Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week 21 of the 52 Week Challenge

Sorry - very late with this post. I've been feeling stressed and a bit burned out lately. I could really go for a nice spa day - a facial, massage, some relaxing water with limes, a hair cut.... ahhh (oh and a vacay to somewhere tropical). I can tell I'm stressed: I forget things, I start snapping at people, I retreat a bit - reading more, spending time alone, my face breaks out like an angry 14 year old and my energy wanes. I felt pretty good this long weekend - I wanted to relax - no plans - nothing. I went to the gym three times for 45 minutes to an hour each time. My legs ached in a good way, my blisters in a bad way. So now I need new running shoes and to lose a few pounds before I have to prance around in a bikini I'll be doing good.

So this week's challenge... it's going to have to be something quick (since I didn't post on Sunday) and something relaxing (since I obviously need a break). Let's go with try meditating. I know you could say it's stupid but I did find when I was doing yoga a couple times a week things seemed to slip away more. I find myself stuck between an extrovert and an introvert in real life - my mood changing with the scenario and the introvert in me benefited greatly from all the meditation. So this week - take sometime to be alone and be quiet. Or if you're more relaxed dancing in a club with pounding music and lots of people do that. Both are probably beneficial in their own ways. As for me I've already decided to play hooky tomorrow from work. There's something so delicious about being off randomly in the middle of the work while everyone else is slaving away. I'm really looking forward to it.

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