Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Christmas Eve and I'm a happy elf - wrapping presents, baking a ton of stuff that I normally wouldn't eat. I even went grocery shopping (battling the other three thousand people that needed to run to Kroger today). By the way apparently chicken breast and fat free cream of mushroom soup are the big sellers - sold out!! How do you sell out of cream of mushroom soup and chicken breast??? Isn't that kind of a staple like bread and milk?

Anyway, I got all my shopping done. My house smells like a cookie factory. Most of the presents are wrapped. I'm ready!

So today's Santa Claus is all things Christmas - Jesus being born, mangers, going to church, family, sparkling light, Santa (of course), presents, cookies, food... do I need to keep going?

Merry Christmas everyone!

PS no Grinch post tomorrow - hello its Christmas!!!!

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