Thursday, January 21, 2010

Democrats, Independents, Republicans - Oh My!

I've debated this blog a lot - why? Well, for starters I'm not big on politics. Not big meaning if I see a politician on TV I feel like my ear drums are exploding and I change the channel. It's always a bunch of yelling anyway. But it seems relevant what with the Massachusetts's elections and all the Democrat/Republican jockeying over the aftermath.

Here's my problem with politics - it's like the cool kids club in high school. 99% of them will say whatever it takes to get elected, its all smoke and mirrors, and in the end no one really wins - its a popularity contest.

I am firmly an independent. Ah the coveted swing voter. Or the indecisive wish-washer who can't pick a party. I stand by being an independent though - I look at as I'm a free thinker - I read up on the candidates and I pick who I think is the least bullshitter. Oops did I say that out loud?

Here's what I can't stand about politics.

1. Democrats (and we're starting here b/c alphabetically they are first) are all about change - what can we do over. It doesn't have to be broken, it's just whatever is this year's token cause. There's no looking at what is going right and tweaking - its lets throw the whole thing out and start from scratch. It's all about being liberal and cool.

2. Republicans are all about we've been doing it this way for fifty years and we're always going to do it this way. They are practically the anti-change. They're the not so cool kids. It's all about tradition and morals.

3. Celebrity endorsements - if you vote for a candidate because Lindsey Lohan told you to - you're probably an idiot. I don't claim to know a lot about politics but I can guarantee I know more than her. If you voted for any candidate because someone told you to - you're probably an idiot. Vote for someone you like, who you agree with. And all the celebrities on their soap boxes can shut up - its so annoying to me. Go back to making movies, cds, writing books, etc. and stop campaigning, shoving your views down the rest of the world's throats.

4. People who vote strictly party lines because that's what they've always done. I'm sorry but I have zero respect for anyone who only votes for someone because its the cool thing to do or because their parents told them to or they always vote a certain way. Hello, check out the candidate. Would you vote for a total loser just because they happened to be on your ticket? Don't answer that.

5. How politicians are expected to solve all the world's problems but can't balance a damn budget. We're in debt. Up to our eyeballs. Stop spending and figure out how to get us out of this mess. Need help with saving and budgeting? Read the rest of my blog.

6. They need to shut up and listen to each other and to the people. It's all about agendas and deals. They can't stop yelling over each other to stop and try to work it out. I'm not voting for this because so and so supports it, etc. Stop acting like kindergartens who weren't invited to play ball and start acting like adults. Listen to each other and here's a shocker - work together.

I think I'm off my soap box. I don't know why I got so worked up about this. I just get so frustrated sometimes and then I'm glad I can use this to vent. Happy Thursday!


  1. Wow, a controversial topic, eh!? Well, I agree with most points (especially 3), but there's other areas where we could debate, but hey, that's what makes America so great, isn't it? That we both can think and do what we want and live together harmoniously!!

  2. haha I know. I almost didn't post it but I get so annoyed watching TV and everyone just trying to push their own agenda. I tried to bash everyone equally ;)

  3. Like the post and agree for the most part even with the very generalized stereotypes of the parties. What gets me going are people who vote for someone because of what some celebrity/family/friend said. Get a brain folks...

  4. haha I figured this was right up your alley Nick. :)
