Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 4 of the 52 Week Challenge

So how are you doing so far? Did you finish your budget before today? I didn't think making the budget was hard - its the sticking to it!

So this week we'll get off the money topic for awhile and our challenge will be do something you've been putting off. This can be big or small. I have a few things in mind that I need to tackle and this might give me the push I need to just do it!

So good luck and have a great week!


  1. Oh gracious! I put sooo many things off, like cleaning out my basement. I just want to reorganize and throw half of everything away. You know the stuff when you move you think you'll want one day, but you never do? That stuff is all cluttering up my basement. But fortunately for me! I'll be out of town this weekend! Bwhahaha! Guess I'll have to put it off a little bit longer! ;)

  2. haha you can't put it off! Do it tonight. J/K. I've been tackling way little things than unpacked moving boxes (which I have). Hopefully you get to go somewhere warm and fun! It's supposed to snow here. :(
