I like the show though. Its so deliciously entertaining - like a train wreck you can't look away. It's kind of like the Bravo Housewife TV shows - I'm sure most women in the OC, NY, NJ and Atlanta don't act like those women either. Part of it is probably show and part of it is a select group of people acting the way they normally would. TV shows need outgoing, loud mouth personalities. They aren't going to film a bunch of kids sitting around drinking soda and playing board games.
The reason I'm mad about this isn't even really about the show (although there are a lot of people mad about it read here)... they were talking about it on Cosmo Radio - Wake Up With Taylor this morning. Taylor said the Jersey shore (the beach not the show) was and I quote "like gift wrapping a poop". I don't know what beaches Taylor has been to but the beaches I went to are nice (nicer than a lot of other beaches, certainly nicer than some VA Beaches I've been to). The cast of the Jersey shore are living in Seaside Heights. Which is probably not one of the classier beaches in NJ. Taylor and the crew had valid points about the cast - they are too tan, they dress slutty... I'm not arguing with that. I'm arguing with the fact that NJ people aren't all like that and the NJ Shore (the beach) is not a poop!
Second, this brings me on a side note that Wake Up With Taylor has been annoying me a lot recently (I use to love it they were so honest and funny) now they are excuse me for saying typical NYC people - snotty, self-centered and name/label droppers. "Oh my boyfriend went to such and such school... its posh." I don't really care. I don't know you're boyfriend and even if I did that is just super annoying. She also makes fun of NJ a lot - I know its one of those states like WV that its socially acceptable to make fun of... its just not that funny. It's like your mother jokes - we get it my mom's fat (not really). I get it Taylor, you and your friends are too cool for NJ - but I can guarantee you are probably one of those annoying people that camp out in a summer house on the shore and think you own the whole town. The show just isn't as good as it once was and I've been kind of hoping Cosmo will cancel it and put Cocktails with Patrick on twice a day.
Anyway... back on topic The Jersey Shore - so I think you should check it out. It's super trashy and the people are annoying but it's super funny. It's like Spencer on The Hills - I can't stand him but I can't look away either. I take it with stride - this is for entertainment not representative of NJ, the shore, Italian-Americans, etc. As I keep watching I'll post more on the subject.
Photo from MTV.com
I have GOT to watch this show. I just don't have time to type all I need to about this show, from the people boycotting it (ridiculous) to your poop comment. But know I'm reading, we can discuss in real life! But I need to start DVRing it for sure!
ReplyDeleteYou should. It's totally a trashy version of Real World but super addicting. I didn't really talk about them so much since I was fired up about Taylor calling the beaches crap... I think she's turned into a huge rich bitch. Watch they find this blog and talk about it haha but oh well... I mean seriously I know its totally pc to be able to make fun of NJ and probably WV but still it's kinda of a dick move if you've actually been to either and they are pretty nice.
ReplyDeleteWatch the show so we can discuss!!!!
Haha, I like the comment "it's totally PC to be able to make fun of NJ and WV," because it's true. And I'd go ahead and add Utah/Mormans to that list. But really, it's not all that funny when they are nice, or not doing anything to harm you, more in their little private section of the country only annoying each other!