Monday, May 10, 2010

Packing Quiz

K's mom sent me this today and since it was short and I thought it could be fun - I did it. Here's the link It's a packing quiz - what's your packing style?

My results:

You Are a Systematic Suitcase Stuffer
Your motto: always be prepared. You probably write long lists of everything that could come in handy on the road, and you add more and more items to the list as your departure date nears. You have rarely, if ever, forgotten to pack something important -- in fact, your travel companions regularly ask to borrow things that they've forgotten to pack. But you also tend to carry a fat, weighty suitcase and you may have been subjected to extra checked-bag fees while flying.

Your tendency to plan ahead is a great packing strategy. Learn to lighten your load in order to save money on baggage fees (and save room for some souvenirs!).

It's probably a little accurate... or a lot. My packing strategy is to take everything I own "just in case". What did you get?


  1. I got the same thing...

  2. Haha, I'm overpacking procrastinator. Makes sense for me. Whoops. I think I'm like you, take everything I won just in case, but I'm doing it last minute so I don't have time to think, just throw it all in there, whereas you're doing it on purpose! :)

  3. I was thinking I'd be the procrastinator one too. It's weird. I'll usually pack at the last minute but I'll start throwing a few things out (my most haves: fav bathing suits, cute shorts, dresses, a few books etc) a few days before. Then jam everything I can into a suitcase and listen to K complain that he's too old to carry it downstairs for me and hold my breath that I won't have to pay more to check it.
