I want to devote today’s blog to Britney Spears. I love Britney Spears’ music. I think everyone has a soft spot for singers and bands they liked in their teens.
My thing with Spears is this; you can say she isn’t that great of a singer that she doesn’t write her own songs, etc. but she’s a great performer and she knows what it takes to get people to like her. A year or two ago when she was flashing her privates, staying out all hours of the night at clubs, shaving her head and just generally looking like her life was a disaster pretty much everyone wrote her off as a has-been. I’ll admit I was the diehard fan – she just needed a break and then she can come back. Everyone gets stressed and her life happens to play out for the tabloids. And I'm happy to say I was right. Spears is back and looking fabulous (check out her new video 3 if you don't believe me).
Now she’s back in the tabloids because Australians are making a big deal that Spears lipsyncs at her concert. Really? I mean who didn't know that. Spears' concert is more about the performance, she's putting on a show and with all the dancing she does, she'd be out of breath if she sang. I went to Circus when it first toured and the show is amazing. It's probably one of the best concerts I went to. I went knowing she probably would lipsync all of it. I went for the experience not to hear a great singer belt out her best songs. This isn't a Celine Dion concert where she just stands there and sings (I'm guessing - I've never been to a Dion concert).
I personally feel, you know what you're getting into with her and she's not exactly the only singer that lipsyncs so I feel like she's getting a bum rap. Do I think it would be cool if she could sing a few songs live - sure but with all the dancing and effects I didn't really miss it.
I've even posted a photo from the concert. And I have to say if she ever tours again - I'll probably be there singing along.
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