Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 22 of the 52 Week Challenge

This week is one I've been toying with for awhile. For a couple of reasons 1. budget and 2. time. But I'm going to go with it and say "plan a weekend road trip". Reading it you don't even have to go - I could plan a trip and decide later never to actually leave so it's perfect - budgets remain in tact. But I will say planning this takes like little to no effort. K and I took a random Thursday off last week and went to the beach for the day. Costs minimal. Planning next to none.

Also this will get me to look into a surprise for K's bday. I really want to take him somewhere - hopefully some friends can tag along too. Anyone have good ideas? I'm thinking if we drive a nice skiing trip (early December so early in the season) - maybe rent a cabin, get a ski pass, go to a winery (are they open that time of year??). If we fly then I want somewhere nice and warm where I have no worries except where to go for dinner, whose making margaritas and how long to lay on the beach. Both sound delightful in their own way.

And if I can't make it work - I do want to plan a trip with friends for next summer. I feel like we're slowly creeping our way into adulthood (ok maybe we've been there for awhile but the reality of it is sinking in). I think part of me still thinks I'm 21 but now everyone is getting married, having babies, etc and I feel that I'm closer to 31 than 21. And I haven't done a friend vacation in a really long time. I just think a big group on the beach or going to some new location to explore sounds amazing. Now I just need to win the lottery.

But hey - I can start to plan now and worry about saving later!


  1. Yes, the wineries should be open!! And I think "L" ;) and I are planning like a huge trip next year for us, not sure if it'll actually happen, but we're talking about it, starting to save now, etc. Greece and Italy. haha, don't make fun of me if it doesn't go through! But a week at the beach with friends, yea, haven't done that in years and years, and it's sad.

  2. Yay! We should plan something - well if you guys want to go alone too that's totally ok but I think it would be fun. And those are both huge trips!! Exciting. I really want to go to St Martin. I found this place where you can rent houses in different countries - so that would be cool. And I want to go to Cabo. I do want to go to Europe but I feel like its so expensive...I need to win a free trip.
