Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thankful 21

I'm thankful for days when everything seems to be going right. Little things like C not getting up at 4 am, C finally going to the bathroom outside (she's a puppy if you haven't been reading), K cooking me breakfast, it's Saturday... Too many times we rush through life and take for granted the small things. A bad day is your boss yelling at you, a run in your hose and forgetting your lunch on the counter. We forget that maybe it's really a good day: you got to work in one piece, everyone is healthy, the radio played your favorite song during your commute.

I guess today I'm thankful for just stopping and smelling the roses. For taking a minute to just breathe and relax and know that things going right can be as simple as nothing major going wrong.

Happy Saturday!


  1. Glad to know you are having a good day! Breakfast from your hubby sounds wonderful!

  2. Much better than my typical Kashi.
