Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 20 of the 52 Week Challenge

So how did we all do with the fruits and veggies? I'm not sure I got exactly the right amounts each day but I was more aware and tried to eat more fruits and veggies so that counts. I'm hoping I can keep it up. I really need to get my butt in gear and get to the gym if I want to lose a few lbs before bikini season is here (I mean is it really next weekend - yikes!). I will say keeping with the get healthy theme - I've been reading lots of magazine articles about how great all these fruits and veggies are for you. One was bragging about watermelons so I had to go out and scoop up one of those - super yummy! I'm sad strawberry season is pretty much over - what was that one week?? - but I'm going to be on the look out for other good summer foods.

Anyway... onward to week 20... a new challenge that I need to make up and try my hardest to follow. This week - well I'm already feeling a bit burned out and I feel amazingly (good in a way) that my days are fast filling up through July. I was going to pick a hard challenge this week but we'll hold it for a week that I feel more inspired. And we'll go with no junk food. 7 days of zero junk - no candy, no cookies, no chips. Yikes. I was really enjoying my hummus on whole wheat chips (I might have to slide a bit on that one... I mean whole grain is healthy right??).

I think I'm good on the sweets front. I'm not much of a sweets girl. I can easily say no to ice cream and cake but that big bowl of Fritos might be chanting my name. That being said... since I'm big on moderation - I'm going to say I can have one day to cheat if I need to. Need to meaning bad day at work that is only solved by scarfing down a handful of chips and hummus. haha love that my go to bad food is semi healthy. So anyway... get to eating healthy and keep me posted on how you're doing!


  1. Oh snap girl! Good job! And I have to say that if you aren't a sweet person, then you need to give up the snacks, haha, gotta make it somewhat hard for you. It'd be like me giving up coffee. Sounds hard, until you remember I don't drink coffee! So no wheat thins! Put that hummus on some delicious cucumbers!

  2. Yeah this isn't going well - we had a retirement party for a friend of mine at work (so all I had for lunch yesterday was cake, cookies, a yogart and a handful of cheese-its)... real healthy. Then Tuesday they had Moe's cater. I can't turn down cheese dip. I'm going to run for an hour today. It's to make up for the badness that was Tues and Thurs. Or I'll be the blimp in the bikini come time to go to the beach.
