Saturday, July 31, 2010

Week 28 and 29 of the 52 Week Challenge

So I've been a bit MIA recently but I was on vacay for a week in lovely NJ. And you can say what you will but NJ is very nice and I had a fab time (thanks for asking). So I just got home and want to post something so here we go:

Week 28 - read something for fun - you read the hard book so now read something you want to read. I'm going to read Chelsea Handler's book which I've had forever and keep putting off in favor of library books.

Week 29 - this relates to my last post about starting a new blog - I'm pretty much sure I'm going to start one - I just need to finalize my name and tell everyone. But the main reason is I'm going to use it to talk about things that I don't talk about here... more on that later when I intro it. But this all got me thinking about a Cosmo article I read on the ride home - it was all about moving forward with your life. You can't sit back and hope things are going to happen - you have to take steps to make things happen. And the first step was keep a running list of things you like or things that make you happy. You keep the list for a week then look for a commonality. Maybe you like things that are creative, or you like math (haha that won't make my list but maybe if you secretly dream of being an accountant...), or you like taking photos... I don't know. So I'm going to keep a list and see where that takes me.

I don't expect to move forward tomorrow or next week even but it has been playing in my thoughts a lot recently about where I see myself in five years, ten years, etc. And yes, part of me sees myself sipping cocktails on a Caribbean island somewhere (rich and carefree) but the realistic part of me is striving for the next best thing (a successful career and home somewhere near a beach in the US). So I know part of my list will be researching beach-front living on the east coast and see where that takes me. Where do you think your likes would take you? Let me know what you come up with.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 26 and 27 of the 52 Week Challenge

Hello All! Sorry for the delay but just forgot about this and I'm debating starting a new blog... more on that later.

So week 26 - read a classic. I picked Lady Chatterley's Lover. I've never read it before and they had it on a shelf when I first came in the library. So far it's ok. Not nearly as boring as I expected but not as racy as anything today either. I also have a Tree Grows in Brooklyn (I think that's the name). I haven't started that one yet but I've always heard about it... so we'll see.

Week 27 - I'm hoping to get the beach again sometime this summer. And as luck would have it - I do have to go for work in a few weeks. So this week - I'm all about my new medicine ball and this ab video I have... so I'm going to make my resolution the week to do my ab workout at least once a day. K says I have to do at least 100 a day to see any kind of results. So here's to a flat stomach in a few weeks!