Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Do you know these people?

CNN had the following article on annoying coworkers up on Monday. So good for a few lol's on a Monday. I'm sure none of us know these people or God-forbid are these people! I do have to say I watch The Office and think I know someone who acts just like Andy, or Dwight...

So here is their list (I'm editing for length - you can read the full article above):

Annoying habit No. 1: You give more advice than a newspaper columnist.

Annoying habit No. 2: You can't let go of the good ol' days.

Annoying habit No. 3: It's not HBO. It's an office.

Annoying habit No. 4: You always rely on the kindness of strangers -- and co-workers and administrative assistants and the mail clerk.

Annoying habit No. 5: You have an even better story. You always have a better story.

Annoying habit No. 6: You smell like a walking bag of potpourri.

Annoying habit No. 7: The subject line of an e-mail is the entire message.

Annoying habit No. 8: "K" Why it's annoying: If your entire response to someone's e-mail is "k," then you probably didn't need to respond at all.

Annoying habit No. 9: You can't wait until the day is over. Every day.

Annoying habit No. 10: You heard someone got a really good parking space, so you decide to throw a party.

So here is what I would add to the list:

Annoying Habit 11: You cook really stinky food in the office microwave or leave food forever in the fridge (forever being your food no longer looks like food and is growing a small colony on it). There is really no need to cook a trout in the microwave for lunch. And you wouldn't leave that disgusting half eaten sandwich in your fridge at home so what makes you think I want to look at it?

Annoying Habit 12: You complain constantly. I mean constantly. You hate being at work. You hate doing x. You hate doing y. Get a new job or shut the hell up. No one wants to hear you whine all the time. I get everyone has bad days but if you're having a bad year it might be time to start up the job search.

Annoying Habit 13: You think "it's ok to take a break occasionally" means its ok to do absolutely nothing all day. Show some initiative people and ask for more work. I'm ok with a few minutes to email a friend or checking the news but its annoying if everyone else is struggling to do their work and you're planning a party, playing on the Internet, reading a book, etc. Besides a little initiative might get you from crummy job a to dream job b. If you don't want to ask for more work at least pretend to be busy so the rest of us that are busy don't want to cry and beat our heads in because you're doing a Sudoku puzzle and eating cookies.

Annoying Habit 14: Tattling. I get it if you have to say something because someone dropped the ball on a project but constant running to the boss about every little thing is just nitpicking.

Annoying Habit 15: Talking shit about people you work with at work. Not cool. I know we've all probably done it - probably complaining about someone doing one of the annoying habits but doing it all the time just isn't cool. Number one, other people can probably hear you. And number two, the passerby is probably going to think you're being a bitter bitch.

That's all I can think of right now... what do you find super annoying. I know we can add to this list. I know we've all probably been guilty of some of the things on this list, too... we just won't admit to that! :)


  1. Haha, I really liked number 8! The ones you added were funny too! Gosh, why are coworkers so darn annoying!? This was a new list, I usually always see the ones like "clip toenails, talk loudly on phone, use speakerphone the whole time, fish in microwave (you added that one), etc." So these were new and cute!

  2. haha the whole list cracked me up. The clipping nails at work is annoying and gross.

    I think its the whole I spend more time there then I do at home so of course everything starts to annoy you.
