Thursday, September 2, 2010

I have a secret...

I started a new blog. I'm officially cheating on this blog.

The thing is - I read this story on CNN a few months ago that basically said you couldn't have a blog about everything. It just wouldn't work. (That was a bit of a downer). So I got it into my head - I could have a new blog. A blog about growing up or maybe it's just getting older...

So here it is:

Check it out - follow if you like - and let me know what you think. I'm still going to post to this one because now I can officially have my cake and eat it too....


  1. New blog is super cute, I love the insightful and I can see the writer coming out, as opposed to a commentator, if that makes sense... (it's supposed to be a compliment, meaning your writing skills are shining there). Anyways, it's about time, you've been talking about it forever! :p
