: A Novel when it first came out (I'm guessing from Amazon in the early 2000's). It was equal parts sad, funny and touching. You wanted Nanny to succeed and her little charge Grayer to make it out of his parents' messed up lives in one piece. I was super excited to hear they were writing a sequel to the book, picking up over a decade since Nanny left the X's and little Grayer behind.
Nanny might be older but she is certainly not wiser in this book. She's married the Harvard Hottie (from book one and now referred to as Ryan), she's started her own company, moved back to NY and is trying to renovate her house. When a surprise visit from Grayer thrusts her back into the X's lives. They now have a second son to screw up, Grayer is a surly teen, and the family is just as crazy as before.
I was underwhelmed by the book. Maybe with the onslaught of reality TV digging into the "real housewives" and the fact the first book came out almost a decade ago - it's nothing new this time around. The rich people Nanny deals with are annoying, self-centered and out of touch with any sort of reality. Nanny is still obsessed with making things right with Grayer, launches herself into projects without knowing the full scope and never really seems to learn from her mistakes the first time around.
The book read slow for me and I wasn't that interested in what was going to happen. I guessed one subplot pretty early on. And they never really tidied up the other with Nanny's company, the school she was working for and the teacher that got laid off. It just sort of ended.
Overall the book is no where near as good as the first. The storyline seems tired and far-fetched. Nanny becomes friends with a high-school enemy, practically adopts Grayer and Stilton (his brother), fixes the X's lives again.... all while trying to start her company, balance work, fix her new house and decide if she wants kids with Ryan. Busy month for Nanny.
Two out of five stars.
Nanny might be older but she is certainly not wiser in this book. She's married the Harvard Hottie (from book one and now referred to as Ryan), she's started her own company, moved back to NY and is trying to renovate her house. When a surprise visit from Grayer thrusts her back into the X's lives. They now have a second son to screw up, Grayer is a surly teen, and the family is just as crazy as before.
I was underwhelmed by the book. Maybe with the onslaught of reality TV digging into the "real housewives" and the fact the first book came out almost a decade ago - it's nothing new this time around. The rich people Nanny deals with are annoying, self-centered and out of touch with any sort of reality. Nanny is still obsessed with making things right with Grayer, launches herself into projects without knowing the full scope and never really seems to learn from her mistakes the first time around.
The book read slow for me and I wasn't that interested in what was going to happen. I guessed one subplot pretty early on. And they never really tidied up the other with Nanny's company, the school she was working for and the teacher that got laid off. It just sort of ended.
Overall the book is no where near as good as the first. The storyline seems tired and far-fetched. Nanny becomes friends with a high-school enemy, practically adopts Grayer and Stilton (his brother), fixes the X's lives again.... all while trying to start her company, balance work, fix her new house and decide if she wants kids with Ryan. Busy month for Nanny.
Two out of five stars.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Christmas Eve and I'm a happy elf - wrapping presents, baking a ton of stuff that I normally wouldn't eat. I even went grocery shopping (battling the other three thousand people that needed to run to Kroger today). By the way apparently chicken breast and fat free cream of mushroom soup are the big sellers - sold out!! How do you sell out of cream of mushroom soup and chicken breast??? Isn't that kind of a staple like bread and milk?
Anyway, I got all my shopping done. My house smells like a cookie factory. Most of the presents are wrapped. I'm ready!
So today's Santa Claus is all things Christmas - Jesus being born, mangers, going to church, family, sparkling light, Santa (of course), presents, cookies, food... do I need to keep going?
Merry Christmas everyone!
PS no Grinch post tomorrow - hello its Christmas!!!!
Anyway, I got all my shopping done. My house smells like a cookie factory. Most of the presents are wrapped. I'm ready!
So today's Santa Claus is all things Christmas - Jesus being born, mangers, going to church, family, sparkling light, Santa (of course), presents, cookies, food... do I need to keep going?
Merry Christmas everyone!
PS no Grinch post tomorrow - hello its Christmas!!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Road Raging
You all know this Grinch. Bad drivers. Do I need to say more? At times we've probably all been guilty of making other drivers want to scream. But I'm talking habitual offenders. Those people that probably never should have gotten a license in the first place. Cringe-worthy drivers that make you want to dive for cover or yell obscenities. This post is for you Bad Driver Grinch...
Mr. Traffic Signs Don't Apply to me. What speed limit? Road ends? I think I'll just keep going, those other cars will move. This is the jerk going 75 in a 55 and driving in a lane that clearly ends in 10 feet. This is the guy who you drive past every day. And every day you both pass the "do not cross solid white line" sign and while you wait patiently in the right lane Mr. I Don't Read Traffic Signs flies by in the left, throws his signal on at the last second and tries to cut in front of you. Hey, Grinch, that sign that said no passing - that meant you. That sign that said 55, I don't care if you go 75 but do it in the left lane - not tailgating me and shouting at me like I'm doing something wrong for going 60. And I see you every day so its not like you didn't realize the lane ended - it's been like that since the Model T.
Mrs. Soccer Mom. I know you drive a mini-van with your 2.5 kids in the back and three dogs. Nice sticker family by the way. But I don't need you swerving into my lane because you're trying to check your kids homework, talk on the phone, put on make-up and break up a fight. Pull over.
Ms Hot Shot New Driver. Glad your dad bought you a new compact car and you've now crammed ten of your besties in. I don't even know what to say for this one.... Go to driving school maybe?
Mr. Sunday Driver Only It's 7:00 am on a Tuesday.... I know you think it's appropriate to go 25 in a 55 but it's not. And it's certainly not ok in the left lane.
I'm sure there are more Grinch drivers. I see them every day going to work. It's the habitual offenders that really tick me off. We all have our moments, changing the radio station, chatting on the phone... just try to pay attention. And if you see any of the Grinches mentioned above give them a wave...
Mr. Traffic Signs Don't Apply to me. What speed limit? Road ends? I think I'll just keep going, those other cars will move. This is the jerk going 75 in a 55 and driving in a lane that clearly ends in 10 feet. This is the guy who you drive past every day. And every day you both pass the "do not cross solid white line" sign and while you wait patiently in the right lane Mr. I Don't Read Traffic Signs flies by in the left, throws his signal on at the last second and tries to cut in front of you. Hey, Grinch, that sign that said no passing - that meant you. That sign that said 55, I don't care if you go 75 but do it in the left lane - not tailgating me and shouting at me like I'm doing something wrong for going 60. And I see you every day so its not like you didn't realize the lane ended - it's been like that since the Model T.
Mrs. Soccer Mom. I know you drive a mini-van with your 2.5 kids in the back and three dogs. Nice sticker family by the way. But I don't need you swerving into my lane because you're trying to check your kids homework, talk on the phone, put on make-up and break up a fight. Pull over.
Ms Hot Shot New Driver. Glad your dad bought you a new compact car and you've now crammed ten of your besties in. I don't even know what to say for this one.... Go to driving school maybe?
Mr. Sunday Driver Only It's 7:00 am on a Tuesday.... I know you think it's appropriate to go 25 in a 55 but it's not. And it's certainly not ok in the left lane.
I'm sure there are more Grinch drivers. I see them every day going to work. It's the habitual offenders that really tick me off. We all have our moments, changing the radio station, chatting on the phone... just try to pay attention. And if you see any of the Grinches mentioned above give them a wave...
Knockout Dresses 1 and 2
So I can't possibly spend all day googling dresses. So I'm going to post them as I remember them.

One will be Emma Watson in my earlier post. Love that dress. I really think she's been coming into her own recently and really showing a more grown-up fashion taste. I remember the first Harry Potter where she's just a skinny kid with huge hair. Then a few years later chatting online with a friend and he says "Jennifer Aniston is looking hot on Jay Leno". I change the channel and the girl is decked out in all black, hair Jennifer Aniston Dark Blonde and stick straight. She turns her head and its Emma Watson.
Two is Blake Lively in Dolce and Gabbana at the Sherlock Holmes Premiere.

Wow. Ok I love the dress. Could I ever possibly wear it - since I'm not 6 ft tall and 90 lbs and all legs, no. But if I looked like Blake - in a second. The shoes rock too - sparkly and they look gold but hard to tell in the photo.
Photo from
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Rocking Around The Christmas Tree
My Santa Claus today is Christmas songs. How can you be upset with Christmas songs playing? It's like an instant pick-me up and I'm loving that Sirius has at least three channels (that I know of) rocking the Christmas tunes.
What are you favorite songs? Here are a few of mine (I'll probably think of more once I post):
White Christmas
Silent Night
So This is Christmas
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer
The Hanukkah Song
Auld Lang Syne - the Kenny G version he did back in like 2000 or so with the newsclips - I will cry everytime
Bells Will Be Ringing
Christmas Shoes
Grown Up Christmas List
Same Old Lang Syne
Holly Jolly Christmas
Silver and Gold
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Last Christmas
Silver Bells
Santa Baby
Yikes ok so I like a lot of Christmas songs... I know I've totally forgotten some though... let me know your favorites!
What are you favorite songs? Here are a few of mine (I'll probably think of more once I post):
White Christmas
Silent Night
So This is Christmas
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer
The Hanukkah Song
Auld Lang Syne - the Kenny G version he did back in like 2000 or so with the newsclips - I will cry everytime
Bells Will Be Ringing
Christmas Shoes
Grown Up Christmas List
Same Old Lang Syne
Holly Jolly Christmas
Silver and Gold
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Last Christmas
Silver Bells
Santa Baby
Yikes ok so I like a lot of Christmas songs... I know I've totally forgotten some though... let me know your favorites!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Purple Passion
I wasn't ever really into nail polish. I'm sort of a perfectionist when it comes to nails. If the polish isn't perfect it's coming off so nail polish and I after about a day have an angry break-up. Still recently (within in the last two-three years) I've been like a 16 year-old girl experimenting with polish changes. I've tried everything I should have done in high school but never did - navy blue, deep purple-black, hot pink, yellow, white and everything in between.
So check it out and let me know if purple is something you could do...

So when People StyleWatch had an article on purple nails I was hooked.
I normally get OPI - it's the only thing I've found that goes on easily and stays on forever. But I was in a hurry and at CVS so I picked up Sally Hansen Lacquer Shine Nail Color in 05 Flair. It's like a deep violet with a lot of shine. Love it. I put on one coat with no top or bottom coat and surprise it lasted all day.
So check it out and let me know if purple is something you could do...
Article found People StyleWatch November 2009.
20 Knockout Dresses of a Decade - comments and thoughts
So Entertainment Weekly posted this story about the twenty knockout dresses of the decade. First, I'm pretty sure the decade ends in 2010 not 2009 but whatever...
They are defining this as people that displayed high style... let me know what you think. Here are my favorites and what I think are misses for them...
Serena (aka Blake Lively) in Tory Burch. The dress is ok but I don't think its a knockout or anything we haven't seen before. It's a gold sequin dress... yawn for pick 2.
Anne Hathaway in Atelier Versace. Again not a fan. I guess it's daring and different but I don't love the color on her or the style.
Cate Blanchett in Valentino. I'm not a huge yellow person but this dress is amazing. Agree 100% she looks awesome and the dress is a knockout.
I'm more of a Charlotte fan myself but this Versace dress Carrie (aka Sarah Jessica Parker) wore is gorgeous. The tutu, the color, the sparkle. Perfection.
Emma Watson in Ossie Clark. Could I please raid her closet for a day? I love this dress. I would wear this dress everywhere and not even care that its too dressy for 99.9% of the things I go to.
I love Reese and this Nina Ricci dress is simple, almost wouldn't call it a knockout but her whole look is good. I like the red shoes as a nice and unexpected contrast. I think this really shows Reese coming into her own.
They are defining this as people that displayed high style... let me know what you think. Here are my favorites and what I think are misses for them...

Lady Gaga just bothers me. Ok so she's inventive (I guess that's what you call it) but to me a knockout dress is something that other women would want to wear. There is nothing about this outfit that makes me want to wear it. Half of her get-ups make her look totally ridiculous and the other half are completely unwearable.

I'll do another post soon with dresses I think they forgot. I need to do some Google research.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Movie Review: August Rush
It snowed and since I barely made it out this weekend not much to do but catch up on Netflicks. I'm not sure how I feel about August Rush. It's okay. Three out of five stars - average. The story follows a little boy Evan (aka August) who was put up for adoption and his two parents who had a one night stand. The story just isn't remotely believable.
August's parents (who I'm too lazy to Google their name and I can't remember) are both musicians and meet at a party. They talk briefly before hooking up and then we're supposed to assume they are madly in love. They are torn apart but not before she gets pregnant. She then gets in a fight with father, gets hit by a car, has the baby, the father puts the baby up for adoption and tells her the baby died. How do you even put someone else's child up for adoption? I'm not sure that's even possible.
August is convinced that he can hear his parents through music and if he learns how to follow the music he can find them. He runs away from the orphanage and makes it to NYC. His parents meanwhile are now in CA and Chicago but also somehow get to NYC at around the same time. His mother at this point has found out he's alive and is trying to find him. August is a child protege and even though he's never played an instrument composes a symphony, gets into Julliard and oh by the way is only 11.
I won't give the rest away but you can probably guess.
Along the way August meets "Wizard" played by Robin Williams. Let's just say Williams comes across as a major jerk and creep. He reminds me of this guy we read about in A Fine Balance in book club who just picks up little kids and trains them to be beggars. His character really did nothing to add to the movie.
Overall, the movie was average. I wouldn't rush out to rent it but I wouldn't say if it was between that and say some stupid reality TV I might pick the movie. The plot isn't the least bit believable and runs a little slow at points. Rent Grand Torino first.
August's parents (who I'm too lazy to Google their name and I can't remember) are both musicians and meet at a party. They talk briefly before hooking up and then we're supposed to assume they are madly in love. They are torn apart but not before she gets pregnant. She then gets in a fight with father, gets hit by a car, has the baby, the father puts the baby up for adoption and tells her the baby died. How do you even put someone else's child up for adoption? I'm not sure that's even possible.
August is convinced that he can hear his parents through music and if he learns how to follow the music he can find them. He runs away from the orphanage and makes it to NYC. His parents meanwhile are now in CA and Chicago but also somehow get to NYC at around the same time. His mother at this point has found out he's alive and is trying to find him. August is a child protege and even though he's never played an instrument composes a symphony, gets into Julliard and oh by the way is only 11.
I won't give the rest away but you can probably guess.
Along the way August meets "Wizard" played by Robin Williams. Let's just say Williams comes across as a major jerk and creep. He reminds me of this guy we read about in A Fine Balance in book club who just picks up little kids and trains them to be beggars. His character really did nothing to add to the movie.
Overall, the movie was average. I wouldn't rush out to rent it but I wouldn't say if it was between that and say some stupid reality TV I might pick the movie. The plot isn't the least bit believable and runs a little slow at points. Rent Grand Torino first.
Movie Review: Grand Torino
I realize I'm a little late since this movie came out in 2008 but maybe some of you are like me and wait for it to not be "very long wait" on Netflicks. The movie follows Walt Kowalski right after his wife dies. He lives in a changing neighborhood that is beginning to see the effects of gang violence. Kowalski shouldn't be likable - he's racist, he's a grouch, he doesn't care what other people think - but I found myself laughing at him, never taking him as serious as he wanted to be taken. He reminded me of those people that say things to get a reaction but they are never as mean as they make out to be. I think he's lonely, upset that his life has changed (his wife died, his neighborhood isn't the same place it was 20 years ago, etc). His kids and grandchildren, who I guess you should sympathize with since he's so mean to them - come across as spoiled and self-centered. You want to give Kowalski a free pass to hate them since they don't go out of their way to like him. For example, the day his wife dies, his granddaughter (who is dressed like a slut) asks for his car and sofa. On his birthday, his son and daughter-in-law talk to him about moving into a retirement village. It's like his whole family lost a sensitivity gene.
His next door neighbors are Hmong and Walt wants nothing to do with them. The son Thao under pressure from a gang tries to steal Walt's much-loved Grand Torino. Soon Walt is sucked into their lives and is an unlikely mentor and friend to Thao and his sister, Sue.
If you haven't seen this movie you need to. It's equal parts touching, sad and funny. You're rooting for Sue and Thao to make it out of the neighborhood without getting caught up in the gangs. You want Kowalski's family to understand him. You want Kowalski to make friends and see that having something in common with someone goes deeper than the color of their skin.
I like movies and books that can take difficult topics and characters and make you care about it. Is Kowalski a racist - maybe or he could just be scared of what he doesn't know and shaped by a past fighting in the Korean War. Does he say things that aren't PC - yes. Does it make people uncomfortable when others act this way - of course. But the point is to make you think, make you believe that you can overcome all of that to learn something from someone else.
Five out of five stars. Excellent movie.
His next door neighbors are Hmong and Walt wants nothing to do with them. The son Thao under pressure from a gang tries to steal Walt's much-loved Grand Torino. Soon Walt is sucked into their lives and is an unlikely mentor and friend to Thao and his sister, Sue.
If you haven't seen this movie you need to. It's equal parts touching, sad and funny. You're rooting for Sue and Thao to make it out of the neighborhood without getting caught up in the gangs. You want Kowalski's family to understand him. You want Kowalski to make friends and see that having something in common with someone goes deeper than the color of their skin.
I like movies and books that can take difficult topics and characters and make you care about it. Is Kowalski a racist - maybe or he could just be scared of what he doesn't know and shaped by a past fighting in the Korean War. Does he say things that aren't PC - yes. Does it make people uncomfortable when others act this way - of course. But the point is to make you think, make you believe that you can overcome all of that to learn something from someone else.
Five out of five stars. Excellent movie.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Snow - A Santa Or A Grinch?
Snow. For little kids you hear a scream of joy (visions of snowball fights, snow angels, snowmen fill their head). For adults there is this groan (unless you're a school teacher because around here you're guaranteed to get out of work for even the chance of flurries). There's a mad rush to the grocery store (apparently we can't live without milk and bread). The frantic watching of TV in hopes your work or school closed. Then the waiting. I for one did get the obligatory milk but also margarita mix and champagne to help wait it out.
Part of me still likes snow. How can you not like it? It's so beautiful and everything just sparkles, especially with all the Christmas lights. The other part of me that knows it would take a massive blizzard for my work to close dreads it. That part reads up to 12 inches as meaning "great, I might get in an accident on the way to work on Monday".
The funny thing is in NJ my work was super flexible about snow. Come in if you can, if you can't not a big deal. They plow roads in NJ and there isn't as much ice so driving in snow ends up being not as huge of a deal as driving in snow and ice in VA. Still my first snow storm up there we got 18 inches (which was more than I had seen in awhile coming from VA). I was like a little kid playing outside with K's dogs, enjoying a snow day and the best part - roads were clean by mid-day so off to the mall or Starbucks.
I'm not going to bash my job specifically here (even though their policy is they won't close unless its some earth shattering event) but I'm going to bash companies in general that don't think 12 inches is enough to close. My dad called me this morning to tell me the mall was opening at 8am. Is it really worth it for Victoria Secret (or anywhere else) to open and drag some poor high school kid out of bed? I mean they may get five customers all day - fools that drive SUV's and saw the commercials and think they can tackle a snowbank. We'll be lucky to be plowed out on Monday.
I can understand companies that say essential personnel - like fire departments, police, hospitals, security, power companies. But the key here is essential personnel - you don't really need the VP's secretary back in the office to get the hospital running, or the power back on, or the police out on the roads. Essential personnel should be people that you need to keep the city going not randoms. Essential personnel knew when they got hired - get an SUV for the few times you might need it to get to work. They get overtime or extra money or whatnot. I don't get extra money to try to navigate my 2000 Mazda though 12 inch snowbanks. My car couldn't even get in the driveway last night and there was barely an inch on the ground. Now I'm hoping I'm far enough in my yard that a plow or some stupid kid doing donuts in the street won't hit it.
So snow is my Santa and my Grinch. I like seeing it for all of an hour or maybe even half a day on Saturday. But I'm ready for 80 degree weather and to melt all of this away. I'm convinced I was born to live somewhere with a beach and warm weather all year - I just need to win the lottery first.
Part of me still likes snow. How can you not like it? It's so beautiful and everything just sparkles, especially with all the Christmas lights. The other part of me that knows it would take a massive blizzard for my work to close dreads it. That part reads up to 12 inches as meaning "great, I might get in an accident on the way to work on Monday".
The funny thing is in NJ my work was super flexible about snow. Come in if you can, if you can't not a big deal. They plow roads in NJ and there isn't as much ice so driving in snow ends up being not as huge of a deal as driving in snow and ice in VA. Still my first snow storm up there we got 18 inches (which was more than I had seen in awhile coming from VA). I was like a little kid playing outside with K's dogs, enjoying a snow day and the best part - roads were clean by mid-day so off to the mall or Starbucks.
I'm not going to bash my job specifically here (even though their policy is they won't close unless its some earth shattering event) but I'm going to bash companies in general that don't think 12 inches is enough to close. My dad called me this morning to tell me the mall was opening at 8am. Is it really worth it for Victoria Secret (or anywhere else) to open and drag some poor high school kid out of bed? I mean they may get five customers all day - fools that drive SUV's and saw the commercials and think they can tackle a snowbank. We'll be lucky to be plowed out on Monday.
I can understand companies that say essential personnel - like fire departments, police, hospitals, security, power companies. But the key here is essential personnel - you don't really need the VP's secretary back in the office to get the hospital running, or the power back on, or the police out on the roads. Essential personnel should be people that you need to keep the city going not randoms. Essential personnel knew when they got hired - get an SUV for the few times you might need it to get to work. They get overtime or extra money or whatnot. I don't get extra money to try to navigate my 2000 Mazda though 12 inch snowbanks. My car couldn't even get in the driveway last night and there was barely an inch on the ground. Now I'm hoping I'm far enough in my yard that a plow or some stupid kid doing donuts in the street won't hit it.
So snow is my Santa and my Grinch. I like seeing it for all of an hour or maybe even half a day on Saturday. But I'm ready for 80 degree weather and to melt all of this away. I'm convinced I was born to live somewhere with a beach and warm weather all year - I just need to win the lottery first.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
People Happier in Small Towns
On the way to work I was listening to Cosmo Radio. They were talking about some study that said women in smaller towns and cities were happier and less materialistic then women in large cities. Now I could go and google this article but when I tried, it pulled up stuff from January of last year and I'm not writing a research paper on it so we're going off my memory here.
Basically the gist of what I got was that women in large cities felt more threatened by all the strangers and how totally cool they were. Basically the women were more depressed because they felt like they always had to be on - looking cute, perfectly dressed, coifed, etc. Women in small towns and cities grew up with everyone and saw the same people and felt less pressure and were happier.
Wake Up With Taylor is in NYC and they were all agreeing that it was totally true and they wouldn't leave their apartment with a pimple because they might run into some fashionista. And then they told some story that made everyone else in the country sound like complete slobs that sat around in sweats eating chocolate and watching Grey's. One of them had gone to some small town somewhere and went to a party where all the girls were in sweats and she felt out of place and the other girls were mean to her.
First this makes me angry again because Wake Up With Taylor can be so anti-anywhere but NYC which I hate. I've been to NYC multiple times - its ok but its by no means my favorite city and if someone said I could never go back I wouldn't even care. NYC is not the capital of the world its residents make it out to be. And sure when I walk around NYC I want to look cute (same as home) but I'm not wasting money on designer clothes I can't afford to do it and if some random on the subway thinks I look like crap it's not going to break my heart.
I don't for a second believe that anywhere in the USA is it acceptable to go to a party in grubby sweats you would clean the house in. That's a. gross and b. come on even girls in small town USA want to look cute.
The thing is with the story they might be right. I don't view the women walking around downtown as a threat or want to kill and starve myself because someone happens to be cuter and thinner and better dressed than I am. I like fashion and make-up and looking good but it's for me. I buy things that look good on me and if someone else likes them that's even better.
I think a lot of it comes down to self-esteem. I'm perfectly comfortable buying my jeans from Old Navy. They look great, feel great and they aren't three hundred dollars. I don't really care if you buy Seven jeans or whatever the cool thing is these days. If you want to shell out a couple of hundred dollars on some designers jeans that is your own initative.
Do I look at other women's clothes and think damn I love that shirt, skirt, pants, shoes. Yes. Who doesn't look at something someone else has and be like wow that's really cool? I look at designer shoes the same way I would look at a fantastic painting. Jimmy Choo's are beautiful but not in my price range.
Maybe I'm in my own little bubble but I don't feel a competition to be better than my friends or strangers. I don't base my happiness of being better than them.
I do want to add there may be more pressure in bigger cities but I think a lot of it comes down to your own personal self esteem and if you're going to let it bother you that someone else might be better dressed and doesn't have a pimple.
So my question is, do you feel a pressure to dress up for other people? Let's be honest here and really talk about it. And does this pressure make you unhappy?
Basically the gist of what I got was that women in large cities felt more threatened by all the strangers and how totally cool they were. Basically the women were more depressed because they felt like they always had to be on - looking cute, perfectly dressed, coifed, etc. Women in small towns and cities grew up with everyone and saw the same people and felt less pressure and were happier.
Wake Up With Taylor is in NYC and they were all agreeing that it was totally true and they wouldn't leave their apartment with a pimple because they might run into some fashionista. And then they told some story that made everyone else in the country sound like complete slobs that sat around in sweats eating chocolate and watching Grey's. One of them had gone to some small town somewhere and went to a party where all the girls were in sweats and she felt out of place and the other girls were mean to her.
First this makes me angry again because Wake Up With Taylor can be so anti-anywhere but NYC which I hate. I've been to NYC multiple times - its ok but its by no means my favorite city and if someone said I could never go back I wouldn't even care. NYC is not the capital of the world its residents make it out to be. And sure when I walk around NYC I want to look cute (same as home) but I'm not wasting money on designer clothes I can't afford to do it and if some random on the subway thinks I look like crap it's not going to break my heart.
I don't for a second believe that anywhere in the USA is it acceptable to go to a party in grubby sweats you would clean the house in. That's a. gross and b. come on even girls in small town USA want to look cute.
The thing is with the story they might be right. I don't view the women walking around downtown as a threat or want to kill and starve myself because someone happens to be cuter and thinner and better dressed than I am. I like fashion and make-up and looking good but it's for me. I buy things that look good on me and if someone else likes them that's even better.
I think a lot of it comes down to self-esteem. I'm perfectly comfortable buying my jeans from Old Navy. They look great, feel great and they aren't three hundred dollars. I don't really care if you buy Seven jeans or whatever the cool thing is these days. If you want to shell out a couple of hundred dollars on some designers jeans that is your own initative.
Do I look at other women's clothes and think damn I love that shirt, skirt, pants, shoes. Yes. Who doesn't look at something someone else has and be like wow that's really cool? I look at designer shoes the same way I would look at a fantastic painting. Jimmy Choo's are beautiful but not in my price range.
Maybe I'm in my own little bubble but I don't feel a competition to be better than my friends or strangers. I don't base my happiness of being better than them.
I do want to add there may be more pressure in bigger cities but I think a lot of it comes down to your own personal self esteem and if you're going to let it bother you that someone else might be better dressed and doesn't have a pimple.
So my question is, do you feel a pressure to dress up for other people? Let's be honest here and really talk about it. And does this pressure make you unhappy?
Santas and Grinches - Oh My
So I try to take my own advice and think of something awesome happening to me but today it's not working and my sister called to say hi and I ended up venting to her for ten minutes until which point she said she had to go. I don't blame her. But sometimes you have to vent and sometimes letting it out helps.
I was reading this Good Housekeeping article that said women cry more than men and it went on and on about why but it wasn't like I was shocked about this statistic. It actually makes me feel better sometime to just let everything out whether venting or just sobbing into my pillow until I'm drained of all the negative energy.
So my Grinch today I don't really want to talk about... but basically I'm a little irritated by something, we'll leave it at that. And my Santa is my sister for actually listening to me and not saying that's nice. She actually agreed with me so I know I'm not a raging lunatic on this one. So love you Sis. :)
I was reading this Good Housekeeping article that said women cry more than men and it went on and on about why but it wasn't like I was shocked about this statistic. It actually makes me feel better sometime to just let everything out whether venting or just sobbing into my pillow until I'm drained of all the negative energy.
So my Grinch today I don't really want to talk about... but basically I'm a little irritated by something, we'll leave it at that. And my Santa is my sister for actually listening to me and not saying that's nice. She actually agreed with me so I know I'm not a raging lunatic on this one. So love you Sis. :)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Easy Recipe - Calzones
I should first say I'm not sure this is really a calzone because I think calzones have pizza sauce in them but whatever.... this is what I'm calling it.
Frozen Loaf of Bread (it's over with the frozen bread rolls) - thaw - the package says 8 hours if you're like me and forget throw it in the microwave on defrost but watch it so it doesn't start to bake
Your Favorite Cheese (I use mozzarella or pizza cheese)
Pepperoni (or ham, sausage, whatever you have)
Olive Oil
Spray cookie sheet or grease with oil. Roll out thawed dough. Lightly drizzle with oil then cover one half with your favorite toppings (I listed mine above). Fold the half without topping over the toppings and pinch two halves together. Bake at 450 for about 20 minutes (adjust accordingly to your oven).
Frozen Loaf of Bread (it's over with the frozen bread rolls) - thaw - the package says 8 hours if you're like me and forget throw it in the microwave on defrost but watch it so it doesn't start to bake
Your Favorite Cheese (I use mozzarella or pizza cheese)
Pepperoni (or ham, sausage, whatever you have)
Olive Oil
Spray cookie sheet or grease with oil. Roll out thawed dough. Lightly drizzle with oil then cover one half with your favorite toppings (I listed mine above). Fold the half without topping over the toppings and pinch two halves together. Bake at 450 for about 20 minutes (adjust accordingly to your oven).
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Santas and Grinches
So I missed yesterday and would probably miss today except I feel guilty not writing as if this is some mandatory assignment not something I just made up. This whole Santa/Grinch thing has gotten me thinking about the holidays and being grateful. Too often (and I've said this before) we look at the world half empty - that things aren't going our way. And perhaps we're our own worse Grinches - grumbling through, complaining about the little things when really our life isn't that bad. So today, even though it's a Grinch. I want to challenge everyone to be their own Santa Claus - to figure out something good that's happening to you right this second and when something negative happens think about that. It could be something small - like a killer pair of heels, or your favorite team winning a game or it could be big - like a new baby, buying your house. You get the idea.
I got this idea because I've noticed at work when I get tired or frustrated. Or it's just one of those days. I take a second and think about coming home later. The house is nice and quite. C is so happy to see me (puppies are a nice self-esteem boost - K and I are the coolest people in her little world). And I just relish for a second that in her day - my coming home is the best thing that could have happened to her. Suddenly that big assignment seems doable - because to C I'm a superhero and if that's not something special I don't know what is...
I got this idea because I've noticed at work when I get tired or frustrated. Or it's just one of those days. I take a second and think about coming home later. The house is nice and quite. C is so happy to see me (puppies are a nice self-esteem boost - K and I are the coolest people in her little world). And I just relish for a second that in her day - my coming home is the best thing that could have happened to her. Suddenly that big assignment seems doable - because to C I'm a superhero and if that's not something special I don't know what is...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Santas = Good Customer Service
So I know I should write a Grinch today but I pretty much Grinch'd out from Friday and Saturday. So here is my missing Santa Claus post for Saturday, instead.
I complained a lot about stores and companies with bad customer service. (Shame on you companies!) That I feel the need to write about companies I've had good experience with... because if nothing else they deserve the recognition for a job well done.
The funny thing is thinking about good customer service is harder - because sometimes good customer service is simply completing the job as promised.
Like take Amazon for instant. I have never had to call them for anything. Everything I've ever ordered has shown up intact and on-time. Is this good customer service or simply doing what was promised when I placed my order? In a way I think it's good customer service since bad customer service seems to run wild. But the part of me that isn't jaded - thinks no this simply what was promised when I gave them my credit card. Good customer service is going the extra mile. It's making sure your customers not only get what was promised when they walk through the door, they walk out feeling good (and in turn loyal to the store).
One of my best examples of this is The Limited at VCC. I used to like The Limited - it had cute work outfits, a little pricey but good sales. Then I started going to the store at VCC and I fell in love with The Limited. Half of what I own or more comes from that store. If I go to VCC I'm going in The Limited whether I need something or not. And what changed my attitude about a store that I liked but didn't have to go to into something I can't live without? Well, their clothes and sales help but the sales people in the store always act like nothing you ask is going out of the way. I'm not talking about kissing your ass nice. I'm talking normal friendly - a hi when you walk in, a quick can I help you. It's starting a dressing room when you're holding multiple garments. It's being helpful but not annoying. And because I go there so often they remember me and well go out of there way to point out new things.
In response to my blog post on NY and Co here is how they should have handled the situation of me wanting to try on the shirt. It was late and K and I had swung by the mall after dinner to pick up one thing. I had begged him into running into The Limited when I saw "the dress". It was the prettiest blue and so simple but elegant. I had to try it on. They had a four and an eight so I scooped them up and ran into the dressing room. Let me tell you right now it's almost 9:00 pm (closing time). I try on the dresses, the eight is too big, the four is a tad too small (you know the type of outfit you're afraid to dry or eat too much because it might not fit). I was bummed. The sales girl offered to call another mall for me but I said no, it was ok.
We started to leave and there in the window was the dress on a mannequin. I rushed back inside and dashed into the display. It was a six. I found the sale associate and asked her if I could try it on. I fully expected since they were five minutes away from closing a no but she dutifully got the dress of the mannequin and let me try it on. She never complained to my face. She said it was no problem and let me know if I needed anything else. I bought the dress.
But it's more than the dress (which I wear all the time), its the fact that she not only did her job, she went out of her way to do her job well. She could have grumbled that I should try on something else or refused to undress the mannequin and I would have probably been okay with it since it was so late but she smiled and said okay.
So kudos The Limited.
The sad thing is this is one of the only stores I can think of off the top of my head where a company went out of their way to do something for me. I'm sure there are others but I'm so discouraged about customer service these days they aren't flowing freely. So share your own good stores about companies and stores and if I can think of others I'll add them.
I complained a lot about stores and companies with bad customer service. (Shame on you companies!) That I feel the need to write about companies I've had good experience with... because if nothing else they deserve the recognition for a job well done.
The funny thing is thinking about good customer service is harder - because sometimes good customer service is simply completing the job as promised.
Like take Amazon for instant. I have never had to call them for anything. Everything I've ever ordered has shown up intact and on-time. Is this good customer service or simply doing what was promised when I placed my order? In a way I think it's good customer service since bad customer service seems to run wild. But the part of me that isn't jaded - thinks no this simply what was promised when I gave them my credit card. Good customer service is going the extra mile. It's making sure your customers not only get what was promised when they walk through the door, they walk out feeling good (and in turn loyal to the store).
One of my best examples of this is The Limited at VCC. I used to like The Limited - it had cute work outfits, a little pricey but good sales. Then I started going to the store at VCC and I fell in love with The Limited. Half of what I own or more comes from that store. If I go to VCC I'm going in The Limited whether I need something or not. And what changed my attitude about a store that I liked but didn't have to go to into something I can't live without? Well, their clothes and sales help but the sales people in the store always act like nothing you ask is going out of the way. I'm not talking about kissing your ass nice. I'm talking normal friendly - a hi when you walk in, a quick can I help you. It's starting a dressing room when you're holding multiple garments. It's being helpful but not annoying. And because I go there so often they remember me and well go out of there way to point out new things.
In response to my blog post on NY and Co here is how they should have handled the situation of me wanting to try on the shirt. It was late and K and I had swung by the mall after dinner to pick up one thing. I had begged him into running into The Limited when I saw "the dress". It was the prettiest blue and so simple but elegant. I had to try it on. They had a four and an eight so I scooped them up and ran into the dressing room. Let me tell you right now it's almost 9:00 pm (closing time). I try on the dresses, the eight is too big, the four is a tad too small (you know the type of outfit you're afraid to dry or eat too much because it might not fit). I was bummed. The sales girl offered to call another mall for me but I said no, it was ok.
We started to leave and there in the window was the dress on a mannequin. I rushed back inside and dashed into the display. It was a six. I found the sale associate and asked her if I could try it on. I fully expected since they were five minutes away from closing a no but she dutifully got the dress of the mannequin and let me try it on. She never complained to my face. She said it was no problem and let me know if I needed anything else. I bought the dress.
But it's more than the dress (which I wear all the time), its the fact that she not only did her job, she went out of her way to do her job well. She could have grumbled that I should try on something else or refused to undress the mannequin and I would have probably been okay with it since it was so late but she smiled and said okay.
So kudos The Limited.
The sad thing is this is one of the only stores I can think of off the top of my head where a company went out of their way to do something for me. I'm sure there are others but I'm so discouraged about customer service these days they aren't flowing freely. So share your own good stores about companies and stores and if I can think of others I'll add them.
Santa Claus,
The Limited
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sears = Bad Customer Service
So I don't want to use this blog to vent but sometimes you have to and sometimes when you feel continually ignored by a company you do what you have to do to be heard - or at least tell random website followers not to use that company. Something I learned in marketing class is the power of word of mouth.... you can have the best customer interaction in the world and you'll be lucky if that person tells one person. On the other hand, if you have one bad customer interaction that person will on average tell 10 people (since I've been out of school for awhile it could be more than that now). Ten doesn't sound like a lot but think about it - one day one of those random ten people will be talking to someone else and your company will come up in the conversation and random person will be like "oh my friend so and so said this really bad thing happened to them there."
So here is my really bad thing.
I've ordered things from Sears in the past and had issues (see previous post about tool kit where I was trying to be nice and not name names). But for some reason (maybe I like being tortured) I keep going back. I keep wanting and expecting them to be better and then I feel like they crash and burn on a massive scale. (I could be dramatic here but they've had two days to redeem themselves and at this point I'm pretty ticked off).
For Christmas my parents said they would give us a stove and microwave (thanks mom and dad!). We trotted off to Sears and they helped us pick something out. The sales associate (who I will say was more than helpful) said that if we went ahead and got a dishwasher (something we had been debating) they could knock off a percentage for getting multiple items. Great deal. We'll do it.
We scheduled the delivery for a week out (this past Friday the 11th). The delivery man called me the night before and said 11-1. I never heard from anyone else or Sears that all three appliances wouldn't come at the same time. My husband and I took off from work. We could knock the delivery out in the morning, clean up for his brother and his girlfriend and still have time to do some Christmas shopping. Around noon the delivery people show up - microwave and stove in tow. No dishwasher. They were really friendly and said if they had to go back to get it they would - until they found out it had to be installed. They didn't install dishwashers. Not a problem - they gave me a number to call (an 800 number start the dread music) and the woman at the other end said the second delivery would be there between 1 and 4.
We were disappointed but hopeful the guy would show up around 1:30 or so and we'd still have time to go out. 3:30 rolls around and the delivery person still hasn't shown. I call to double check. I'm assured he'll be there by 4. 4:30 comes around and I call back. The woman says she has paged the delivery person and he'll call me right back with an estimated time of arrival. 5:00 comes and I call back. I'm frustrated and angry that I wasted a whole day at home. I talk to a guy who claims to have talked to the delivery person and due to inclement weather he'd be there by 5:30 (first off it was cold but not rainy or snowy anywhere near where I live so unless he was driving from Wisconsin I don't know what kind of weather he ran into).
At 5:30 I call back. I was ready to harass them. This was way past ridiculous. The woman says she'll try to reach the delivery man. I ask to speak to a manager. I'm assured the manager will call me back in 5 minutes that he has stepped away from his desk (I'm still waiting for the manager to call me back). I finally call the store and say I'm never buying anything from them again unless they track down my dishwasher. I'm finally told by the store that the delivery person is MIA but they've paged him, etc. They can't send someone else because the delivery person has my dishwasher and now delivery probably won't be until Monday. I'm sure there are more calls I'm missing but you get the drill.
Finally at 9:30 the delivery man calls me to say that he'll come out on Saturday between 11-3. By 2:30 still no delivery man and now my guests and I have been sitting around all day watching bad TV. I call the 800 number again. I'm told now he can't be there until 4. Then between 4 and 4:30. It's 5:00 now and I finally have my dishwasher but I'm still mad. I asked for compensation - actually a refund of the $150 installation fee and the store said they couldn't do it but the Installation Department was going to call me because I would be getting it back (the store actually said it should be returned). I hadn't heard from the Installation Department so I call them and I get some woman on the phone who claims they are all managers but basically have no authority what so ever to refund my $150 and I'm so sorry that you're angry.
I know I should just let it go and next time go to Home Depot or Lowe's (which I will). But I'm writing a letter to the president of the company. I doubt I will ever hear back but in a small way it makes me feel better - as does venting on the blog.
So here is my really bad thing.
I've ordered things from Sears in the past and had issues (see previous post about tool kit where I was trying to be nice and not name names). But for some reason (maybe I like being tortured) I keep going back. I keep wanting and expecting them to be better and then I feel like they crash and burn on a massive scale. (I could be dramatic here but they've had two days to redeem themselves and at this point I'm pretty ticked off).
For Christmas my parents said they would give us a stove and microwave (thanks mom and dad!). We trotted off to Sears and they helped us pick something out. The sales associate (who I will say was more than helpful) said that if we went ahead and got a dishwasher (something we had been debating) they could knock off a percentage for getting multiple items. Great deal. We'll do it.
We scheduled the delivery for a week out (this past Friday the 11th). The delivery man called me the night before and said 11-1. I never heard from anyone else or Sears that all three appliances wouldn't come at the same time. My husband and I took off from work. We could knock the delivery out in the morning, clean up for his brother and his girlfriend and still have time to do some Christmas shopping. Around noon the delivery people show up - microwave and stove in tow. No dishwasher. They were really friendly and said if they had to go back to get it they would - until they found out it had to be installed. They didn't install dishwashers. Not a problem - they gave me a number to call (an 800 number start the dread music) and the woman at the other end said the second delivery would be there between 1 and 4.
We were disappointed but hopeful the guy would show up around 1:30 or so and we'd still have time to go out. 3:30 rolls around and the delivery person still hasn't shown. I call to double check. I'm assured he'll be there by 4. 4:30 comes around and I call back. The woman says she has paged the delivery person and he'll call me right back with an estimated time of arrival. 5:00 comes and I call back. I'm frustrated and angry that I wasted a whole day at home. I talk to a guy who claims to have talked to the delivery person and due to inclement weather he'd be there by 5:30 (first off it was cold but not rainy or snowy anywhere near where I live so unless he was driving from Wisconsin I don't know what kind of weather he ran into).
At 5:30 I call back. I was ready to harass them. This was way past ridiculous. The woman says she'll try to reach the delivery man. I ask to speak to a manager. I'm assured the manager will call me back in 5 minutes that he has stepped away from his desk (I'm still waiting for the manager to call me back). I finally call the store and say I'm never buying anything from them again unless they track down my dishwasher. I'm finally told by the store that the delivery person is MIA but they've paged him, etc. They can't send someone else because the delivery person has my dishwasher and now delivery probably won't be until Monday. I'm sure there are more calls I'm missing but you get the drill.
Finally at 9:30 the delivery man calls me to say that he'll come out on Saturday between 11-3. By 2:30 still no delivery man and now my guests and I have been sitting around all day watching bad TV. I call the 800 number again. I'm told now he can't be there until 4. Then between 4 and 4:30. It's 5:00 now and I finally have my dishwasher but I'm still mad. I asked for compensation - actually a refund of the $150 installation fee and the store said they couldn't do it but the Installation Department was going to call me because I would be getting it back (the store actually said it should be returned). I hadn't heard from the Installation Department so I call them and I get some woman on the phone who claims they are all managers but basically have no authority what so ever to refund my $150 and I'm so sorry that you're angry.
I know I should just let it go and next time go to Home Depot or Lowe's (which I will). But I'm writing a letter to the president of the company. I doubt I will ever hear back but in a small way it makes me feel better - as does venting on the blog.
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Customer Service Grinch Part 2
Ok so my last odd day I talked about the bad telephone customer service so today my Grinch is the bad in person customer service.
I'm telling this to all business people - customer service is key (well and good products). You could have great products, great prices and lousy customer service and people won't come back. People want to feel like they are valued and that you appreciate them spending money in your store. Otherwise I have hundreds of other options I could go to instead.
Now, I'm not going off the customer is always right principal or you have to kiss the customer's ass. I'm saying act like a decent human being - be kind, be helpful, be respectful. If a customer gets an attitude with you - take a deep breath and smile and listen. Half the time that's all they want anyway - is someone to let them vent. And it wouldn't kill you to try to make whatever their problem is go away (replace the broken merchandise, give them a coupon, whatever...).
I'm going to stop here and say I worked retail for about three years and all my jobs since I've had to deal with clients/customers/outside and inside people. So I'm not saying this as a whining customer. I've had to deal with real jerks but I always take a deep breath and realize how I act reflects on my company.
So here are my examples. I'll try to be brief and funny.
1. NY and CO SPTC Mall Grinch
Ok I was nice and didn't use names in the other blog and in this one I won't except in instances where I actually complained about service and still didn't get good treatment.
So I head off to this pretty ritzy mall that's in the suburbs of Richmond. I decided to go in NY and Co and browse. Now, I had come straight from work so I wasn't dressed in sweats or looking like a bum (which can affect service although it shouldn't). I go in the store and there are two people working - one girl was at the register and then went into the back and the other was close to the door folding sweaters. Neither said hi when I came in. I thought ok - like I said I don't need my ass kissed but since I'm the only person in the store it wouldn't kill you to say "Welcome to New York and Co". So I walk around and find this shirt on a mannequin I want to try on. I look around the store twice (walking by the sales person each time) looking for said shirt out on the floor. Does the woman even once look up or ask me if she could help me - no. Finally, I check the size on the mannequin and it's my size. I go over to the woman who is still folding shirts and say "Excuse me."
She looks up and waits.
"Do you have anymore of the red shirt on display over there?" I point to the mannequin.
"That's the only one."
"Well, it's my size do you mind if I take it off of her and try it on. I think it's cute."
"Could you try something else on instead?"
Excuse me? "I really want to try that shirt on. It's in my size."
"I'd rather you try on another shirt and if you decide you want to buy that shirt I'll take it off."
First, I'm not buying a shirt that I don't even know what it looks like on. And second, I don't get the reasoning on trying on any random shirt instead of that one.
I take a deep breath, "I'd really rather just try that shirt on."
"Well I don't want to take it off the mannequin."
At this point I want to punch this girl but since I'm not a violent person and I don't have any desire to be arrested. I manage to smile at her. Let me explain too this isn't some bratty teenager bored and pissed she's making $8 an hour. This is an adult - a woman who was probably older than I was. "Ok that's fine. I'll go to VCC then."
"Do you want me to call for you and see if they have it?"
"Don't bother." I snapped and walked out.
Now I was going to drop it and not say anything but then I got to thinking. The economy sucks and I was basically begging to buy something in your store and you're going to cop an attitude with me. I don't think so. So I emailed NY and Co from their website. I praised the VCC store (b/c they do have good customer service and I've never had a problem) and then told my story about the SPTC store and the sales assistant. I thought I would hear back - at least an email saying they were sorry for the bad experience, etc. NOTHING.
So not only do they have bad in-store customer service but whoever monitors their website is horrible too. So I don't care if they know I'm bashing them I hope it's a wake-up call because I will never shop at the store at SPTC again and I've made sure to tell my family about the horrible service as well.
2. Steak Restaurant Grinch
So I won't say the name of the restaurant because this didn't actual happen to me but to someone in the group I was with. He ordered a salad and had started to eat it when he found a piece of balloon in the salad. He told the waitress, who never apologized and made him pay for the second salad. WTF. I would have pitched a major fit on that one but he was too nice.
3. La De Da XYZ Company Grinch
Ok this one has to be a little more discreet.... basically I work with this company pretty regularly. They regularly cop an attitude, ignore requests, and generally pull a "I'm more intelligent and cooler than you" attitude. It's annoying and disrespectful. Yeah, ok you won't like all of our ideas but what part of we're paying you to just do the job do you not understand? And when you don't like a request - try just saying nicely why you don't think it will work.... Enough on this.
4. Department Store Grinch
I won't say who this is just because it did end up getting resolved. I ordered a tool set for K two Christmas's ago. It was on special and they had sold out. The guy in the store swore up and down they were getting a shipment the next week. Well the next week turned into December 22. I waited it out. I called constantly. I drove down there to see if it had come in. I never got a straight answer about when or where the tool kit was. December 22 came and went and no tool kit. I complained. I pitched a fit that it was a Christmas gift, that the sales associate promised it would be here. I got a few lame I'm sorry's and the guy should never have promised me... I finally got the tool kit in February! I will say they ended up giving me a huge discount on top of the sale but still....
So sorry for the long post. I'll probably come up with more experiences after I post this but I'll just add them later. Tomorrow I'll post some Santa Claus's of customer service (my little brag post to all the stores and companies I love).
I'm telling this to all business people - customer service is key (well and good products). You could have great products, great prices and lousy customer service and people won't come back. People want to feel like they are valued and that you appreciate them spending money in your store. Otherwise I have hundreds of other options I could go to instead.
Now, I'm not going off the customer is always right principal or you have to kiss the customer's ass. I'm saying act like a decent human being - be kind, be helpful, be respectful. If a customer gets an attitude with you - take a deep breath and smile and listen. Half the time that's all they want anyway - is someone to let them vent. And it wouldn't kill you to try to make whatever their problem is go away (replace the broken merchandise, give them a coupon, whatever...).
I'm going to stop here and say I worked retail for about three years and all my jobs since I've had to deal with clients/customers/outside and inside people. So I'm not saying this as a whining customer. I've had to deal with real jerks but I always take a deep breath and realize how I act reflects on my company.
So here are my examples. I'll try to be brief and funny.
1. NY and CO SPTC Mall Grinch
Ok I was nice and didn't use names in the other blog and in this one I won't except in instances where I actually complained about service and still didn't get good treatment.
So I head off to this pretty ritzy mall that's in the suburbs of Richmond. I decided to go in NY and Co and browse. Now, I had come straight from work so I wasn't dressed in sweats or looking like a bum (which can affect service although it shouldn't). I go in the store and there are two people working - one girl was at the register and then went into the back and the other was close to the door folding sweaters. Neither said hi when I came in. I thought ok - like I said I don't need my ass kissed but since I'm the only person in the store it wouldn't kill you to say "Welcome to New York and Co". So I walk around and find this shirt on a mannequin I want to try on. I look around the store twice (walking by the sales person each time) looking for said shirt out on the floor. Does the woman even once look up or ask me if she could help me - no. Finally, I check the size on the mannequin and it's my size. I go over to the woman who is still folding shirts and say "Excuse me."
She looks up and waits.
"Do you have anymore of the red shirt on display over there?" I point to the mannequin.
"That's the only one."
"Well, it's my size do you mind if I take it off of her and try it on. I think it's cute."
"Could you try something else on instead?"
Excuse me? "I really want to try that shirt on. It's in my size."
"I'd rather you try on another shirt and if you decide you want to buy that shirt I'll take it off."
First, I'm not buying a shirt that I don't even know what it looks like on. And second, I don't get the reasoning on trying on any random shirt instead of that one.
I take a deep breath, "I'd really rather just try that shirt on."
"Well I don't want to take it off the mannequin."
At this point I want to punch this girl but since I'm not a violent person and I don't have any desire to be arrested. I manage to smile at her. Let me explain too this isn't some bratty teenager bored and pissed she's making $8 an hour. This is an adult - a woman who was probably older than I was. "Ok that's fine. I'll go to VCC then."
"Do you want me to call for you and see if they have it?"
"Don't bother." I snapped and walked out.
Now I was going to drop it and not say anything but then I got to thinking. The economy sucks and I was basically begging to buy something in your store and you're going to cop an attitude with me. I don't think so. So I emailed NY and Co from their website. I praised the VCC store (b/c they do have good customer service and I've never had a problem) and then told my story about the SPTC store and the sales assistant. I thought I would hear back - at least an email saying they were sorry for the bad experience, etc. NOTHING.
So not only do they have bad in-store customer service but whoever monitors their website is horrible too. So I don't care if they know I'm bashing them I hope it's a wake-up call because I will never shop at the store at SPTC again and I've made sure to tell my family about the horrible service as well.
2. Steak Restaurant Grinch
So I won't say the name of the restaurant because this didn't actual happen to me but to someone in the group I was with. He ordered a salad and had started to eat it when he found a piece of balloon in the salad. He told the waitress, who never apologized and made him pay for the second salad. WTF. I would have pitched a major fit on that one but he was too nice.
3. La De Da XYZ Company Grinch
Ok this one has to be a little more discreet.... basically I work with this company pretty regularly. They regularly cop an attitude, ignore requests, and generally pull a "I'm more intelligent and cooler than you" attitude. It's annoying and disrespectful. Yeah, ok you won't like all of our ideas but what part of we're paying you to just do the job do you not understand? And when you don't like a request - try just saying nicely why you don't think it will work.... Enough on this.
4. Department Store Grinch
I won't say who this is just because it did end up getting resolved. I ordered a tool set for K two Christmas's ago. It was on special and they had sold out. The guy in the store swore up and down they were getting a shipment the next week. Well the next week turned into December 22. I waited it out. I called constantly. I drove down there to see if it had come in. I never got a straight answer about when or where the tool kit was. December 22 came and went and no tool kit. I complained. I pitched a fit that it was a Christmas gift, that the sales associate promised it would be here. I got a few lame I'm sorry's and the guy should never have promised me... I finally got the tool kit in February! I will say they ended up giving me a huge discount on top of the sale but still....
So sorry for the long post. I'll probably come up with more experiences after I post this but I'll just add them later. Tomorrow I'll post some Santa Claus's of customer service (my little brag post to all the stores and companies I love).
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Queen B.
So I'm probably a little old to watch Gossip Girl but since I'm not like 45 it's not embarrassing to admitting to loving it. My friend SP loves Serena (see her blog here). I've never been a Serena fan - she's ok but she dresses slightly trashy (ok expensive trashy) and is kind of a whore (her on-screen loves are all quasi-related - friends, relatives... gross). Blair has always been my favorite. Deliciously bitchy but a nice girl underneath, impeccably dressed - trendy but with a touch of old-school classic flair. Think Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly brought into the 2000's.
I think I might like her more because at the end of the day she's the one whose wardrobe I would steal. (Jenny is too punk rocker, Vanessa - I don't know, Serena - we already discussed). Plus who wouldn't want to be a little bit more ballsy? Blair is apologetically a semi-mean girl (semi because she's a sweetie at the end of the day), stomping, fighting, and pouting her way to what she wants and because she's the Queen Bee - she usually gets it.
I'm copying SP's idea and here are a few of my favorite Blair looks of the moment.
I'm loving the 1920's vibe she has the season. The hats, the coats, the shoes... It makes me want to go shopping... if only I had Blair's budget!

Ok I can't find a good one of this outfit but it was super cute. I'm in love with that necklace.

You can't see it very well but she wore the cutest hat in this episode (it's in her hands)... I want one.

Very Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face (good movie if you haven't seen it). Leggings, red peep-toes, cape...
The only thing that makes me sad is that the GossipGirlInsider says the next new episode isn't until March - really??? The last episode was so good I don't think I can wait that long.
I think I might like her more because at the end of the day she's the one whose wardrobe I would steal. (Jenny is too punk rocker, Vanessa - I don't know, Serena - we already discussed). Plus who wouldn't want to be a little bit more ballsy? Blair is apologetically a semi-mean girl (semi because she's a sweetie at the end of the day), stomping, fighting, and pouting her way to what she wants and because she's the Queen Bee - she usually gets it.
I'm copying SP's idea and here are a few of my favorite Blair looks of the moment.
I'm loving the 1920's vibe she has the season. The hats, the coats, the shoes... It makes me want to go shopping... if only I had Blair's budget!

Ok I can't find a good one of this outfit but it was super cute. I'm in love with that necklace.

You can't see it very well but she wore the cutest hat in this episode (it's in her hands)... I want one.

Very Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face (good movie if you haven't seen it). Leggings, red peep-toes, cape...
The only thing that makes me sad is that the GossipGirlInsider says the next new episode isn't until March - really??? The last episode was so good I don't think I can wait that long.
Photos from
Christmas Party Santa
Tonight was my work Christmas party. I know some of you may groan and be like augh that stupid event that HR or some committee puts on where everyone stands around listening to crappy music and drinking watered down punch from paper cups (ok that might have happened on The Office - I don't know). But I like Christmas parties - work or otherwise. Work ones are always interesting because people are 1. happy (they are out of work and drinking) and 2. out of their element (so you learn things you might not have known). And Christmas parties with friends are fun because its a nice excuse to just get dressed up and celebrate. So cheers!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
My Favorite Thing
This is going to be short because I've already posted two really long posts but I can't forget my weekly post... augh the things I get myself into. My favorite thing today is pigs in a blanket. I turn into a six year old when someone wraps cheese and a crescent roll around a hot dog. It takes me back.
Jersey Shore

I like the show though. Its so deliciously entertaining - like a train wreck you can't look away. It's kind of like the Bravo Housewife TV shows - I'm sure most women in the OC, NY, NJ and Atlanta don't act like those women either. Part of it is probably show and part of it is a select group of people acting the way they normally would. TV shows need outgoing, loud mouth personalities. They aren't going to film a bunch of kids sitting around drinking soda and playing board games.
The reason I'm mad about this isn't even really about the show (although there are a lot of people mad about it read here)... they were talking about it on Cosmo Radio - Wake Up With Taylor this morning. Taylor said the Jersey shore (the beach not the show) was and I quote "like gift wrapping a poop". I don't know what beaches Taylor has been to but the beaches I went to are nice (nicer than a lot of other beaches, certainly nicer than some VA Beaches I've been to). The cast of the Jersey shore are living in Seaside Heights. Which is probably not one of the classier beaches in NJ. Taylor and the crew had valid points about the cast - they are too tan, they dress slutty... I'm not arguing with that. I'm arguing with the fact that NJ people aren't all like that and the NJ Shore (the beach) is not a poop!
Second, this brings me on a side note that Wake Up With Taylor has been annoying me a lot recently (I use to love it they were so honest and funny) now they are excuse me for saying typical NYC people - snotty, self-centered and name/label droppers. "Oh my boyfriend went to such and such school... its posh." I don't really care. I don't know you're boyfriend and even if I did that is just super annoying. She also makes fun of NJ a lot - I know its one of those states like WV that its socially acceptable to make fun of... its just not that funny. It's like your mother jokes - we get it my mom's fat (not really). I get it Taylor, you and your friends are too cool for NJ - but I can guarantee you are probably one of those annoying people that camp out in a summer house on the shore and think you own the whole town. The show just isn't as good as it once was and I've been kind of hoping Cosmo will cancel it and put Cocktails with Patrick on twice a day.
Anyway... back on topic The Jersey Shore - so I think you should check it out. It's super trashy and the people are annoying but it's super funny. It's like Spencer on The Hills - I can't stand him but I can't look away either. I take it with stride - this is for entertainment not representative of NJ, the shore, Italian-Americans, etc. As I keep watching I'll post more on the subject.
Photo from
Grinches Attack By Phone
Grinches. The thought of one can send chills down your spine. A growing sense of dread beats in your heart. You steel your nerves and confront them.
I was all set to write about traffic Grinches today but alas they will have to wait for another odd day as today will be devoted to another Grinch.
I’m going to divide this Grinch up over two odd days (today: bad telephone customer service Grinch and Friday: bad customer service Grinch). Now you could argue they are one and the same but I’m saying if anything they are twins – equally annoying and aggravating but in the end separate beast. I know stores that have excellent customer service in their store but once you get them on the phone you’re talking to a third world country with a bad phone connection, limited English and no earthly idea about their products.
So The Bad Telephone Customer Service Grinch (TBTCS for short – mainly because I can’t write that out five times without getting a cramp)… what can you say. You know calling any major company you’re probably going to run into this Grinch. Not running into him and running into a Santa Claus instead is pretty rare. You want to leap through the phone and hug the person for the sheer fact that they are nice, helpful, speak English, and are not a computer. Now I want to say up front I’m not here to bash companies that outsource their customer service to other countries – I have dealt with companies that do this and still get excellent service (I’ve never had a problem with Capital One for example) but for the most part it’s the worse. It would be the same if they outsourced to the backwoods of Arkansas and you’re trying to decode an accent and local dialect. So it has nothing to do with where the person is and more to do with one’s ability to understand them and they you. That and my biggest pet peeve - bad customer service. If they had half way decent, trained customer service reps answering the phone they wouldn't even be a Grinch!
So let’s talk about what bad customer service looks like… even better I can give you examples. Against my better judgment I will leave out company names to protect them when really I want to shout from the rooftops that their staff needs better training.
Round One: Large Entertainment Provider vs. Poor Consumer
Calling re. product no longer getting reception.
Grinch: Thank you for calling xyz, my name is Bob, how can I assist you today?
Me: Hi Bob, my radio is no longer working and I was wondering what I can do to correct the problem.
Grinch: I can offer you a great deal on a new radio. 50% off. Today only.
Me (grumbling as Bob has now turned into a used car salesman): Thanks Bob. My old radio is ok but every now and then it gets full of static and asked to update channels.
Grinch: 50% is a great offer.
Me: I think it’s the antenna – can I buy a new antenna anywhere?
Grinch: Oh I’m sorry, we no longer make your radio. Would you like to buy a new one?
Me: No.
Grinch (actually turning into a Santa for a minute lowers his voice): Well, I could get in trouble for telling you this but you should try abc electronics.
Round Two: Large Department Store vs. Poor Consumer
Calling re. Department Store computer phone service calling me repeatedly about a delivery. I finally connect with a human after navigating a computer, being told I got connected to the wrong department and need to hang up and call again, getting disconnected and waiting for 30 minutes (not kidding) on hold.
Grinch: Thank you for calling Department Store. Please verify your phone number starting with the area code.
Me (thinking already did this twice with computer, once with Grinch who got disconnected. Smile.): Give phone number.
Grinch: Great and your full name.
Grinch: And your address.
Grinch: And what did you order?
Me (does she not have a computer that she can look all this up on? Seriously their security is better than my bank).
Grinch: And it shows here that you are set to get your appliances on Friday.
Me: Yes, I'm calling because your computer system keeps calling me. Yesterday it said Friday. Today it called and said it was delayed and wasn't shipping to the store until Friday.
Grinch: It says here Friday.
Me: Okay, well I just wanted to check...
Grinch rambles about having an 18 year old present and me getting a third call from the computer announcing the time on Thursday.
Me: I just want to make sure... I took a day off from work.
Grinch repeats the part about being 18 and the third phone call.
Me (frustrated): Okay, well see you Friday.
Grinch: Would you like a complimentary quote for a kitchen redesign?
Me (already having told another Grinch no): We're not interested.
Well I could go on and on but I'll probably only be amusing myself. Everyone knows dealing with a company over the phone is nothing short of pure hell. I push zero frantically hoping against hope an operator will pick up instead of reciting my name and phone number to a computer. I'm not sure how to rid yourself of this Grinch its a necessary evil and since most companies are about saving money over customer service I doubt it will go away anytime soon.
I was all set to write about traffic Grinches today but alas they will have to wait for another odd day as today will be devoted to another Grinch.
I’m going to divide this Grinch up over two odd days (today: bad telephone customer service Grinch and Friday: bad customer service Grinch). Now you could argue they are one and the same but I’m saying if anything they are twins – equally annoying and aggravating but in the end separate beast. I know stores that have excellent customer service in their store but once you get them on the phone you’re talking to a third world country with a bad phone connection, limited English and no earthly idea about their products.
So The Bad Telephone Customer Service Grinch (TBTCS for short – mainly because I can’t write that out five times without getting a cramp)… what can you say. You know calling any major company you’re probably going to run into this Grinch. Not running into him and running into a Santa Claus instead is pretty rare. You want to leap through the phone and hug the person for the sheer fact that they are nice, helpful, speak English, and are not a computer. Now I want to say up front I’m not here to bash companies that outsource their customer service to other countries – I have dealt with companies that do this and still get excellent service (I’ve never had a problem with Capital One for example) but for the most part it’s the worse. It would be the same if they outsourced to the backwoods of Arkansas and you’re trying to decode an accent and local dialect. So it has nothing to do with where the person is and more to do with one’s ability to understand them and they you. That and my biggest pet peeve - bad customer service. If they had half way decent, trained customer service reps answering the phone they wouldn't even be a Grinch!
So let’s talk about what bad customer service looks like… even better I can give you examples. Against my better judgment I will leave out company names to protect them when really I want to shout from the rooftops that their staff needs better training.
Round One: Large Entertainment Provider vs. Poor Consumer
Calling re. product no longer getting reception.
Grinch: Thank you for calling xyz, my name is Bob, how can I assist you today?
Me: Hi Bob, my radio is no longer working and I was wondering what I can do to correct the problem.
Grinch: I can offer you a great deal on a new radio. 50% off. Today only.
Me (grumbling as Bob has now turned into a used car salesman): Thanks Bob. My old radio is ok but every now and then it gets full of static and asked to update channels.
Grinch: 50% is a great offer.
Me: I think it’s the antenna – can I buy a new antenna anywhere?
Grinch: Oh I’m sorry, we no longer make your radio. Would you like to buy a new one?
Me: No.
Grinch (actually turning into a Santa for a minute lowers his voice): Well, I could get in trouble for telling you this but you should try abc electronics.
Round Two: Large Department Store vs. Poor Consumer
Calling re. Department Store computer phone service calling me repeatedly about a delivery. I finally connect with a human after navigating a computer, being told I got connected to the wrong department and need to hang up and call again, getting disconnected and waiting for 30 minutes (not kidding) on hold.
Grinch: Thank you for calling Department Store. Please verify your phone number starting with the area code.
Me (thinking already did this twice with computer, once with Grinch who got disconnected. Smile.): Give phone number.
Grinch: Great and your full name.
Grinch: And your address.
Grinch: And what did you order?
Me (does she not have a computer that she can look all this up on? Seriously their security is better than my bank).
Grinch: And it shows here that you are set to get your appliances on Friday.
Me: Yes, I'm calling because your computer system keeps calling me. Yesterday it said Friday. Today it called and said it was delayed and wasn't shipping to the store until Friday.
Grinch: It says here Friday.
Me: Okay, well I just wanted to check...
Grinch rambles about having an 18 year old present and me getting a third call from the computer announcing the time on Thursday.
Me: I just want to make sure... I took a day off from work.
Grinch repeats the part about being 18 and the third phone call.
Me (frustrated): Okay, well see you Friday.
Grinch: Would you like a complimentary quote for a kitchen redesign?
Me (already having told another Grinch no): We're not interested.
Well I could go on and on but I'll probably only be amusing myself. Everyone knows dealing with a company over the phone is nothing short of pure hell. I push zero frantically hoping against hope an operator will pick up instead of reciting my name and phone number to a computer. I'm not sure how to rid yourself of this Grinch its a necessary evil and since most companies are about saving money over customer service I doubt it will go away anytime soon.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year...
Ahhh Christmas. Thinking about it gives me chills. I turn into an anxious six-year-old girl dutifully arranging homemade sugar cookies onto a plate, pouring a glass of milk and writing my note to Santa and my elf Shorty. The elf thing is a long story but started back when it was okay to say Christmas in school and the teacher had us write to Santa. Instead of Santa writing back an elf did, saying how busy Santa was but he was so glad to hear from us... anyway...
As I was saying Christmas just makes me happy. And the thing that makes me the happiest is all the traditions. So I'm not waiting for the Toy's R Us Toy Book anymore but I might still sneak a peak and wish I was still young enough to play with Barbies. And I'm not too grown up to admit that I still look forward to Christmas specials. How can you not love Rudolph?
And one of the best things ever is that where I live Santa comes along on the fire truck every year. They publish the route and days in the local paper. I actually have it written in my calendar so I don't forget. It's this Sunday!!! I'll try to post photos but my camera is notoriously bad at taking photos at night.
It's not just the bells and whistles of putting up a tree and singing carols. It's going to church at 11 and walking out in silence holding a candle. It's laying under the tree and just watching the lights twinkle. It's relaxing. I'll even say you could mediate doing it. It's the extra time with friends and family.
As I was saying Christmas just makes me happy. And the thing that makes me the happiest is all the traditions. So I'm not waiting for the Toy's R Us Toy Book anymore but I might still sneak a peak and wish I was still young enough to play with Barbies. And I'm not too grown up to admit that I still look forward to Christmas specials. How can you not love Rudolph?
And one of the best things ever is that where I live Santa comes along on the fire truck every year. They publish the route and days in the local paper. I actually have it written in my calendar so I don't forget. It's this Sunday!!! I'll try to post photos but my camera is notoriously bad at taking photos at night.
It's not just the bells and whistles of putting up a tree and singing carols. It's going to church at 11 and walking out in silence holding a candle. It's laying under the tree and just watching the lights twinkle. It's relaxing. I'll even say you could mediate doing it. It's the extra time with friends and family.
Monday, December 7, 2009
7 Grinches Grinching...
So the title doesn't make sense but my blog my rules. Today the biggest Grinch to all workers - Monday Morning. Is there anything worse that waking up to the sound of an alarm clock knowing you have five full days before the weekend? I love my job (well most of the time) but I dread Mondays. I think there would be nothing better than four day work weeks and three day weekends - or four day weekends would be nice too. So I'm counting down the days until our office is closed for Christmas and I have a few blissful days to do nothing but watch bad TV, hang out with family and friends, eat lots of food and open presents.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Baby It's Cold Outside... 1 Grinch and 1 Claus for C
So I skipped a day and I had to force myself to come up with something for today. I could come up with a witty excuse but really I just wanted to finish up some projects around the house. And even now I'm procrastinating reading entertainment blogs...
But to the topic at a hand - a Grinch for yesterday and a Claus for today.
Yesterday we took C to her make-up puppy class and to get her photo with Santa. You paid $10 for the photo but half the money went to the Humane Society to help homeless pets. I hate thinking about homeless pets - they make me want to cry. Those animal abuse commercials come on and I have to change the channel. I can't bare to look at those poor little faces. So my Grinch today is all those people that hurt animals. Really? You're such a man (or woman) you have to hit an animal for no reason? Grow up psychos. And if you can't afford your animal anymore you can't do him or her the common courtesy of finding them a new home? There is no way in hell I would just leave C on the side of a road somewhere - the thought actually makes me want to cry. And even those she's decided to chew on three pairs of my favorite shoes I'm not going to hit her for it. I might yell about it but in the end it was my fault for not watching her.
Maybe having C makes me more aware but even before her I loved animals (I had three bunnies and a dog growing up). I will study faces of lost pets hoping I can find them (not that I actually go out and look but if the animal happens to stumble into my yard). I called the non-emergency police number before because I saw this lady leaving cages outside of a dumpster. The police sent out the Animal Rescue people who actually called me back to thank me because it's a crime to just abandon your animal. It turns out the lady I called the police on actually was catching wild cats to rehabilitate but she actually told the police she wished more people would call because then the cats wouldn't be abandoned so I still feel good about that.
So in answer to the Animal Hating Grinch my Claus is all those people that actually do something to help the animals. The people at Pet Smart that volunteered to dress like Santa, hold C and take her picture all to get a $5 donation. I think that's pretty awesome. We talked to the guy who was Santa while we waited and he was really nice - he'd been dressing up and doing this for years. He said he really enjoyed it. He actually just came over and hugged C and played with her. She was a little scared at first (which never happens). He said the weirdest pets he had to hold were two pythons. He's braver than me because there is no way in hell I would hold those things. So props to the volunteers at Pet Smart, and the lady rehabilitating cats, and even those celebrities showing me sad photos of cats and dogs... take down those Grinches one by one! :)
But to the topic at a hand - a Grinch for yesterday and a Claus for today.
Yesterday we took C to her make-up puppy class and to get her photo with Santa. You paid $10 for the photo but half the money went to the Humane Society to help homeless pets. I hate thinking about homeless pets - they make me want to cry. Those animal abuse commercials come on and I have to change the channel. I can't bare to look at those poor little faces. So my Grinch today is all those people that hurt animals. Really? You're such a man (or woman) you have to hit an animal for no reason? Grow up psychos. And if you can't afford your animal anymore you can't do him or her the common courtesy of finding them a new home? There is no way in hell I would just leave C on the side of a road somewhere - the thought actually makes me want to cry. And even those she's decided to chew on three pairs of my favorite shoes I'm not going to hit her for it. I might yell about it but in the end it was my fault for not watching her.
Maybe having C makes me more aware but even before her I loved animals (I had three bunnies and a dog growing up). I will study faces of lost pets hoping I can find them (not that I actually go out and look but if the animal happens to stumble into my yard). I called the non-emergency police number before because I saw this lady leaving cages outside of a dumpster. The police sent out the Animal Rescue people who actually called me back to thank me because it's a crime to just abandon your animal. It turns out the lady I called the police on actually was catching wild cats to rehabilitate but she actually told the police she wished more people would call because then the cats wouldn't be abandoned so I still feel good about that.
So in answer to the Animal Hating Grinch my Claus is all those people that actually do something to help the animals. The people at Pet Smart that volunteered to dress like Santa, hold C and take her picture all to get a $5 donation. I think that's pretty awesome. We talked to the guy who was Santa while we waited and he was really nice - he'd been dressing up and doing this for years. He said he really enjoyed it. He actually just came over and hugged C and played with her. She was a little scared at first (which never happens). He said the weirdest pets he had to hold were two pythons. He's braver than me because there is no way in hell I would hold those things. So props to the volunteers at Pet Smart, and the lady rehabilitating cats, and even those celebrities showing me sad photos of cats and dogs... take down those Grinches one by one! :)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Book Review: Hungry Crystal Renn with Marjorie Ingall
So did I mention I like fashion? I'm not one of those people that knows the name of every model but I can recognize the same model pretty easily and know a lot of the Victoria Secret model names (but I know they aren't exactly runway). Glamour magazine has been doing a lot recently (or at least I've noticed recently) about loving your body and accepting all shapes and sizes... anyway, I'm pretty sure that's where I first started to recognize Crystal Renn. Renn has appeared in Lane Byrant ads and is the girl in the breast cancer research ads (she's got red fabric draped around her and it's mainly a shot of her back). I found out she had written a book and decided to check it out.
First off, I thought this was going to be more of an autobiography and it starts that way before detouring off into a tangent about ideal body weights and fashion portraying all shapes and sizes. It starts to read like a research paper with all the quotes about how overweight might not be that unhealthy and everybody has an ideal weight. I'm not saying she's wrong. I know for myself my body no matter the amount of dieting or exercise hovers around the same point - give or take five pounds. I'm just saying that maybe this was part of another book. I get that weight plays a huge part in her life - she started as an anorexic straight size model and is now considered a plus size model - but at the same time I felt like it went on and on and could easily have been summarized into a few key points.
The funny thing is looking at pictures of Renn as a straight size model she looks downright sickly (bones jutting out, eyes that aren't focused) and as a plus sized model she doesn't look that big. I would say she's curvy but not fat.
The book is interesting. Renn is hungry for food and a career. She wants to prove that a plus size model can do everything a straight size model can do. It's an inside look at how hard she worked to drop weight - joining two gyms, working out until she's so sick she can't even walk home - and then gain back her self-esteem (and the weight).
I personally didn't come away with any new information on modeling and high fashion. I think everyone can pretty much guess its a cutthroat business with girls that are 6 feet tall expected to weigh 90 lbs. That designers want girls that are stick straight so the clothes just hang. I do think there might be a shift coming - Glamour has certainly been using more "real" women - although I'm pretty sure the short girl is still probably 5'6. Like anything, fashion is cylindrical so I'm sure at some point it will change to celebrate a curvier figure.
Good for Renn for championing healthy eating habits. I think all women should realize their bodies will probably never look like a supermodel or a celebrity. Those women are paid to look amazing and have a lot of help pulling it off (not to mention there is such a thing as Photoshop). I admire her for trying to break through and show women that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.
Overall three out of five stars.
First off, I thought this was going to be more of an autobiography and it starts that way before detouring off into a tangent about ideal body weights and fashion portraying all shapes and sizes. It starts to read like a research paper with all the quotes about how overweight might not be that unhealthy and everybody has an ideal weight. I'm not saying she's wrong. I know for myself my body no matter the amount of dieting or exercise hovers around the same point - give or take five pounds. I'm just saying that maybe this was part of another book. I get that weight plays a huge part in her life - she started as an anorexic straight size model and is now considered a plus size model - but at the same time I felt like it went on and on and could easily have been summarized into a few key points.
The funny thing is looking at pictures of Renn as a straight size model she looks downright sickly (bones jutting out, eyes that aren't focused) and as a plus sized model she doesn't look that big. I would say she's curvy but not fat.
The book is interesting. Renn is hungry for food and a career. She wants to prove that a plus size model can do everything a straight size model can do. It's an inside look at how hard she worked to drop weight - joining two gyms, working out until she's so sick she can't even walk home - and then gain back her self-esteem (and the weight).
I personally didn't come away with any new information on modeling and high fashion. I think everyone can pretty much guess its a cutthroat business with girls that are 6 feet tall expected to weigh 90 lbs. That designers want girls that are stick straight so the clothes just hang. I do think there might be a shift coming - Glamour has certainly been using more "real" women - although I'm pretty sure the short girl is still probably 5'6. Like anything, fashion is cylindrical so I'm sure at some point it will change to celebrate a curvier figure.
Good for Renn for championing healthy eating habits. I think all women should realize their bodies will probably never look like a supermodel or a celebrity. Those women are paid to look amazing and have a lot of help pulling it off (not to mention there is such a thing as Photoshop). I admire her for trying to break through and show women that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.
Overall three out of five stars.
Even Santa Has To Eat...
So today I'm a little strapped to find goodness in people. Maybe because C has taken to destroying random pairs of shoes that happen to fall out of my work bag and I've spent half the night trying to get her out from under the Christmas tree.... ahh the joys of owning a dog.
But I said a Claus could be anything that makes you happy. Tonight we went out to dinner to Strawberry Street Cafe. Visit their website here. If you are ever in Richmond and are looking for a nice local place with awesome food.... look no further than Strawberry Street. I swear I've been there more this year than in my entire life. Why do I suddenly have cravings for a salad made from a salad bar in a bathtub? I don't know but their peppercorn dressing could have something to do with it. And don't get me started on the soups - they are nothing short of delicious.
So Santa can have his cookies, I'll stick with Strawberry Street.
But I said a Claus could be anything that makes you happy. Tonight we went out to dinner to Strawberry Street Cafe. Visit their website here. If you are ever in Richmond and are looking for a nice local place with awesome food.... look no further than Strawberry Street. I swear I've been there more this year than in my entire life. Why do I suddenly have cravings for a salad made from a salad bar in a bathtub? I don't know but their peppercorn dressing could have something to do with it. And don't get me started on the soups - they are nothing short of delicious.
So Santa can have his cookies, I'll stick with Strawberry Street.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Top Ten Most Watched TV Shows of the Decade
Thanks to The Hollywood Reporter for this list. You can read their story here.
So they listed the top ten most watched TV shows of the last decade and from first to last here they are (I'm leaving out air date and views because that's boring):
1. Friends - not surprised. I loved this show and didn't half of the world?
2. Survivor Borneo - I don't keep track of which Survivor is which but I'm guessing this is the first season. I'm surprised this ranked so high but ok...
3. Joe Millionaire - really??
4. ER - Ok I know it was popular but I was never into it...
5. American Idol - Again not into this (I know I'm like the only person in the world)... I saw the first season but after that it was kinda just boring...
6. Greys Anatomy - I used to like this show. I watched it pretty regularly up until last year. It just got old and frankly Izzie and George (whatever their real names are) were so damn bitchy in real life. Come on you're on a hit show getting paid a fortune pretend to be grateful at least. That and the whole will they won't they thing with Meredith and Derek just got really boring after awhile.
7. Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Ok I guess this was popular in the early 2000's but I'm kind of surprised it beat out other TV shows and how is Joe Millionaire more popular than WWTBAM???
8. Fraiser - never watched it.
9. Everybody Loves Raymond - never watched it.
10. Spin City - never watched it.
Ok so I either lived under a rock or these shows were really popular and I just wasn't tuned in because the only two I really watched faithfully was Friends and Grey's.... Interesting list... not sure they would be my top 10 TV shows of the 2000's but hey....
So they listed the top ten most watched TV shows of the last decade and from first to last here they are (I'm leaving out air date and views because that's boring):
1. Friends - not surprised. I loved this show and didn't half of the world?
2. Survivor Borneo - I don't keep track of which Survivor is which but I'm guessing this is the first season. I'm surprised this ranked so high but ok...
3. Joe Millionaire - really??
4. ER - Ok I know it was popular but I was never into it...
5. American Idol - Again not into this (I know I'm like the only person in the world)... I saw the first season but after that it was kinda just boring...
6. Greys Anatomy - I used to like this show. I watched it pretty regularly up until last year. It just got old and frankly Izzie and George (whatever their real names are) were so damn bitchy in real life. Come on you're on a hit show getting paid a fortune pretend to be grateful at least. That and the whole will they won't they thing with Meredith and Derek just got really boring after awhile.
7. Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Ok I guess this was popular in the early 2000's but I'm kind of surprised it beat out other TV shows and how is Joe Millionaire more popular than WWTBAM???
8. Fraiser - never watched it.
9. Everybody Loves Raymond - never watched it.
10. Spin City - never watched it.
Ok so I either lived under a rock or these shows were really popular and I just wasn't tuned in because the only two I really watched faithfully was Friends and Grey's.... Interesting list... not sure they would be my top 10 TV shows of the 2000's but hey....
Book Review: Wishin' and Hopin': A Christmas Story by Wally Lamb
This was December's book club pick and although book club didn't go as planned (only two of us showed up) it's worth reviewing this book.
First, let me start by saying it probably isn't the best book to read for book club. It's good but there isn't anything really that meaty to discuss. No what the heck is going on here plot like The Turn of the Screw (last month's book).
The story is told from the point of view of 10-year old Felix Funicello in the few months leading up to Christmas. Most of the story revolves around Felix's school life and classmates. The story reminds me a lot of A Christmas Story and The Wonder Years. Felix is still delightfully naive - he tells a dirty joke on a live TV show after not really understanding the meaning. And his point of view on life in the 60's is funny looking back on it all now. He makes a statement about how subscription TV (cable) is being tested in New York but who would pay for TV when it's free it's like paying for water.
If you're looking for a dramatic action book this isn't for you. This is simply a sweet story of a few months out of a little boy's life. It's a good short read to put you in the holiday spirit and so for that reason I would have to recommend it.
First, let me start by saying it probably isn't the best book to read for book club. It's good but there isn't anything really that meaty to discuss. No what the heck is going on here plot like The Turn of the Screw (last month's book).
The story is told from the point of view of 10-year old Felix Funicello in the few months leading up to Christmas. Most of the story revolves around Felix's school life and classmates. The story reminds me a lot of A Christmas Story and The Wonder Years. Felix is still delightfully naive - he tells a dirty joke on a live TV show after not really understanding the meaning. And his point of view on life in the 60's is funny looking back on it all now. He makes a statement about how subscription TV (cable) is being tested in New York but who would pay for TV when it's free it's like paying for water.
If you're looking for a dramatic action book this isn't for you. This is simply a sweet story of a few months out of a little boy's life. It's a good short read to put you in the holiday spirit and so for that reason I would have to recommend it.
The Grinch That Won't Take You Seriously
You know those people the ones that won't take you seriously (WTYS Grinch for short), lets just put it this way they're mildly annoying on a good day and downright aggravating on a bad day. WTYS Grinches come in multiple forms:
1. The Talk To You Like A Child WTYS Grinch is the person that uses a voice only appropriate for small children and dogs and only then if they've been loaded up on sugar and need to be spoken to as if they might go off in a rage at any second. These Grinches are one step away from saying "and what do you think little girl?" but of course your opinion doesn't really matter to them because in their eyes you will always be five years old.
2. The My Ideas Are Better Than Your Ideas WTYS Grinch is the one with loads more experience and age on you. Any idea you bring up is stupid simply for the reason that "did I mention I have forty years experience doing xyz" and "how old are you again?". There is nothing more infuriating then this Grinch. First off, it's never appropriate to question a person's education or age unless said person is a royal jerk or spouting off ideas like they want to do Wine Wednesdays for the next staff meeting. But alas with this Grinch your ideas can never be good enough "because you are just too young and inexperienced to get it."
3. The I don't have time for you WTYS Grinch. This Grinch is just too damn busy to slow down for two seconds and listen to you. They won't listen anyway because they're going to do exactly what they want to do and to hell with your ideas.
4. The I'm Going To Say Your Idea Sucks and Then Steal It WTYS Grinch (sorry for the long name). This Grinch will act as if your idea is quite possibly the dumbest idea known to mankind to your face and then turn around and use your idea in the meeting. "Did I hear you say that, no you must be mistaken because Silly Girl I came up with it." Rolling of eyes.
5. The I'm More Important Than You WTYS Grinch - easily mistaken for Grinch 2 this Grinch doesn't like your ideas simply for the fact that they are obviously more important than you are. This is either due to Grinch's false sense of self (Grinch really isn't that important) or Grinch's job title, education, social status, etc. Grinch believes in own ideas so much that you're ideas can't possibly be good for the simple fact that said Grinch did not come up with them.
I could go on and on (feel free to add your own in comments) but the key with Grinches is you have to take away their power. You have to make them see (through Christmas carols maybe) that they are wrong.
So how do you take down a WTYS Grinch? I don't have all the answers... I was hoping you did! But here are a few things that I've learned.
For Grinch 1. There isn't much you can do. Said person is a real jerk and no matter how old you are will continue to refer to you as "doll" and "you're too young to understand". Ignore said Grinch.
As for the other Grinches they make me work harder. Tell me I can't do something or my idea is horrible and I will fight tooth and nail to make sure my idea not only succeeds but does ten times better than your idea. These Grinches won't hold me down, irritating as they are, they motivate me. Tell me I can't pass a upperclassman class as freshman - watch me break the curve and have you begging me to help you study, tell me I can't get a dream job - watch me go in there and wow them. So Grinches beware...
1. The Talk To You Like A Child WTYS Grinch is the person that uses a voice only appropriate for small children and dogs and only then if they've been loaded up on sugar and need to be spoken to as if they might go off in a rage at any second. These Grinches are one step away from saying "and what do you think little girl?" but of course your opinion doesn't really matter to them because in their eyes you will always be five years old.
2. The My Ideas Are Better Than Your Ideas WTYS Grinch is the one with loads more experience and age on you. Any idea you bring up is stupid simply for the reason that "did I mention I have forty years experience doing xyz" and "how old are you again?". There is nothing more infuriating then this Grinch. First off, it's never appropriate to question a person's education or age unless said person is a royal jerk or spouting off ideas like they want to do Wine Wednesdays for the next staff meeting. But alas with this Grinch your ideas can never be good enough "because you are just too young and inexperienced to get it."
3. The I don't have time for you WTYS Grinch. This Grinch is just too damn busy to slow down for two seconds and listen to you. They won't listen anyway because they're going to do exactly what they want to do and to hell with your ideas.
4. The I'm Going To Say Your Idea Sucks and Then Steal It WTYS Grinch (sorry for the long name). This Grinch will act as if your idea is quite possibly the dumbest idea known to mankind to your face and then turn around and use your idea in the meeting. "Did I hear you say that, no you must be mistaken because Silly Girl I came up with it." Rolling of eyes.
5. The I'm More Important Than You WTYS Grinch - easily mistaken for Grinch 2 this Grinch doesn't like your ideas simply for the fact that they are obviously more important than you are. This is either due to Grinch's false sense of self (Grinch really isn't that important) or Grinch's job title, education, social status, etc. Grinch believes in own ideas so much that you're ideas can't possibly be good for the simple fact that said Grinch did not come up with them.
I could go on and on (feel free to add your own in comments) but the key with Grinches is you have to take away their power. You have to make them see (through Christmas carols maybe) that they are wrong.
So how do you take down a WTYS Grinch? I don't have all the answers... I was hoping you did! But here are a few things that I've learned.
For Grinch 1. There isn't much you can do. Said person is a real jerk and no matter how old you are will continue to refer to you as "doll" and "you're too young to understand". Ignore said Grinch.
As for the other Grinches they make me work harder. Tell me I can't do something or my idea is horrible and I will fight tooth and nail to make sure my idea not only succeeds but does ten times better than your idea. These Grinches won't hold me down, irritating as they are, they motivate me. Tell me I can't pass a upperclassman class as freshman - watch me break the curve and have you begging me to help you study, tell me I can't get a dream job - watch me go in there and wow them. So Grinches beware...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
My Favorite Thing - Crabtree and Evelyn
Did you think I forgot? Well I almost did and then as I was driving home from SP's I realized "Oh no it's Wed... my favorite things..." Yikes!
Luckily if nothing else I'm prepared and had already typed up a whole slew of blog post just for such occasion.
So this week's favorite thing accidentally got omitted from my lotion blog post here. Sorry Crabtree and Evelyn but now you lucky dogs get your own post!
Their Gardener's Hand Lotion is amazing. It’s even got a slight smell to it if you can’t quite give up all the perfumed lotions it's a nice compromise. Unlike most scented lotions it is nice and thick – perfect for dry chapped winter hands or anywhere else (you're probably not supposed to but in a pinch I've rubbed a dab on a Rudolph nose).
So I’m sorry Gardener’s for forgetting you it was not intentional and you would fit perfectly in with my other remedies.
Luckily if nothing else I'm prepared and had already typed up a whole slew of blog post just for such occasion.
So this week's favorite thing accidentally got omitted from my lotion blog post here. Sorry Crabtree and Evelyn but now you lucky dogs get your own post!
Their Gardener's Hand Lotion is amazing. It’s even got a slight smell to it if you can’t quite give up all the perfumed lotions it's a nice compromise. Unlike most scented lotions it is nice and thick – perfect for dry chapped winter hands or anywhere else (you're probably not supposed to but in a pinch I've rubbed a dab on a Rudolph nose).
So I’m sorry Gardener’s for forgetting you it was not intentional and you would fit perfectly in with my other remedies.
1 Claus a Giving...
Running into a real life Claus can make your whole day. A Claus (thing or person) brings forth happiness. So for my first even day Claus let's talk about people that give something for nothing.
I could say people who volunteer, or donate money to charities, but I want to include people that will help random strangers or friends on the street and expect nothing in return. In a way I think most of us could fit into this category. Ever held the door for a woman with a stroller? Ever offered to pay for a friend's lunch just because?
These Clauses don't expect anything in return and just like Santa are content in just giving. They are the people who offer to help you and then follow through. The people that donate hours and hours to rebuilding houses or feeding the homeless.
I think we should all strive to be more like that. I'm not saying be a pushover who is always covering your friend's tab or forever recommending your deadbeat neighbor for a job but someone who takes a few minutes out of their day to do something nice for someone else. I challenge you to do one nice thing today and expect nothing in return. Maybe call someone and offer to help them with their resume, open the door for someone on the way to work, volunteer for an hour, write a check to your charity, or just say hi to that person you pass everyday in the hall. Giving something for nothing can be as big or as small as you like. And like the Grinch you might find your heart has suddenly grown two sizes too big.
I could say people who volunteer, or donate money to charities, but I want to include people that will help random strangers or friends on the street and expect nothing in return. In a way I think most of us could fit into this category. Ever held the door for a woman with a stroller? Ever offered to pay for a friend's lunch just because?
These Clauses don't expect anything in return and just like Santa are content in just giving. They are the people who offer to help you and then follow through. The people that donate hours and hours to rebuilding houses or feeding the homeless.
I think we should all strive to be more like that. I'm not saying be a pushover who is always covering your friend's tab or forever recommending your deadbeat neighbor for a job but someone who takes a few minutes out of their day to do something nice for someone else. I challenge you to do one nice thing today and expect nothing in return. Maybe call someone and offer to help them with their resume, open the door for someone on the way to work, volunteer for an hour, write a check to your charity, or just say hi to that person you pass everyday in the hall. Giving something for nothing can be as big or as small as you like. And like the Grinch you might find your heart has suddenly grown two sizes too big.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
30 Days Take Two - Grinches and Clauses
Ok so I had so much fun doing the 30 days of thankful I have a new monthly post and I hope you will follow along, commenting and doing you own daily blogging. So since its Christmas we could so something about the greatest gifts or something that brings you joy but really after five days I don’t know if I could do the gifts thing without getting bored and joy is pretty much the same thing as thankful.
So after some thinking I thought we could do the opposite. To get in the Christmas spirit let’s vent a little and dish on our not so favorite personal Grinches. So what is a Grinch exactly? Now I’m not following the Dr. Seuss version of a grumbly old green monster who wants to steal Christmas cheer exactly. My definition is anyone or thing that tries to steal your Christmas mojo or overall just annoys you and like the Who’s of Whoville who all gathered around to sing the Grinch into the Christmas spirit maybe our good hearted venting will make all our personal Grinches lighten up to. So hats off to Dr. Seuss for an awesome inspiration and let’s start dishing!
But in the honor of the Christmas spirit and since the Who’s did all sing their Christmas cheer. I’ve also decided we should do our Clauses (as in Santa Claus) too. Now my new made up definition for a Claus is anyone or anything who helps bring you Christmas mojo or good cheer. A Claus is the exact opposite of a Grinch. So lets melt our Grinch's hearts with all this good Christmas cheer!
So odd days are Grinches and even days are Clauses – not too complicated right?
So let’s get started and since it’s an odd day it’s time for my first Grinch…
My first Grinch is Mean Girls. You know who I’m talking about and if you don’t there is a pretty good Lindsay Lohan movie of the same title that will tell you all you need to know. Unfortunately you don’t leave the Mean Girls in high school. They and their male counterpart - is there a name for that? I don’t know and so for the purpose of this blog guys and girls are Mean Girls. Anyway, Mean Girls will follow you and torment you or some other poor unsuspecting soul the rest of your/their life.
I’m not sure why Mean Girls are what they are. They are a bunch of theories – Google it if you have time. My personal theory is they are sad little people who are jealous for whatever reason of you or said victim. And to be a clique by definition it seems you have to shun someone else.
Now we’ve all been guilty of the occasional eye roll or mean comment behind someone’s back but Mean Girls take it a step further. They are unrepentant bitches. They aren’t afraid to talk about you in front of your face, they’ll challenge your authority, they’ll make fun of people for no reason and generally just act like complete and utter snots. They are sixteen year old girls trapped in a grown man/woman’s body. They delight in making other people feel bad and try to delude everyone into thinking their clique is the best.
So Mean Girls repent and be happy with who you are. First off, we can all see you trying to hide behind your hands while you gossip about us behind (or in front of) our backs. We get it that you have better hair, clothes, house, friends, etc than us and frankly we don’t care. Not to mention seeing a middle-aged woman or man behave like a sixteen year old Mean Girl just comes across as desperate and sad. And chances are half your friends are probably sick of your Mean Girl attitude too but are too scared to say it to your face. So lighten up and grow up.
So after some thinking I thought we could do the opposite. To get in the Christmas spirit let’s vent a little and dish on our not so favorite personal Grinches. So what is a Grinch exactly? Now I’m not following the Dr. Seuss version of a grumbly old green monster who wants to steal Christmas cheer exactly. My definition is anyone or thing that tries to steal your Christmas mojo or overall just annoys you and like the Who’s of Whoville who all gathered around to sing the Grinch into the Christmas spirit maybe our good hearted venting will make all our personal Grinches lighten up to. So hats off to Dr. Seuss for an awesome inspiration and let’s start dishing!
But in the honor of the Christmas spirit and since the Who’s did all sing their Christmas cheer. I’ve also decided we should do our Clauses (as in Santa Claus) too. Now my new made up definition for a Claus is anyone or anything who helps bring you Christmas mojo or good cheer. A Claus is the exact opposite of a Grinch. So lets melt our Grinch's hearts with all this good Christmas cheer!
So odd days are Grinches and even days are Clauses – not too complicated right?
So let’s get started and since it’s an odd day it’s time for my first Grinch…
My first Grinch is Mean Girls. You know who I’m talking about and if you don’t there is a pretty good Lindsay Lohan movie of the same title that will tell you all you need to know. Unfortunately you don’t leave the Mean Girls in high school. They and their male counterpart - is there a name for that? I don’t know and so for the purpose of this blog guys and girls are Mean Girls. Anyway, Mean Girls will follow you and torment you or some other poor unsuspecting soul the rest of your/their life.
I’m not sure why Mean Girls are what they are. They are a bunch of theories – Google it if you have time. My personal theory is they are sad little people who are jealous for whatever reason of you or said victim. And to be a clique by definition it seems you have to shun someone else.
Now we’ve all been guilty of the occasional eye roll or mean comment behind someone’s back but Mean Girls take it a step further. They are unrepentant bitches. They aren’t afraid to talk about you in front of your face, they’ll challenge your authority, they’ll make fun of people for no reason and generally just act like complete and utter snots. They are sixteen year old girls trapped in a grown man/woman’s body. They delight in making other people feel bad and try to delude everyone into thinking their clique is the best.
So Mean Girls repent and be happy with who you are. First off, we can all see you trying to hide behind your hands while you gossip about us behind (or in front of) our backs. We get it that you have better hair, clothes, house, friends, etc than us and frankly we don’t care. Not to mention seeing a middle-aged woman or man behave like a sixteen year old Mean Girl just comes across as desperate and sad. And chances are half your friends are probably sick of your Mean Girl attitude too but are too scared to say it to your face. So lighten up and grow up.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Make Up Review Almay intense i-color play up thickening mascara
Wow long name. Okay, let's start by saying I love Maybelline mascara. The only time I usually use anything else is if it came with a free gift from a department store. Nothing against Clinique or Estee Lauder mascara but I've never seen how they are any better than Maybelline and they are at least twice as expensive. My feeling is if you can get a great product for around $8 why spend $20 plus?
That being said I was inspired by my recent writer's club meeting. A woman there had on royal blue mascara. I liked it because it was unexpected.
So off to CVS I went. Unfortunately as far as I can tell Maybelline does not make colored mascara. So I settled for the Almay mascara mentioned above. I'm not a blue girl so I chose the Purple Amethyst and as an added bonus apparently this brings out my eye color.
The pros: the mascara goes on and comes off easily. No eye make-up remover needed. Also, it didn't clump on me even after I added multiple coats.
The cons: It's not my blackest black Maybelline? Actually this is a complaint. It's so subtly purple you can't even tell and on my naturally black lashes it looks almost brown - and if you know me you know that I detest brown mascara (it might be okay for people with pale lashes but bring on ultra-black for me). In Almay's defense this mascara would probably be okay on someone with fair lashes (or someone who doesn't like to use the darkest mascara known to mankind).
The first day I wore it by itself (two coats on all lashes top and bottom). When I grilled my husband he couldn't even tell it was purple and in his defense I had to test it on my hand to be sure it was. Today I tried layering it over my black mascara. I'm pretty sure I'm going to try to exchange it for a new tube of my Maybelline Intense XXL.
On a side note and an unofficial review. I also bought Almay intense i-color bring out powder shadow. Seriously, they need to work on their names - well known make-up colors always have short quirky names not names that take half a sentence to write. I didn't like the color choice for brown eyes so I bought the one for green eyes - its two green powder shadows and one purple. I need to try it again but the day I wore it, the colors go on pretty intense and then faded to almost nothing by the end of the day. I will say it didn't crease (just like their website promises). Anyway, I'm going to say this is unofficial since I've only tried it once but once I play with it some more I'll give a final verdict.
So my quest for a colored mascara continues. I'll keep you posted on what I find.
That being said I was inspired by my recent writer's club meeting. A woman there had on royal blue mascara. I liked it because it was unexpected.
So off to CVS I went. Unfortunately as far as I can tell Maybelline does not make colored mascara. So I settled for the Almay mascara mentioned above. I'm not a blue girl so I chose the Purple Amethyst and as an added bonus apparently this brings out my eye color.
The pros: the mascara goes on and comes off easily. No eye make-up remover needed. Also, it didn't clump on me even after I added multiple coats.
The cons: It's not my blackest black Maybelline? Actually this is a complaint. It's so subtly purple you can't even tell and on my naturally black lashes it looks almost brown - and if you know me you know that I detest brown mascara (it might be okay for people with pale lashes but bring on ultra-black for me). In Almay's defense this mascara would probably be okay on someone with fair lashes (or someone who doesn't like to use the darkest mascara known to mankind).
The first day I wore it by itself (two coats on all lashes top and bottom). When I grilled my husband he couldn't even tell it was purple and in his defense I had to test it on my hand to be sure it was. Today I tried layering it over my black mascara. I'm pretty sure I'm going to try to exchange it for a new tube of my Maybelline Intense XXL.
On a side note and an unofficial review. I also bought Almay intense i-color bring out powder shadow. Seriously, they need to work on their names - well known make-up colors always have short quirky names not names that take half a sentence to write. I didn't like the color choice for brown eyes so I bought the one for green eyes - its two green powder shadows and one purple. I need to try it again but the day I wore it, the colors go on pretty intense and then faded to almost nothing by the end of the day. I will say it didn't crease (just like their website promises). Anyway, I'm going to say this is unofficial since I've only tried it once but once I play with it some more I'll give a final verdict.
So my quest for a colored mascara continues. I'll keep you posted on what I find.
eye shadow,
make-up reviews,
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