Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week 10 Update

So I didn't go to the book festival. I know... I know... I should have. Think outside the box and all that... Well here's the thing. The weather here was gorgeous. I'm not talking about just an ok spring day where the weather is somewhat sunny and warm. This was full on spring with a hint of summer. I couldn't make myself sit inside all day. So I took the time to run some errands instead.

One thing I got into last year was growing my own herbs. It sounds like such an English garden - I love it. Plus I have fresh herbs for all my new recipes. So I went to Home Depot and although its a little early picked up a pot of Lemon Thyme to plant in a spare pot. So far I have, English Thyme, Lemon Thyme, Lemon Balm, Lavender, Sage and Rosemary. The Rosemary has done the best - maybe because I use it the most in recipes. It's huge! I also had Basil but the bunnies ate it about a week after I planted it. Last year I had two Cilantro plants - yum! My mom had said Cilantro was an annual that dies about mid-summer. I had let it go to seed thinking I could use the seeds to plant next year (did you know Cilantro seeds are the spice Coriander?). Well this morning when I was adding a few new plants to our beds I noticed all these baby Cilantro plants coming up - Surprise! :) I was so happy. I've been googling it all morning and apparently it is an annual - the only thing I can think is because I let it go to seed some of the seeds sprouted. So happy for all the tacos and salsa I can make.

So my getting outside of my box?

I've applied for and I have an interview for a new job. I don't want to jinx anything so we won't discuss it right now but I'm excited and nervous. And I had to go get a new suit - which is super cute - I'll try to find photos later.

I bought a lottery ticket - I never buy lotto tickets. It's such a waste of money but I was hoping I would suddenly get a shot of good luck and win - but alas... I didn't.

I think that's everything I can think of right now. We're going to see Wicked tonight - so excited. I'll try to do a post tomorrow about it.


  1. I spent Saturday (well, after I got back from the burg) weeding and planting as well. Gorgeous weather! Totally made me want to have a cook out!

  2. You should!! I think it would be fun. Borrow your neighbor's lawn games haha
