Friday, January 15, 2010

Saving Tip 5

I don't know if you're like me. But my purse ways a ton from all that spare change that gets thrown in the bottom. My advice? Grab a glass jar (hey be thrifty and use an old jam jar - rinsed out of course) and dump the change in the jar. When the jar gets full, roll the coins and deposit the money into savings.

K and I do this and use the money for home repairs or things we want for the house. You'd be surprised how quickly all that spare change adds up! You'll be glad it's not sitting at the bottom of your purse.

And by the way, don't use the coin counters to turn those coins into dollar bills. Most charge a percentage of what you count or a flat fee. Only use them if they're free, otherwise you're paying them to do something that would take you half an hour in front of the TV.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely do this, and it's always nice to go cash it in and be like "I had that laying around!!" Except I have no problem going to the ones that charge. I never have more than $40 usually when I change it in, so fine, I gave them $3. ;) To me, not having to roll and then go to a bank for the sole purpose of cashing in is worth $3, when I can just do that after I do my weekly shopping at Kroger! But I respect and admire you for doing it yourself! :)
