Monday, January 4, 2010

Babysitter's Club Is Back

If you grew up in the 80's I don't think its possible that you didn't read The Baby-Sitter's Club series. I for one loved it. I remember trying to figure out how I could start my own baby-sitters club - it didn't matter I was probably 8 at the time. People trusted me of course I could watch their children!! I did end up baby-sitting (when I was older) - I still do occasionally.

So I was pretty excited that I read on CNN today that they are re-releasing all The Babysitter Club books and they are writing a prequel. Read the article here and here is the official Baby-Sitter Club site. While I am way to old to be starting up a baby-sitter's club now I do not believe I'm too old to put my name on the request list for this book at the library. I've requested more embarrassing stuff than this (Twilight series for one). I for one cannot wait to reminisce about a part of my childhood.

PS My favorite characters were Claudia, Stacey and Dawn. Can you have three favorites? I don't know but I did.


  1. ha, SW loves these books too. We'll have to read one for book club.

    I joined with this site too, because sometimes I would be writing you a comment, but logged in under the wrong account and would always lose what I wrote to go log back under my real account. So, now whichever one is logged in can comment!!

  2. We should totally read one for book club. I think it would be a good throw-back book. :)

    You'll be proud went to work out tonight too. Almost when to a new class but go to the gym 20 min early and didn't feel like waiting so ran instead.
