Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 19 of the 52 Week Challenge

So still part of my get a bit more healthier... and perhaps Britney abs (circa 2000) for the summer... this week's goal - eat more fruits and veggies. More... being?? Well apparently the food pyramid is no longer one size fits all - thank God because I was never going to be able to eat like 10 cups of fruit a day - ridiculous! So you have to go over to and click on My Pyramid Plan. You fill out like maybe four questions and then it spits out your own personal chart. Pretty nifty if you ask me! So mine says 3 cups veggies and 2 cups fruits. I love fruits a lot more than veggies and honestly I was hoping this goal could just be I eat the 5lbs of strawberries I picked on Saturday. But alas I need more vegetables.

So Sunday I was probably ok - I had mixed veggies with dinner and a piece of corn. Lunch I had leftovers from Sticky Rice which was mainly carrots and snow peas... so maybe 2 cups?? 1 1/2 cups that day. Fruits - does eating your body weight in strawberries count? Easily 2 cups.

Today... Veggies - I'm going to say tomato sauce and more leftover Sticky Rice counts so I'm probably at 1 cup if I'm lucky. Fruits - again a round the clock diet of strawberries (even my yogurt was strawberry flavored).

So it's def. a challenge.

One note on The Pyramid - maybe you guys are better than me but I have no clue what 7 ounces of grains are - seriously can't they just say you can have 2 slices of bread or 1 cup of pasta. I don't have a scale and I'm not about to get all anal and weigh every piece of food that goes into my mouth. More people would get healthy if it was easier to understand all this nonsense.


  1. Thanks! And with all the good stuff in season - perfect timing!
