Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 5 of the 52 Week Challenge

So how are you doing so far? I've found some weeks easier than others. This week was a good week. I stopped procrastinating and started doing. And by actually doing something I got a few things checked off my to do list. It felt good.

So this week lets do something a little more fun - we deserve a break! I was reading recently that day dreaming is good for you. It helps you relax, focus on your goals, and some people say if you visualize what you want it actually helps you reach your goals. So this week let's take some time to just day dream. Spend five or ten minutes each day doing absolutely nothing but day dreaming.

Good luck. This should be easy.


  1. Uh oh! Can I do this at work! Although, with L in the picture I have been doing a lot of day dreaming! Hahaha! Why am I SUCH A CHEESER!!! But seriously, I think I do this all the time at work, or on the bus home. Never knew it was good for you, but makes sense, I guess it keeps the brain sharp!

  2. I day dream a lot. I totally believe it helps you work through situations. Not to mention when I'm stressed at work it's nice to think I'm an OC Housewife with all the cash and no drama. I have found now that I made it a resolution I'm stressing myself out to make sure I day dream.
