Sunday, January 17, 2010

Week 3 of the 52 Week Challenge

So how do we feel? Were you itching for Saturday to be over so you can go on a spending spree? I did cave and spend some money yesterday. I went to dinner with friends and bought a pair of shoes (on massive sale). But I said make room for your must haves. So let's stick with this money theme and for week 3 set a budget. You know what you're spending and saving (if you balanced your checkbook in week one) and you know how it feels to cut back (if you didn't spend in week two).

So make a budget that works for you. Mine is more in my head, a loose number. I did take minute and write down what I make, minus my mortgage and other bills, minus my current savings deduction and come up with a fun money category. Now the fun money for me should cover anything else - unforeseen bills, fun extras, a few extra dollars to savings, etc.

I've seen a friend's budget that was all pie charts and detailed spending analysis. It would spend me into shock just trying to make that in Excel and I know I wouldn't be able to keep it up.

But you need to find what works for you.

Start with how much you make and minus your monthly bills. Now, hopefully you have some leftover. Ideally, from that you should budget an amount to save. The rest is yours to do what you will. I'll try to keep up the savings tips this week or any helpful budget tips I find. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I am SOOO broke a$$ poor right now! My budget is literally $0! I guess I'm still just reeling from the holidays, had to buy the theater tickets today. Had to buy glasses, etc., etc. All necessities, and no fun make SJP a dull girl! So, anyways, I'm serious, my budget for this payperiod is $0. Except I'm meeting up with you tonight and tomorrow! Wonder what will happen! :(
