Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 7 of the 52 Week Challenge

This week - do something nice for someone you love without expecting anything in return.

This means: pay for someone's lunch, send them a card, call them just to listen (no interrupting with your advice, stories, etc), buy someone flowers, help someone move, anything but you can't accept anything in return.

So it doesn't count if you go to dinner and you pay and then they buy dessert. Or if you help them move and then they pay for your lunch. You have to do it completely and utterly no strings attached.

It can be as small as saying something nice to someone (you look nice today) - it doesn't have to be big or cost money.

And you're not technically doing something for nothing. You're going to feel good about doing something nice so you are getting something out of it.

Good luck!


  1. Yay! I like this one. Will update you when done!

  2. I need to think of something to do!!!!

  3. ok! I did it! Yesterday when I came home, a car on my street had the lights on. It was cold, I'd just come back from the gym, and I don't really know the neighbor whose car it was. But I went over there, rang the doorbell, asked if that was their car, and told them the lights were on! I thought that was very nice of me, considering I didn't really want to do it, but then I though, do unto others, and thought of your post! Anyways, the guy was very thankful, we introduced ourselves, and that was that!
