Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 26 and 27 of the 52 Week Challenge

Hello All! Sorry for the delay but just forgot about this and I'm debating starting a new blog... more on that later.

So week 26 - read a classic. I picked Lady Chatterley's Lover. I've never read it before and they had it on a shelf when I first came in the library. So far it's ok. Not nearly as boring as I expected but not as racy as anything today either. I also have a Tree Grows in Brooklyn (I think that's the name). I haven't started that one yet but I've always heard about it... so we'll see.

Week 27 - I'm hoping to get the beach again sometime this summer. And as luck would have it - I do have to go for work in a few weeks. So this week - I'm all about my new medicine ball and this ab video I have... so I'm going to make my resolution the week to do my ab workout at least once a day. K says I have to do at least 100 a day to see any kind of results. So here's to a flat stomach in a few weeks!


  1. New blog?

    100 crunches a day!? Yikes!

    Never heard of Lady Chetterley's Lover. :/

    Guess that's it! Beach time will be soon! :)

  2. Sorry I've been MIA. Yes - I'm pretty sure I'm starting a 2nd blog where I only talk about one thing...

    I was a little lax on the crunches this week but oh well.

    The book is ok. A little long but not horrible.

    I hope we can get to the beach soon!! :)
