Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Road Raging

You all know this Grinch. Bad drivers. Do I need to say more? At times we've probably all been guilty of making other drivers want to scream. But I'm talking habitual offenders. Those people that probably never should have gotten a license in the first place. Cringe-worthy drivers that make you want to dive for cover or yell obscenities. This post is for you Bad Driver Grinch...

Mr. Traffic Signs Don't Apply to me. What speed limit? Road ends? I think I'll just keep going, those other cars will move. This is the jerk going 75 in a 55 and driving in a lane that clearly ends in 10 feet. This is the guy who you drive past every day. And every day you both pass the "do not cross solid white line" sign and while you wait patiently in the right lane Mr. I Don't Read Traffic Signs flies by in the left, throws his signal on at the last second and tries to cut in front of you. Hey, Grinch, that sign that said no passing - that meant you. That sign that said 55, I don't care if you go 75 but do it in the left lane - not tailgating me and shouting at me like I'm doing something wrong for going 60. And I see you every day so its not like you didn't realize the lane ended - it's been like that since the Model T.

Mrs. Soccer Mom. I know you drive a mini-van with your 2.5 kids in the back and three dogs. Nice sticker family by the way. But I don't need you swerving into my lane because you're trying to check your kids homework, talk on the phone, put on make-up and break up a fight. Pull over.

Ms Hot Shot New Driver. Glad your dad bought you a new compact car and you've now crammed ten of your besties in. I don't even know what to say for this one.... Go to driving school maybe?

Mr. Sunday Driver Only It's 7:00 am on a Tuesday.... I know you think it's appropriate to go 25 in a 55 but it's not. And it's certainly not ok in the left lane.

I'm sure there are more Grinch drivers. I see them every day going to work. It's the habitual offenders that really tick me off. We all have our moments, changing the radio station, chatting on the phone... just try to pay attention. And if you see any of the Grinches mentioned above give them a wave...


  1. OMG! This post actually had me laughing! All of those drivers are royally Grinches, aren't they? I loved the sticker family shout out, what is that!? Haha! So lame! The Mr. Traffic Signs don't apply is the worst. I hate it when there's a back up on the highway, and the exit is just coming up and they ride on the shoulder because they don't have to wait to get to the exit, they're more important than all of us who want to get off too. Totally illegal, do we all want to do it? Yes! Do we do it? No, because we know it's illegal. I loved it once, there was a really bad backup and a police officer was waiting for those people who did that at the off ramp. Yessssss!!!!

  2. Haha I hate those stupid sticker families - I hate bumper stickers in general but really lame. They have like every pet imaginable too. I drive behind one almost every day that I swear it must be the Gossinlin's b/c there are like 5 kids, a mom and dad, and sixteen thousand pets (ok not really that many pets but at least 4).

    I love that when they get caught. The driving in the shoulder kills me. I'd love to do it too - but its illegal and you could kill someone if they were honestly in the shoulder and you're flying down.
