Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I have to travel for work. Weird things always happen when I travel. I seem to have a sign that says "strangers please talk to me". I'm not saying I'm opposed to a little friendly banter on a plane ride. I'm just opposed to it going any deeper than what to do you, what are you reading, etc.

For example:

1. On a train ride to NJ - my seatmate told me he was a fighter with an HBO fight coming up. I had a sneaking suspicion that he might have been hitting on me. Unfortunately, he followed up the conversation with the fact that he had eight children. Not that I was interested to begin with but deal breaker. Besides which afterwards, K and his brother tried to find him on HBO and couldn't.

2. On my recent plane trip. This lady comes up to me as we're boarding and says I look familiar and was I from Montana. I said no and she walked away. My seatmate and I chatted a bit during the flight (normal conversation that you'd have with someone you don't know). The plane stopped at one stop before my stop and he got up and left. The woman who had come up to me when we were boarding sits next to me and says "I've been wanting to talk to you all flight." Red flag. She then proceeds to blabber about how I look like her neighbor or something and how she's traveling on vacation to WV (ok...) then to see her son and that gangs are after her - wait... what?? Yes, she's in a bit of a rough spot but don't worry she has a restraining order out. And by the way did I think my seatmate was legit? She thought he stared at her funny in the airport then looked away scared and she thought he might be in a gang. Really?

3. This one couple on another plane ride. I thought the woman was travelling with her father (so sweet). She slept most of the flight and he talked my ear off. Then right before we land - the two of them start making out hardcore. Gross.

That's all I can think about right now. But I have a lot of time tonight so who knows... Does this stuff ever happen to you?

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